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Ronan The Accuser

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Everything posted by Ronan The Accuser

  1. I thought that was one of his crew from Planet Hulk... the guy that used the old magic. Hrmon or something? Celestial would make sense too though, especially if it's the end of the gods. I dunno.
  2. Could the wolf be Fenris? That would make sense with the ragnarok theme. Those mystery minis are neat, Executioners expression is priceless. Anyone know how big those things are? I'm curious if Surtur could be used in a minimate display as a larger fig. Same with that wolf. I'm currently using the wolf from DC Directs Enemy Ace set as my Fenris stand in. Also, can't wait to see that minimates Executioner and hope he can fit in style wise with a 616 display.
  3. Lots of good stuff to talk about in this thread, where to start? Old comics vs New comics: Some good points have been made about price point ($10 Spidey issue anyone?) and how quick of a read they are. Moon Knight had a few recent issues that took less than 5 min to read. I personally miss the thought balloons and editors notes, I thought they helped with characterization when the art perhaps couldn't convey the point being made. A sore spot for me is continuity. I loved how tightly the Marvel universe was wound from the 60's through the 80's. Now not so much. Waids DD had that great Ikari storyline where Bullseye was reduced to a prisoner of his own body. Now in the new series he showed up healthy and back in the game with no explanation, and they even touched on some of the elements from Waids story while ignoring others?! Too much exposure is another issue with me. Having the same character appear in 5 monthly titles (don't even get me started on Wolverine) isn't helping with story quality. It feels like the industry as a whole is rushing to their own demise by completely over-saturating the market. And this has been happening for a while. It's hard to stay committed when decades worth of stories are being packed into years. Nothing seems new or fresh. Another point is the believability factor. Sure the suspension of disbelief is a major factor (a man can fly?) but how far can you push it? What made some of these characters so endearing is the impossibility of their existence. Banner into the Hulk was a million to one fluke. Sure, they dabbled in it by creating the Leader, Abomination and even She-Hulk. But now how many gamma powered entities are running around the Marvel universe? It seems like every member of the classic Hulk supporting cast has been gamma powered at some point. Where's my gamma powered Gaffer?! You could use the same argument with Spidey, Iron Man or Thor. They just keep pushing the boundaries of believability to the point of ridiculousness. Even in comic book reality how many Hulks could the world support, much less survive? "Major" events are another thing that has pushed me away as a reader. Too much and far too often. It feels like every titles story gets derailed for three months at a time so they can tie in to a big event. Lately i've been seeking out lesser titles that can avoid this and even that doesn't work most times. And nothing ever changes it seems. DC's Infinite Crisis is the event that jumped the shark for me. You watched Superboy and Anti-Monitor "die" and then pages later, in the same issue, they were brought back... to set up the next event. No thanks. Unmade characters from wave 50 For me personally I'd be happy if some of those character variations never happen. A new character like Gladiator or Wrecker is what i'm after and to be honest i'd rather see a Melvin Potter Gladiator before the Shiar version. I'd still love to see Warwolves, Mindless Ones or Dire Wraiths as army builders. Oddly enough, if they made a classic Multiple Man i'd only want one for my X-Men display. Go figure. Libraries Interesting suggestions for trade reading. I live in a small town and I don't believe my local library offers the networking between institutions that Zach mentioned. It's certainly worth looking into though, perhaps I could get that option from one of the bigger city libraries. Sounds like a great idea. This thread I think we, as a group, have found a way to make this thread interesting. But for wave 75 guesses I gotta agree with Zach, too early. We know almost nothing about this wave. I'm still curious to see how the wave 74 guesses and "sure locks" turn out before moving to another. My two cents. I am glad the current comics discussion broke out, it feels like that was a long overdue one. * The viewpoints represented in this post are meant to represent the opinion of poster Ronan the Accuser only. Thanks.
  4. Yep, he was definitely introduced before graduation. Ha, he did. No spoilers, when he made his statement in the gym I turned to a friend and whispered "i'd kill him, for real". Which probably explains why I don't have super powers.
