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Everything posted by boyd

  1. Deadpool's right - it's Susan Richards sitting there, mocking me with her presence and retro hair style.
  2. But it's the Invisible Woman 2-packs! I shouldn't have to hide her - she should just disappear!
  3. Agreed. I could have voted twice and not given all my favorites a vote. There's a lot of good work here. Everyone should be proud.
  4. Out of four nearby Targets, I finally found one that got in the new X-Men / Spidey sets. I would love to know how these get distributed. Or how I can trick the other stores into restocking.
  5. Congrats to you and your family, Lurch!
  6. HOW DARE YOU? I WORKED HARD ON THAT SHADE OF BLUE!!!! Call my work flawed I outta flaw your head.... (Very much just kidding. I enjoyed working on this contest a lot more than I thought I would, and would love to do it again next year)
  7. I'm away from the forum all weekend, and that's when everyone posts their entry. There's a lot of great entries. Is it too early to start asking for this as a regular contest?
  8. Thanks for all the kind words about Iceman, guys. I have to give my wife some of the credit for him, because she was the one who showed me how to do it with her "Where the Wild Things Are" Max custom. It's a mixture of white paint, glue and fine grain sand that was applied pretty thick to give the idea of a snowy texture.
  9. I'm guessing the new Thunderbolts will be the secret project that Dan Slott is working on - Marvel's own version of the Suicide Squad with A-list villians and a bunch of nobodys who always get killed. Might be where Speedball ends up... As for what happens to the current Thunderbolts - dunno. Maybe they get a new name? Join the Avengers? End up guest-starring a lot in Cabel & Deadpool? End up joining the Great Lake Avengers?
  10. Exactly. A side-effect of the "Multiple Wolverine Principle" is the sheer number of Wolverine Minimates that exist.
  11. Their cloning technique was discovered after years of research on how Wolverine could be appearing in multiple comics at the same time.
  12. So now that the Minimate & cars are out, how soon until we have the "Customize the Mach 5 into the Batmobile" contest?
  13. Found them in the Des Moines IA TRU! Go get them, Iowa Minimate fans! um, are there any other Iowa Minimate fans?
  14. Well, my entry is finished. It's another X-Men cover.
  15. I'm confused - do you mean post in this thread, or in a secret, undisclosed thread somewhere on the board? Oh, and I love Minimate Multiverse!
  16. What about Thor? 2" or 2.5" tall?
  17. Well, it only kills all plant life, not animals. Unless the animal was made from plants. But it's the right answer - you're up!
  18. Green Kryptonite kills Superman. But what does White Kryptonite do?
  19. Hellblazer and Swamp Thing?
  20. I printed out copies of the DC Minimates control art, then cut them out and taped them to other Minimates. If you squint, they kinda look like the real things. Kinda.
  21. Name the six members of the Metal Men.
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