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Everything posted by elmeaux

  1. Ordered! I have Prime, but it said extra time required for shipping so no two day delivery.
  2. FYI, tomorrow is the last day of the 20% off sale at TSC. I'm hoping since toys are just a holiday thing there that they'll put them on sale cheaper, or have them heavily discounted right after Christmas to clear them out. This is the barn I mentioned: and the log cabin: And thanks for the nice words for my pictures.
  3. The house does have a hinge at the peak of the roof. It doesn't have much range of motion and seems kind of flimsy to me. Definitely not made for larger hands either. Here's the stage coach and wagon: The horses just don't work with minimates imo.
  4. I posted some info on the house over in the compatibility thread but I wanted to post a shot here too.
  5. Picked this house up at Tractor Supply Company over the weekend. Made me think of the farm house in the Walking Dead. Comes with a stage coach and a covered wagon too; need to dig out my Man with No Name minis for pics of those. Set was on sale for $19.99: http://www.tractorsu...05#product_tabs They also had a few other sets (a barn and a log cabin, for instance) that looked compatible.
  6. I came across a 3D model at the link above that someone is building of the camper from the TV show. I wonder how hard it would be to print it out and construct a "paper craft" camper for minimates?
  7. Can someone post or point to some pictures from the comics that match up to these costumes? I can't find any of Dazzler that matches either version. All the ones I see have only 1 pink leg band and a starburst on the opposite leg. And the only versions I see with a jacket have a very different jacket. Can't seem to find an exact match for Colossus either. In the outback look his wrist bands have yellow trim and his boots are solid red. Can't find any pics that match the yellow boot piece or solid red wrist bands.
  8. Be very careful with the extra hands. The pegs are too big for the arm holes in some. Look at the alt hand in picture of Longshot that maxcarnage posted further up. If you try to force it past that, you'll have to twist it to get it to go in but the plastic is too soft and will try to shear off. I'm going to have to get a second one because of that. And the pegs on the Colossus throw hands are just too small for the holes in Wolverine's feet. There's no "grip" to it like a minimate stand would have. Or did I just get a bad set?
  9. Really happy to be getting Mr Fixit - finishes off my "new" Fantastic Four team. So, is there a story reason for that Zola Zurfer?
  10. Weren't previous army builder dump cases numbered X of 500? That's probably the minimum. I wonder if Luke could get an exclusive? Maybe run a Kickstarter to fund it so he doesn't get stuck with unsold merch?
  11. Not surprised it was canceled; I was surprised when it was solicited...I thought it was a joke. I've got all the pirates so far, some in duplicate and I wouldn't have bought this. Honestly, it seemed like a pretty good idea for some limited give away type item, but not something to actually sell.
  12. Were they ever verified in stock? Because they do put up a place holder that will say sold out before they are actually in stock.
  13. Opaque is the new translucent. Forgot, there's also a tree limb looking staff thing not pictured. I had no idea who it went to and it seemed too thick for any of them to hold. There was a hair piece for Iron Man and Hawkeye, and the standard web line for Spidey too.
  14. Until some of these are made, what's the best scale in die cast/model vehicles for compatibility with Minimates?
  15. Had no idea these were out and stumbled across them today. Very excited to finally have my New Mutants team finished.
  16. I'd be down with getting a Rick Jones, especially if he had this as variant:
  17. So, will these be out before the Spidey Movie mates? They are also due in June, right? Needneedneed this wave.
  18. I have zero interest in Spot but I will absolutely buy a Spot 'mate if he comes with an alternate head with Spidey's arm sticking out of it.
  19. Wasn't she a ditzy socialite in the original Lee/Kirby books?
  20. Meh! I thought this was going to be a thread announcing Elric and other Moorcock characters as Minimates.
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