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Everything posted by thecow55

  1. so i dont know who cares but i have the best brother ever he has been hinting to a great bday gift he got me but wont say what it is, well my bday isnt for a month and thats how long hes been rubbing it in my face now, well he had to fly in town for biz and i had his dc mates & few cylons i picked up for him cuz we both collect, me for a year and a half and him since this last christmas he has close to me in just a few short months, well he brings my gift and cant hold it in any longer so here it is if you care cause my wife is tired of hearing me talk about mates. wolverine,phoenix 2 pack 2.lady deathstrike,patch 2pack 3.white queen, new cyclops 2 pack 4.emma frost, new cyclops variant 2 pack 5.firestar, frosted iceman variant 2 pack 6.luke cage, raft sentry variant 2 pack 7.dofp wolverine, colossus variant 2 pack 8.cyclops/ no visor, jean grey variant 2 pack 9.alice cooper unopened 10.crouching tiger- Lo unopened 11.Dark Angel unopened now that is hard to top i couldnt believe it and then he said that he could only get 1 of each and that made me feel real shitty cause i like that we both help each other out being that he lives in Atlanta GA and i live out side Louisville KY so now i have to come up with something that can top that but it aint gonna happen. thanks for reading this
  2. Just the one and we've been married for almost 16 years now. (110? Jebus. How can you afford this collection with that much alimony?) lots and lots of prostitution and selling blood
  3. how many mates are in your collections and how long you have been collecting but dont count doubles im only at 110 after a year and a half
  4. i was at the cbs when opened and the 2 packs did not come in a box like the marvels just in a brown box i got mine for 5.50 a pack and omacs legs suck they look like childbering hips other than that all mine are so tight its not funny plus not to spoil it but joker comes with a big ass gun that has a bang flag hanging from it
  5. my brother found a civilian logan/juggernaut 2 pack at a cbs and it was empty
  6. i have 2 probs 1 they all have to fall when i walk by and 2 is making it sound cool to people that seeum
  7. how about bert & ernie peanutbutter & jelly the wonder twins tom & jerry shaggy & scooby buffy & angel goku & vegeta snake eyes & storm shadow cheech & chong
  8. i want anything minimated, a top ten list is almost impossible i will try to catch anything comin my way i hate that more stores dont carry them it makes me wanna kick someone in the nuts
  9. as long as i put the idea out there, it would be 1 line that my wife would freak out over, think about a sylar mini that would kick ass
  10. i'm ready for new mates and the wait is killing me as my wallet gentley weaps
  11. "Waitin' on mates is like waitin' on babies!"- WW4M, well said my friend
  12. zombies are too dope not to buy plus the comics are great reading
  13. if you dont plan on reselling them then play away
  14. i cant believe we get zombies that is the tightest stuff ive heard about minis ever
  15. whats lcbs signed Stupid local comic book shop
  16. im not from chi but about 5 hours away i have a funeral to attend up there just wanted to know who had the hook up there, we go a few times a year but thanks for the help guys also y is it that i can get lots of the new x men mates at target but only my lcbs has the avengers 2 packs for 9 bucks that sucks
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