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Everything posted by TheAnvil

  1. I hope to see Pumyra above anyone else. I'd also like to see Lynxo and Bengali. Not sure who the 4th normal sized character could be though? Maybe Claudus or a villain like one of the rats? I'd like to see another Berbil, maybe Snarfer too.
  2. I would buy an Ash Williams. So there are going to be minimates or is this a "would be awesome if" kind of threads?
  3. That's ok for USers, but shipping to the UK for a single pack of those Minimates is $35 apparently!
  4. Wow.. These things are expensive. No way am I paying $27 a pack for these, and then another $35 for the Jolly Roger. Nearly $100 (including shipping) for 10 mini-figures and a vehicle?
  5. I am an enormous wrestling fan. Give me a Bret Hart and I'll dance for days.
  6. Best is to not bother with someone that stupid. LOL.
  7. Don't know if you guys have seen these yet? Iron Man 3 'Mates.
  8. If they announced TMNT Minimates then they'd be the best toymaking company ever.
  9. Hopefully we'll see some more Capcom minimates.
  10. I sincerely hope the series goes past series 4. I desperately want Pumyra, Lynxo and Bengali.
  11. So, I recently discovered that there were some prototypes made of a wave of Kellogg's Minimates. It's a real shame that these didn't see the light of day. Any chance that they could be revived as some kind of exclusives? They looked so awesome.
  12. I love Onslaught. I'm just surprised that a character like Mockingbird is more popular than Banschee or Gladiator (who is part of one of the most prominent story archs in comic history).
  13. No idea how I missed this for so long. Any chance any of the characters that didn't get the highest votes will end up in future waves?
  14. Is this seriously right? People voted for Songbird over Banschee or Gladiator?! .
  15. Kinda disappointing that set 4 is mostly alternate versions of characters we already have. Still, it's awesome to have Groon.
  16. Have they said what the 4th box set is going to be? We saw Mumm-Ra The Eternal Living but what did the rest of the set have in it? Have I missed something or have they confirmed that there's going to be a 5th set?
  17. I would imagine that an MvC2 line would sell exceptionally well considering it's overall popularity. It's still more beloved than MvC3 and includes many characters that MvC3 doesn't. I'd be down for a Resident Evil (or RE6 line), Street Fighter, Megaman, Dead Rising or pretty much any other Capcom line. I just want more Capcom 'Mates. The biggest disappointments with the SFxT line were that we got Ryu and Chun-Li AGAIN when we could have had a character that hasn't received Minimate treatment like Dhalsim, Vega or Balrog. The other big disappointment is that we didn't get a Megaman and Pacman set, which would have made for a perfect exclusive at one of the Comic Cons. I'd personally rather they move on to a new Capcom line instead of a wave 3. It'd be nice to get some more Resident Evil characters, I'm sure they'd be hot sellers.
  18. They're on the game as DLC, so maybe if they do a wave 3 they could be possible.
  19. Man, this pack is so good, the bulked up Eddie Venom is by far the best minimate I have ever seen. Mine just arrived. There are so many different ways you can display him, @CableNathan. No I don't like the "best of" Venom prototype so far, it at least doesn't look as good as this one. I was also not much interested in the rest of the set, but I needed a Venom for my Marvel vs Capcom display, and after getting this set, all 4 of them are excellent minimates.
  20. Maybe they can move on to a general Capcom line after this. Then we can get the SF characters we need, but in the comfort of characters that would sell well like Frank West, Megaman and Leon Kennedy.
  21. It's sold 4.5 million copies so assume that's pretty strong sales. I agree that a general RE line would be much better. But I thought that RE 6 had done well and with it's recent release would have probably been a good idea to just call the line RE 6 . If they did a Steve Burnside Minimate I would.... I don't know but I'd be REALLY excited!
  22. With Resident Evil 6 doing so well financially and DST having made two different series of Capcom minimates, do you guys think that there is a possibility of Resident Evil 6 Minimates? Although a huge Resident Evil fan I have not yet bought or played RE6 as I was not happy with the demo and the direction of the series heading more to a Call of Duty style game. However, that wouldn't stop the Minimates from being absolutely awesome. I am also sure that they would sell incredibly well. I would love to see them splice some classic Res game characters in the waves too. For example wave 1 could look like this: Pack 1: RE 6 - Chris Redfield & Piers Pack 2: RE 6 - Leon Kennedy & Helena Pack 3: RE 6 - Jake & Sherry Pack 4: RE 6 - Ada Wong & Carla Pack 5: RE 1 - Wesker & Chris Redfield (TRU exclusive (in their S.T.A.R.S uniforms)). Pack 6: RE 2 - Leon Kennedy & Claire Redfield (TRU exclusive).
  23. I'm not very keen on that Venom, I'll stick with the one that's coming out in the 4 pack. Although that Punisher is certainly going to be mine. I'm now glad I held off on getting the tru Spiderman/Punisher set!
  24. No need, I ordered another pack. I'll give Kyle Reese the extra Shotgun and Wesker the extra Magnum. Thanks though.
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