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Everything posted by elmeaux

  1. IMO, the only way the overlap could have worked out better is if that Cap/Falcon pack had the silver sticker on it instead of one of the other sets.
  2. It's not like the Panthers beat the pants off of them. Saints always seem to work better as the underdog anyway so I'm feelin ok.
  3. I'd bought an extra Agent Venom in anticipation of this set. Still needs another coat or two, but I heartily recommend Tamiya Clear Red for the job of transforming him to T-bolts color.
  4. This is different from the "gun rack" one. It's a business card holder. It's in a sort of 'z' shape.
  5. Dollar store mesh business card holder.
  6. This set is on the LCS list for tomorrow.
  7. That is pretty damn cool! Is it just AoU and Cylon parts, or anything else in the mix?
  8. Ah say sir, you have sullied the good reputation of the company with yore o-pin-ions and ah demand satisfaction. Sarcastic remarks at twenty paces!
  9. Water Polo High-Fiving? Interesting. Looking forward to the new aquatic themed Battle Beasts.
  10. If DST makes Gargoyle, I'll be happy to send you some grey paint.
  11. I always found JRJr's biggest strength was his story telling ability. Great page layouts, camera angles, and just general flow.
  12. Not meaning to criticize. To me, this line seemed very well planned out and that plan seemed to have a goal of being "complete" (granted, my knowledge of Thundercats doesn't go very deep so I don't doubt there are fans out there who may disagree on it being "complete.") I understand their reasons for not running all lines that way (don't want to over promise, need to anchor waves, need to spread out important characters, etc, etc) it just makes me happier when we get a product released like this.
  13. I didn't get to pick up mine until this afternoon. I agree completely with MisterPL. I'd love to see to see more lines handled like this one was.
  14. Makes perfect sense as a Variant. Greer originally wore the Yellow/Blue The Cat/Hellcat outfit before she became Tigra down the line.
  15. Pretty sure you're thinking of trademark.
  16. Guest Appearances This one is significant because it's a media tie in with a popular kid's TV series, the Electric Company. I'm not going to list all the guest appearances, it would fill the page. According to comic vine, Hellcat appears in 866 issues. Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Advertisement In 1972, Marvel made a push to cash in on the feminist movement with several female led titles. "The Cat" was front and center in that promotion. That's pretty significant. I guarantee there are other ads, but I'm not going to waste time looking for them. So again, when you say: and using your criteria for "spotlight", you are just plain wrong.
  17. Hellcat has had two solo mini series and was the lead character in another, Marvel Divas. Sounds like some way to me.
  19. Came across this at TRU. It's from the Dub Garage Diecast Collection. The package says it's 1:32 scale and "wide body" style, which to me gives it a bit of the deformed look like Minimate vehicles have. It seems slightly bigger than other 1:32 scale vehicles. Unfortunately like other 1:32 vehicles, the interior doesn't have enough room to fit a mate. But it might be nice to add to a street scene or something. There's also a truck and an suv in the line.
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