  5. I ordered two sets from my lcs to have both Mastermind and the Professor and for two Pietro's. One gets light green arms and legs with dark eupaulettes for his original Brotherhood look. The other gets light green gloves, boots and trunks for his Kooky Quartet look. If I can scrounge up pixie boots for both looks i'll do that too. Easy peasy. Second Marvel Girl mask goes for a custom and second toad goes in another part of my display. Mastermind gets Brown hair for my ideal look. Second purchase = justified.
  6. Nice suggestion. I could really get behind that and I'm sure my local lcs could too. ? The variant situation would still need to be resolved and as Hellpop mentioned maybe it's time for that to go. I'd hate to lose out on characters like Silver Samurai or Shapanka Blizzard but something has to give. It's becoming far to hard to collect in general and I detest paying shipping and online markups on certain packs. I want to support my local shop and buy my favorite action figure line. That shouldn't be an impossible task.
  7. I thought it was a very fun movie. They really nailed the "young" part which was very refreshing. No spoilers, but a scene that takes place in a building towards the end really shows how young this character is. His first reaction to the situation came across perfectly. It was the perfect reaction for THIS Spider-Man. His interaction with established mcu characters was handled well and not overbearing. I also really dug the realistic aspect of how this guy gets around. I went into this movie with no expectations and came out very satisfied. I would definitely recommend it.
  8. Add me to the list of people whose lcs has stopped ordering minimate waves. I was given the bad news when I tried to order the last Wolverine wave. I was their only steady customer and usually pre-ordered two sets of each comic wave. They saw the success of the first Avengers movie wave and kept ordering all of the movie sets even though they had no pre-orders. They ended up deep discounting Avengers 2, Cap 3, Guardians 2 and Dr Strange. They took another hit on Ghostbusters and a Turtles wave. They also ordered multiple Best Of sets and are still eating those. From what I was told, they were shocked by the lack of Best Of sales and that, combined with Dr Strange not moving at all for them, convinced them to stop ordering Marvel sets. Apparently they misjudged their customer base and ordered stuff they hoped would sell. I received a 25% discount on all toys I ordered so that makes it an even more bitter pill to swallow. They should still be able to order box sets so there is still a glimmer of hope. I now have to order waves online as they were the last shop in a 60 mile radius still ordering. Even one of the big chain stores dropped out of ordering waves about 2 years ago at all locations. Its pretty bleak in my area at this point. As someone that used to order ML i've gotta say, that Darkhawk is an amazingly nice figure. On the rare occasions i've come across one I look at it for a few minutes and I never cared for the character much. That figure is fantastic though.
  9. I don't have any issues with the trailer, kinda liked it. I'll be checking it out to see where it goes. I liked the Lockjaw teleportation effect.
  10. Top wants that I've been able to scratch off the list would be... GSXM Banshee, Sunfire, Firelord, Gabriel, Ronan, classic Drax, Mar-vell, classic Falcon, Adam Warlock (still want the Starlin version or "thunderbolt" look), Vulture, Aim agents, Grim Reaper, Modok, Union Jack, Black Bolt, Lockjaw and a few others. Would still love to see the rest of the Inhumans, original Guardians and Liberty Legion. For individual characters I'm still hoping for Spitfire, mighty Destroyer, Hellcat, 3-D Man, FA Wonder Man, Shang-Chi, Jack of Hearts, Two-Gun Kid, Stingray, Whizzer and Attuma. Oh and classic Magus too! Along with a few more.
  11. I'd gladly buy both of those, for real. Really.
  12. Sort of? The lines under each side of visor lead me to think that's what they were going for. But with the better sculpts they can do now I'd like to see them take another crack at it. And as mentioned, he needs the buccaneer boots. His mask would be slightly different too!
  13. Testify! I'm in the same boat. Not sure what to make of this wave as most of the guesses are not exactly in my wheelhouse. It's interesting to watch people toss ideas back and forth though. All I can really add is that I'd loooove to see Madame Web (original look) as the non-Parker Spider-verser. As for the classic Asgardian villain (yay!) I'm really hoping it's Ulik. Nothing against Surtur or Y'mir but i'd be less enthusiastic about them at standard minimate size. While I can justify a smaller Sentinel those two would be problematic for me.
