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Joe Hill

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Everything posted by Joe Hill

  1. I agree! But maybe switch out Sabretooth for The Blob. Sabretooth was never really a big part of the Brotherhood in the comics, plus he warrants a his own two-pack as the classic look is pretty iconic.
  2. He DIRECTLY murdered his brother! Scar stabbed Mufasa in the paws while he was struggling to get up the cliff, shouting for help. He looked Mufasa in the eyes and said "Long Live the King" and let go, causing Mufasa to fall into the wildebeast stampede. Had Scar not stabbed him and thrown him off, Mufasa probably would have been able to hang on long enough for the wildebeast to leave completely or he may have actually been able to climb onto the cliff ledge itself. Scar KILLED him directly. Hi, I'm Trekker 42 and I have been overobsessed with Disney for most of my life. I admit that I have a problem. Oh you are completely correct. I forgot about that scene, I was just thinking about how Mufasa got trampled by the stampede. That gives extra emphasis on how evil Scar was.
  3. If they were introducing War Machine, then it is understandable if Howard wanted a higher salary. His role would be increased significantly, and he would be doing the same work as Robert Downey Jr. He likely wanted a similar pay to Downey. However, the movie is called "Iron Man," and Robert Downey Jr is a much bigger name. I don't like how Don Cheadle looks nothing like Terrence Howard or Jim Rhodes. Jim Rhodes is broad and bulky, whereas Cheadle is scrawny and a few inches shorter. But Cheadle is a good actor, so I have faith in the sequel.
  4. Thanks for the great pictures everyone! I think I prefer Pepper's hair down instead of up. Mark III is the best Iron Man, and Iron Monger is huge! I'm surprised he was accepted under the 2 inch rule.
  5. Well, the only Disney Films I ever watched were Peter Pan, The Lion King, Toy Story, and Aladdin... so I'll just rank those ones. My friend always tells me how I only like the "boy" movies. Anyhow... 4. Sid. --He was a mean bully... and I felt bad for his sister to have such a destructive older brother. 3. Jafar. --The guy was on a power trip. He kept needing to be more and more powerful... until it basically screwed him over. Plus he had his inappropriate advances towards Jasmine behind the Sultan's back, and who knows how many people died for him after being consumed by the Cave of Wonders. 2. Captain Hook. --We all know Captain Hook was bad. He never keeps a promise, and he is willing to hurt young children for his cause. Heck, he repeatedly tried to drown young girls (Wendy & Tiger Lily). 3. Scar. --While he didn't try to drown young girls (as far as we know), Scar did indirectly murdered his brother and attempted to murder his nephew. All just to be king. He also let the Hyenas take over Pride Rock, and made life miserable for all. On top of that, he betrayed his family, as well as the Hyenas. The guy could not be trusted, he had no decency whatsoever. He also wins for best song: "Be Prepared," where he explicitly sings delightfully about murdering Mufasa and Simba. Worst Uncle Ever.
  6. Your customs are excellent! I really like your X-Men Moviemates (as you can tell by my signature, I am bit of a fan of them myself)! Professor X's wheelchair looks really cool too. Seeing your Dark Knight customs makes me wish they made a series out of that movie, it would have been so cool. You should finish up the rest of the cast for sure. Indiana Jones is a favorite as well.
  7. Both Lilandra and Deathbird are excellent! DST quality for sure. I love seeing your customs!
  8. BEETLEJUICE! Beetlejuice, Adam, Barbara, Lydia, Shrunken-Head Guy Accessories include Handbook for the Recently Deceased, Slip on "stretch-faced" masks for Adam & Barbara, Hunting Rifle for Shrunken Head Guy, and alternate hair piece for Beetlejuice with snakes coming out. I included pictures for reference, in case you are not aware of the movie:
  9. That would be Full House and Roseanne. BS Well done! But I agree, this show is bound to be just like Smallville. I remember Pre-Smallville, when originally a 'Bruce Wayne becoming Batman' show was in development. It was going to have Bruce, Alfred, Harvey Dent, Selina Kyle, Vicky Vale, Jim Gordon etc all as young adults, and have Bruce encounter all his future villains prior to them turning to crime (e.g.: Jonathan Crane as a University Psychology Professor). However, since at the time of development, the Batman license was being developed into a new movie franchise, the TV show never happened. Then came Smallville. So since Nolan has said MANY times how Robin will not be introduced into the new movies, it means he is probably free to have his own TV show. This is The CW's solution to the soon-to-be ending Smallville and then inability to use Batman in anything.
