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Everything posted by SuperChefMate

  1. I questioned that too, but I looked it up and supposedly the guy who gave Ivan(Whiplash) the fake passport and ticket to Monaco was a member if the Ten Rings.
  2. Mine did not, but when I was looking at the packs on the shelf at my lcs, I noticed a couple of the Rick jackets appeared to misshapen. I wasn't sure if it was just the way it was sitting in the tray, but it.sounds like It's probably what's going in with your Rick Twisted Two-Face.
  3. Dr Baghead, I completely agree, mainly because of Dr. Rockzo, the rock and roll clown's "habit". I feel it might look weird, but right at the same time. Kind of like Duff and Panthro with their ears.
  4. This would be my first time for anything of this kind, but I would like to give participating a go!
  5. If anyone here is a Metalocalypse fan, Poison's hair piece would be perfect for a Dr. Rockzo, the rock and roll clown custom. But the only problem is the his spikey red ball nose, since minimates have no noses.
  6. That Gladiator came out awesome! Though I remember him from when he graced the pages of Captains America for an issue.
  7. Thank you b00sted, I completely forgot! I'm so excited for tomorrow now. I really hope we get more after this, though sales don't seem too high around me.
  8. I would like to die knowing minimates are still going strong. I want to be buried with a couple of them too.
  9. Looks so much better than the previous bits and pieces we have seen. The rising from the ashes angle should be cool, probably reference his capture in the first one. There was a small interview with Feige in USA Today about the movie. Some excerpts are on marvelous news;
  10. I agree with Hellpop and CortherX, I have my Dazzler with her second hairpiece and no jacket. The only X-men who wear jackets I feel are Gambit, Rouge, and Jubilee. And nice group shot CortherX.
  11. I am definitely for it, we are getting a lot for the price increase; and compared to the price of other comic figures, it's still better than the rest.
  12. Just watched the trailer, and the new armour doesn't look as bad when its moving and with the special effects. Though, it is only an 18 second trailer and the suit was there for less the half; looking forward to Tuesday now.
  13. There wasn't anything like that on display at the con, nor was there anything about it at the panel. Hellpop might know something we don't; but from what I have seen, there is no straight up gray hulk in the immediate future. Ps. I completely agree with you Kostis, the MvC red hulk not is really red hulk. I would also like to get a bulked up red hulk too, but not before gray hulk.
  14. From what I saw at nycc, the extras for Joe fix-it were for an alternate Joe fix-it with a torn shirt, tie, and vest combo. Im talking talking the blue pants and gray skin, maybe tattered white shirt, but that's all.
  15. I was thinking it would be cool if we could get an alternate color 4 pack as a con exclusive or something. Definitely grey hulk, and yellow daredevil, maybe black costume punisher with white gloves and boots, and maybe a more comic accurate x-men suit deadpool. Though, daredevil and deadpool wouldn't be a straight color swap, they would require slight changes. I don't know if that would make it more unlikely to happen, but that would be really great. That's just how I feel though, I really want a bulked up gray hulk and up dated yellow daredevil.
  16. It was my pleasure Zach, and thank you and everyone else at Dst for all your generosity! Any help I can give as thanks for all the greatness that Dst and minimates have given me and everyone else over the years is without question. The exhibit was incredible and Dst always has one of the best booths at cons, even with the things that happened this year. I can't wait for C2E2 and the triumphant return of the Build a Mate booth(hopefully)! Of course any assistance you might need, is all yours.
  17. I think bbts doesn't want people to get confused about how many mates come in the wave, since banner is just parts to swap.
  18. Winkerbean, that scenery piece awesome is awesome! Did you make it?
  19. They were handed out every day at the Dst booth, for the first hour or until they ran out of that days amount.
  20. Thanks MiniL, I already knew that part, but thanks. I was referring to how there might be some minimates/walking dead fans that don't know minimates as well as we do, and might be ordering the mis-labeled sets without knowing that the are mis-labeled; and how that might reflect on the buyer. I was curious as to how many people are about to go through that.
  21. Wow, I'm surprised by that. It looks like they are changing a lot, but it looks pretty good. It seems like it will be reminiscent of the original, but I'll still remain cautious until I see more.
  22. I remember, I just mean that it is great that we are getting so many extras for alternation looks in packs. We've gotten them in the past, but it is definitely being done more and more. It is also with out a doubt one of my favorite things about minimates, and it's becoming the future of minimates(Marvel wave 47 and Walking dead wave 1 are good examples) in a way. So with the best of 2 extras, whether all, none, or some are produced; its the the thought and the effort that are most appreciated.
  23. I'm interested in knowing how many people who buy minimates or walking dead items, and don't know them well enough to know who is susposed to be in the TRU wave, are going to order them now only to be confused or disappointed once shipped.
  24. I think I'm to have to pick up at least 2 or 3 of each pack for all the possible alternation looks. I am really loving how much Dst is trying to incorporate so much in extras and alternation pieces. Its a great gift to the fans that is much appreciated.
  25. They are taking some really big leaps with that final page in Uncanny Avengers, but I can sort of see where they are going with it. They are really trying to bring in a big reason for both groups to be working together so intertwined, especially with: Also it I think its not a huge stretch for those 2 characters to be together because: All I'm really saying is I will give it a couple more issues before judging.
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