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Everything posted by stegron01

  1. Well, if we look back to the threads a while back on "most important unmade hero and villain" the winners (or losers depending how you view it! lol) of those were falcon and enchantress. We are getting a falcon now which is great, though I would argue his classic version still needs to be made so that would be right up there. And I see no reason to go against enchantress still - a classic avengers and thor female villain and the latter's supporting character/villain roster remains hugely neglected even though he has now had two awesome movies! Oh and a bit randomly I would throw medusa in there for some reason - she has been on a lot of teams and would make a great minimate with all that hair!
  2. Interesting thread. For me there are two standouts - I'd love to see First appearance Wonderman (but know there is virtually no hope) and Disco Dazzler (have high hopes for that one at some point). Oh, and if we can count figures that haven't actually come out yet then a classic Falcon can be added to the list!
  3. Great pictures! I'm not a movie wave fan in general but I think the thor waves always look outstanding!
  4. Yeah but Strange Tales featured two new characters and 616 versions of two characters with very little minimate exposure and nothing recent. I for one loved that set but wouldn't be excited for a 2099 set with alternate versions of characters we have plenty of already. I'm not saying it wouldn't sell, just that I don't think you can really judge by comparing it to Strange Tales as they are totally different kinds of sets with totally different appeals.
  5. Yes, I would echo this. I actually picked these up a couple of weeks back and didn't get round to posting. This is an awesome wave, both in terms of character selection and execution. I was really looking forward to Zemo 1 and songbird in particular as big wants of mine, and they are great. However, even the ones that I was less interested in character-wise like ghost rider and onslaught are superb minimates! Let's hope they did sell well, as more fan polls in the future would be very welcome!
  6. Sounds like a perfect situation for DST to remedy...
  7. Yeah, gotta say this doc ock is sounding good. I think that is my favourite look for him.
  8. Wow! This announcement has sure sparked a lot of debate and we haven't even seen the 'mates yet!! lol Anyway, guess I may as well throw in an opinion while I'm here. I'm kind of mixed on it actually. As one of the people who is frustrated by the current preoccupation with movie and Marvel NOW releases, it is nice to see some older stuff. Unfortunately the older stuff I want to see is more from the '70's and 80's so as a non-"X fan" and someone who didn't read comics in the '90's this set holds little appeal for me personally. However, that isn't DST's fault of course, you can't please everyone and obviously there are plenty of people to who this team means a lot so that's fair enough. I'm also sure they will look cool and I'm pretty sure I will buy it when I see them. Having said that, I do agree with those who think it's a surprising choice of theme. To me the X-force corner of the MU seems to have had a fair bit of attention already (I appreciate their fans will say not enough lol) whereas there are other teams that have had very little or none, eg inhumans, guardians of the galaxy, west coast avengers - even the brotherhood if we are talking "X" related - and which also would give us plenty of new characters. With there seemingly being quite restricted spots for comic releases at the moment it seems a shame to me to see 4 characters we already have, and certainly surprising to me that we will have 2 versions of some of these before we even have one version of so many other (to my mind) higher profile characters (Cable being the exception of course). However, despite not being particularly enthusiastic about this set I still like the fact that minimates do give us such surprising releases and it gives me hope that the non A-list stuff I want to see made still has a good chance of getting a turn one day soon. I could probably do with DST employing a 1970's avengers fan really...
  9. Yes, very pleased with this set. Shame one of the slots wasn't given to a new classic villain such as beetle but a sculpted headed lizard is one of my top 3 wanted redos (TRU18's absorbing man was another one so looks like 2014 is a good year for redos for me!) and the fact that he can be a turned into Curt Connors too is a great bonus!!
  10. Thanks for the link. They all look great - looks like ultron has some cool dance moves going on too! lol
  11. Yeah it's no big deal - I'm sure if he immediately rushes a thor friends and foes boxset into production to make up for it all will be quickly forgiven lol. (Oh and a mantis of course!)
  12. Wow, the more names I read and images I see (thanks Zach!) I'm thinking one boxset wouldn't do justice to ant man's awesome rogue's gallery - I think the next 50 waves need to be set aside here and now!