  14. Have we ever had a true "Byrne" visor or mask? I don't recall any. Yellow for me too please. I honestly think that's Cyclops best costume, probably due to that being my favorite X-Men era.
  15. Me too. Will definitely be picking up a second Quicksilver for an Avengers display though.
  16. I don't do wave breakdowns but there are quite a few DD villains I wouldn't mind seeing turn up at some point. Mandrill and Nekra would be pretty terrific imo, along with Death Stalker, Masked Marauder, Leap Frog, Man-Bull and Jester. And please, let's not forget Cobra and Mr Hyde! Newbies like Lady Bullseye and Ikari would work for me too. I'd take the ones previously mentioned too, like Gladiator, Owl, Mr Fear, Nuke, Purple Man and Typhoid Mary. I'd even buy a blue Stilt Man, Turk and Grotto. Puh-lenty of DD villains to add to my collection!
  17. Sure, let me see if this works. I'm posting from my phone so not sure how this will turn out. In case it doesn't, let me try to explain. It's a standard minimate head with the "horns" coming out of the side. No over the top piece or neck attachment, like a new head mold with the face/mask tampo added on. Its pretty neat. I'm curious why they didn't give her a blue head with a mask to fit over it. I took a pic from the back, it seemed clearer that way. Lets see how this turns out! Eh, it's not turning out. Can't get it to link up or insert the pic. Can anyone else help out with this and post a shot of the head?
  18. My local Walgreens, the one that hasn't received any new sets since series 1, got these in. I was preparing to make the rounds and at the last minute figured i'd start there, very glad I did! Saved me time and gas. I grabbed a Kang set and a Proxima Midnight set. Both figures turned out very nice, love the bright colors on Kang but will probably stick with the original as my main one. The PM headpiece is pretty wild, not at all what I expected. I'm still curious as to why DST went with the head design they chose as opposed to a helmet. Speaking of helmets, Kangs helmet reminds me of someone else in the Marvel universe but I just can't place it. Also, re: Proxima Midnight. Part of the reason I found her name so amusing a few pages back (and still do) is because i thought she was a character they made up for the animated show. The name just seemed like something that was thrown together. Imagine my surprise in finding out she's a 616 character. Curious to see if the rest of the Black Order shows up in the future. Just might build them up around Thanos in the villains display. Maybe. Regardless, i'm very glad that new waves are showing up locally. Hope it's a sign of distribution improving.
  19. I'm thinking the same thing. I'm in for that fantastic Hela headgear... unless she comes in a two pack, then I'll jump on that. A little green paint on the headgear and face = close enough to classic comic look for me.
  20. Now that is a great looking set! Fantastic job by DST on squeezing Mastermind in there, including his jacket is icing on the cake. Toad looks spot on, I can't believe we're finally getting him. Quicksilver looks good but i'd love to see the light green gloves, boots and trunks added if at all possible. I can't wait to assemble the original Brotherhood! I've got a classic Magneto and Scarlet Witch ready to go for when this set arrives. Marvel Girl looks perfect and gives me hope that we could see a graduation day box set at some point.
  21. Very sad news. He was the Batman of my youth and still a favorite. Loved his voice and his deadpan delivery. I can lose hours at a time watching episodes of the show getting caught up in all of the Bat-campiness. Thanks for the memories Adam. "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
  22. Thirded! Loving all of the classic comic waves and can't wait for Silver Samurai to arrive.
  23. I agree! I've enjoyed this show from the beginning and it keeps getting better imo. I loved the Agents of Hydra/LMD arc and was impressed with all of the returning characters. It was great seeing Ward, Tripp and even Bakshi again. It was interesting how Aida went from robotic looking, to slightly dowdry as Agnes and then quite striking in her final incarnation. I hadn't noticed how attractive she really was until she was processing human emotions. Radcliff's moment on the beach was nice too, I grew to like his character a lot. Looking forward to what next season brings!
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