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Everything posted by Josh2382

  1. Always planting seeds in the forums and starting these crazy puns! Could it be possible that the extended boxset is just a gathering of fruit-based vehicles? Or does that sound like a load of pulp? April is going to pass by so slowly. I'd rather come down with scurvy than have to wait on this minimate news
  2. Just bought the reed and hulk packs to round out my first series I bought every pack of(please..don't stone me). I would love to see variants...but I don't know if that's what they shoot for with that line. I wish they would do a variant wave one day. I definitely think a series 3 will happen, though. Even if that's the last best of wave. I didn't buy the MVC version of Hulk, so how does he compare to the best of?
  3. Oh yes.. How close to the movie release will we see the "extended boxset"?
  4. I'm pretty open to any form of new xmen mate-age. I'd love another sentinel and a pyro mate. I know is incredibly soon, but has there been any talk of the actual movie mates from Zac?
  5. I could definitely see at least one xman of there is a series three. Maybe gambit, cyclops, nightcrawler,etc. In 90s era wear. Maybe a doc ock or carnage. Possibly even an electro due to the next spidey movie.
  6. I agree with this. Not discrediting storm, but have we gotten a recent ms.marvel mate?
  7. That's...really funny. Haha. And you, sir, just gave me another thing to beg mr.oat for. Maybe THAT'S how we'll get dark Phoenix Scotty!?!?!?#++@$$&?
  8. How does the TRU set for this wave work? Will it be a whole new set of figures or is it shared with the main wave?
  9. Will this be more of a summer release?
  10. Is there any news on a release date? If mr.oat said that wolvie movie mates don't have a nice outcome, this may be something to tie in. When I was little, my first toy of wolverine was weapon that would be wonderful. Maybe it isn't too late to add the parts to complete symbiotic t-rex man.
  11. Carnage 90s Cyclops(or a new 90s wave of xmen in general. I kick myself everyday for being so young and unaware when wave 34 was released) Mystique Professor X Pyro Apocalypse Toxin PF5 Magik PF5 Namor Dark Phoenix Cy Doc Ock Falcon Absorbing man Thanos Iron Spidey Electro Kraven Larger Sentinel(I know...I know...2 inch rule...but...but... Shocker and....probably my most wanted...Gambit.
  12. How would you feel about a collector's case... I would feel quite nicely about that. Yes. Yes indeed.
  13. I would like to add my voice to the capital letters in that post. Taken care of, good sir. In mostly all seriousness, I do hope we get at least one regular boxset.
  15. I must have a boxset. Far too many possibilities. There has been speak of an extended boxset in this topic..but how extended are we talking?
  16. Good idea. Would you consider TRU 15 human torch as a classic?
  17. Why, hello Mystery Man. I've seen you post quite a lot. Nice to meet you. Why, if you don't mind me asking, do you prefer the "Best Of"?
  18. For those of you with both Reeds(best of and wave 48), which do you prefer? I'm filling out my FF team and I'm not quite sure which way to go.
  19. For those of you with both Reeds(best of and wave 48), which do you prefer? I'm filling out my FF team and I'm not quite sure which way to go.
  20. Absolutely wonderful! I have to say..big agreement with Carnage! I can't wait to see this every year. Major thanks to you, sir, for doing this.
  21. I think some of those are pretty safe bets. I'd also love a new carnage.
  22. I do hope so. I want the amount of armor mates to not even make sense. A hall of armors would just be incredible.
  23. Maybe Peter Parker from the Amazing Spidey movie mates. Can anyone confirm that Ghost Rider will be/won't be translucent in the flame area?
  24. I....don't know what has happened here. And not to bring up recently posted things, but will there be any extra releases with this? A tru wave or boxset maybe? I would love an extended boxset with five or six variations of hobo Tony's coat of the day..
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