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Everything posted by boyd

  1. I had a few of those guys in the Lego sets I had when I was a kid. I hated them because the arm joints broke so easily. I really wanted the blocky figures instead. Then I got into G.I. Joe and left Lego behind.
  2. Hopefully will have a few to post soon. Stupid holiday season, being all festive and monopolizing my time...
  3. I hope they do reissue it. It's unfair that characters like Spider-Man 2099 or Ultimate Spider-Man got regular releases while the best known Spidey variant had to be a chase figure. What I think will happen is that they'll do a movie black-suited Spidey - the normal-looking Spider-Man costume in shades of gray - as part of a Spider-Man movie wave. With re-issues of Venom, Green Goblin and Mary Jane, maybe?
  4. The 4-packs are good quality. I've opened two packs and haven't had a problem with any of them.
  5. I'm happy we're getting a Wave 15, but sad it has to be a movie tie-in. I'll wait and see what the final Minimates look like before I decide what I think - a coll-looking Minimate is a cool-looking Minimate even if it's tied into a Nic Cage movie. If these come out at the same time as the movie, they might do well. If they're in Target at the same time as the movie (and action figures) then this wave could do well. At least the Johnny Blaze / Nic Cage Minimate will be easy to get. I need lots of Nic Cage Minimates. In a perfect world, I can make Nic Cage customs for all his movies! Con Air Minimates! The Rock Minimates! Leaving Las Vegas Minimates! And so on.
  6. Variants - I think the only ones I don't have are the ones from the latest waves and the Visorless Cyclops. Customs - only the ones I've made. Rarities - I have a red blank from the 2003 (?) Chicago ComicCon. My wife has a Silver Spidey which she lets me look at sometimes if I'm good.
  7. I gotta say "no variants" too. I'm happy with getting eight figures per line and the diverse characters. Variants just seems unnecessary and a little annoying.
  8. I agree with a lot of what been said here: It's an older property that wasn't that hot to begin with. A small run of figures (like the 5-person box set) would sell to collectors and geeks in general, depending on price. The army builders (robots, cops) has no appeal outside of collectors, and would have to be really cheap to let them buy in bulk. The vehicles would be a near-impossible sell.
  9. Whoo-hoo bonus! Don't feel bad about falling behind. I'd much rather see something good that you're happy with rather than something you slapped together to meet a deadline. Like this:
  10. Yeah, I was wondering what happened to this week's episode, too.
  11. Found the entire wave at TRU this morning (boo-yah!). MODOK wasted no time making himself at home.
  12. Why oh why can't I find these in Iowa? I need a MODOK. I need a MODOK bad.
  13. It certainly wouldn't hurt. Especially if they did "Build a Henchman" waves where you could build HYDRA goons, AIM goons, Hellfire Club goons, etc. It's sad how many Minimates I would buy if they did that.
  14. That's good news! Thanks for passing that along. Now, is anyone else bothered by the fact that everyone seems to have a sculpted belt piece now? It makes sense on Steel and Bane where the belt is a fairly detailed piece, but why give them to Flash and Cyborg Superman? There's nothing special about their belts and could just as easily be done with paint or tampo. Yeah, that's right - my only complaint about the new wave is they're TOO detailed.
  15. Cyborg Supes looks a little off - like the human part of his face is too low. Otherwise, love them all. Wildcat and Batgirl are great, and I wish I had thought about using two different reds on my Deadman Minimate - really makes him pop.
  16. I want a Mr. Fantastic Minimate that's stretched out like that.
  17. I had four Sue / Thing packs clogging the shelves at a local Target, and they still got in the new Minimates. So don't lose hope - Sue / Thing won't keep you from new Minimates. By the way, the new Minimates have sold out and Sue / Thing are still on the shelves.
  18. I'm not JP, but I do know Magic Sculpt, so my two cents: Magic Scuplt cures hard, but not rock-hard. You can sand it pretty easy with sandpaper, and even carve it with an exacto-knife if you need to. But it can be brittle depending on how thick the piece is - the thinner the piece, the easier it is to break. Your results may vary depending on how you mix the Magic Sculpt. I tend to mix it quickly and sometimes don't keep the proportions in the right scale. One time by accident I was able to create a batch that cured solid, but can bend and flex like an eraser.
  19. This makes me very happy because I can get a bunch of Skrulls now. And hopefully in the future they can release the other henchmen - I very much want an army of AIM agents. Very very much. MODOK needs a posse.
  20. And I was just wondering if there would be another contest announced now that the Sci-Fi one has wrapped up. Didn't expect it within hours of the last contest, though...
  21. Congratulations! A lot of great work all around!
  22. Dragon's Lair is good for Minimates, too. I picked up an extra C3 Javelin there once. I'm surprised that they haven't gotten the new waves in yet. Like you said, hopefully this week.
  23. What a great bunch of customs by everyone! Everyone who entered - give yourself a pat on the back.
  24. Which store do you go to? Austin Books was good about getting the new Minimates in while I shopped there.
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