  10. I am okay with everything but "DJ." When I think of DJ I have two spots in my mind already filled: 1) The eldest of Danny Tanner's daughters (and in my opinion the one that turned out the prettiest). 2) Roseanne's weird son. They should just go with "Dick." If the viewer isn't mature enough to handle that, then they shouldn't be watching the show anyhow. Also, bonus points to anybody who knows what "DJ shows" I am referring to.
  11. "Fully-Iced" X-Men 3 Iceman. Yes, yes, I know. I am the minority. Can I help the fact that I am obsessed with X-Men Moviemates?
  12. That repetition for emphasis, right Joe? I really wanted to get my point across.
  13. I did the same thing Trekker. The tubes were a pain to deal with. and it makes it so Apocalypse's arms stay by his side.
  14. All your designs are awesome, but Selene and Banshee are especially well-done. Good work!
  15. Very original custom! What made you decide on this character?
  16. It's cool that we both created a very similar character! Gravitron like the carnival ride space ship? I remember that, it got banned from our fair because kids would turn themselves upside down, but then not turn themselves right-side up again when the ride slowed down. So there were a lot of injuries of kids falling on their heads. Personally, I felt if a person didn't know when to turn themselves around, they deserved to fall on their head. While I understood what the original poster was trying to say/discuss, I do admit that if he/she was going to start a thread, he/she should at least positively contribute to the main topic. That's what I was trying to do. Don't, it was funny.
  17. I struggled at first but then I of course realised that these words are printed on the front of a condom packet. I really hope my condoms don't make my own characters of creation, or else they aren't doing their job at all! I definitely would not be amazed at my creation!
  18. That's a bit harsh and unnecessarily rude. To add to the thread, I did once create a female super villain for Spidey when I was young that was able to control the gravity around herself or another person. Therefore if Spider-Man tried to attack her, she could reduce the pull around him and he would jump and simply fly off uncontrollably. She also had the opposite effect of increasing the gravitational pull and slamming Spider-man to the ground. She also could hold people in place and prevent them from catching her, since they aren't strong enough to lift their feet from her increased gravitational pull downward. She was kind of like Doc Ock, extremely defensive and hard to actually hit, but once Spidey actually reached her one punch knocked her out. Maybe I should design a custom mate? I don't know, the idea is pretty dorky, I just thought Spidey needed more female villains. To add to the dorkiness, her name was Gale Newton, which was a play on Galileo and Sir Issac Newton. I never could think up a code name for her..
  19. I wish they would make: More X-Men Moviemates. I love the ones we got, and I want more! I resorted to customizing to satisfy this craving.
  20. That's my plan too! Also, does anyone want the monster-y guy Picard comes with... sorry, I don't know Star Trek. But he is available if anyone wants him. Actually all I need is the Picard head, so if anyone wants an extra Star Trek Picard suit, that is available too. Or maybe if anyone wants to just sell/trade me a Picard head... that would be super.
  21. I mean, just look at how those those non-Movie Masters Dark Knight figures are flying off the shelves I kid, I think Minimate Dark Knight figures would sell out for sure, given that they didn't oversaturate the market like they have been doing with certain other figures. Ack! Those look terrible!! It looks like a drunk painted them with one hand tied behind his back while hopping on one foot. I know that is an exaggeration... but not really... they look horrible. Why have a detailed Batman sculpt with a cartoon Joker?
  22. That is too bad because a Dark Knight boxset would fly off the shelves right now. The last movie this popular was like Titanic. The hype alone would sell-out the figures.
  23. I would buy this in an instant. Maybe some exclusive packs with Harvey and Rachel, or Alfred and Bruce? I guess I am asking for too much... but that would complete things for me!
  24. That's weird, it is just a more red version of the red and gold.... Also, Pepper has much redder, and what looks to be longer, hair.
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