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Everything posted by elmeaux

  1. Found a RGB Evil Slimer set at TRU this week for $0.75.
  2. This looks like it might be cool in a Walking Dead display: Doesn't look like it is available in the US though.
  3. elmeaux

    Tru 17

    I'm impressed that this has stayed under wraps until now, with the dvd release coming Tuesday. None of the big retailers has this listed, either as a regular release or exclusive as far as I could find.
  4. elmeaux

    Tru 17

    Wave 17 were in my mailbox today. Tracking info was never updated to show that UPS or USPS even had possession of them.
  5. elmeaux

    Tru 17

    Saw these today minus any short packs. I sure hope doesn't screw up my order.
  6. I was just checking to see if anyone posted pics yet. I'll try to get some up in a bit. Here we go: Set comes with four of the gun and four of the cell phone. Also comes with extra arms for the ladies. Above pics were taken in natural light outside. The flesh tones appear badly mismatched with indoor light. I've never read the book so I'm assuming the alt look is supposed to be a swimsuit. Overall it's a nifty set of civilians.
  7. You joke, but all four at the comic shop here were like that and I saw someone NOT buy it because "it looks goofy".
  8. elmeaux

    Tru 17

    Sweet. Now if they actually arrive.
  9. Spiderman is a perennial seller in toys though. And Chuck likes Spiderman. That's gotta count for something, right?
  10. They were in stock yesterday when I posted the link. I ordered one and it shipped today.
  11. Is a movie in the works or is this just wishful thinking?
  12. FYI, the Hall of Armors is currently $24.99 at BBTS. It says it's a 24 hour sale.
  13. My local TRU has not gotten this wave. It's the first wave I can remember them not getting in years. They also just went in the recent reset from a nice 4 foot minimate section to about 8 pegs.
  14. The post directly above yours mentions in a quote characters who have been around for decades.
  15. Banshee's been around for 46… Sunfire's been around for 43...
  16. I thought it had been said previously that there is only a limited window for rights to these properties? It's too bad DST can't treat the whole MCU as an evergreen blanket line similar to Star Wars.
  17. Is the "Cage" Enterprise the same mold as "Mirror Mirror" with a different deco? The Art Asylum page says it has new "sculptural details"; what am I missing?
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