  13. I actually can't remember from the time before Zach because it was a while back, but last time it was regarding comic-based thor minimates. To be fair, there was a question about those in there from someone else, so I'm guessing that's the reason, though I'm pretty sure the emphasis on my question was a little different to the one that was answered.
  14. Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like time to start the campaign for the "friends and foes of Hank Pym" boxset... (Though in all seriousness, Whirlwind would make a great minimate!)
  15. They must be obscure - I didn't even know he was in Tales to Astonish! lol
  16. Yeah I think I've come across elongated man somewhere - seems like he's almost A-lister material after all lol. Oh and thanks for compiling that list of ant man villains for me Glantern - saved me several hours of research...
  17. Yeah just to add my 2 cents to this, I also didn't mean any insult by describing those characters as obscure. If you look at my personal wishlist, there are several characters that I would totally describe as obscure on that. Being honest I'm not really a big xmen fan so I've not read as many of their comics as I have most other parts of the MU (though still a fair few) so I think everyone's perspective on a given character's status or importance is clouded by the stuff they happen to have read really. Anyway, off to look up ant man's rogue's gallery now lol.
  18. Space Armor Iron Man Tigra Mockingbird Gravitron Yes that's a set I could definitely go for and think would sell great! I'm surprised we've never seen a West Coast Avengers set tbh, especially now that hawkeye is so prominent too. Re the Luke Cage discussion, I actually quite like the original classic one packed with iron fist, though I'm sure if he was redone these days he would look awesome. Like most other people, I can't say I feel the same about the new avengers version but having said that I don't see a redo as needed - not a figure I would want to see taking up a precious comic slot.
  19. I think there are a lot of people who remember Mantis, but filter that number through the sieve of people who would buy a Minimate of her and that number decreases considerably. She was great in GotG, but that is a world away from her original appearance. I'd call her obscure, but we've made far more obscure characters. And I'd love all of those characters, I just think putting them all in one box set is dangerous, and could translate to low orders and low sales. But Ask DST and see what Chuck thinks! Http:// Yeah don't get me wrong, I know Mantis is a pretty obscure character, especially these days and thus she would never be the headliner in a wave or boxset for most people. (She is for me as she happened to be in the first avengers issue I ever read - in the avengers/defenders crossover dormammu story from waaaay back.) However, as you say, plenty more obscure characters have been made and being a female and Asian she seemed pretty relevant to the general theme of this topic. And yes I also know that all of those characters in one boxset would never happen or be viable - they weren't a great set as an example together in themselves, much as I'd like them all. However, I'd like to think that replacing a couple of them with, say a black widow (movie star) and a ms marvel (own book) and mantis (lol) might be a little more viable. Also maybe a more general marvel femme fatales set including characters from across the broader MU wouldn't seem to be such a stretch at LCS? Oh but for the record I would askDST but the last two times I've done that my question hasn't been answered so finding out what Chuck thinks is proving a little challenging!
  20. Yeah that's a fair point Zach re TRU 18. Those are good hero/villain pairings - let's hope they sell well.
  21. Well, I can't say I like her as much as Englehart as I have no idea just how much he likes her (lol) but I've always liked the character quite a bit and would love to see her minimated. I had no idea that there was ever an issue over who had the rights to her though. Still, if she is involved with GotG then maybe there is hope yet for her second biggest fan... And yeah Zach, I totally understand that the ratio of male to female MU heroes and villains is heavily slanted towards males, and thus there will always be more of them made and should be. However, there are plenty of (for example) avengers-related females such as mockingbird, tigra, enchantress, updated wasp that would make a cool female-only boxset theme.
  22. Yeah I agree with hellpop there. Some of the 2 packs at TRU have been so obscure that even as a long term marvel fan I have barely heard of them, eg the much discussed boom boom/rictor lol. But yeah, I'd have thought a middle ground with an A-lister packed with a colourful villain from their rogue's gallery should still have a good chance of selling ok at TRU? Plus there are plenty of non-A list characters not yet made who are much better known than boom boom, rictor etc. I also agree that it doesn't matter where the secondary characters appear so long as they do somewhere. It's just that for a while the TRU waves seemed to be the likeliest place for some really unusual and unexpected figures so it's a shame that seems to be changing. In other matters that boxset that's being mentioned sounds interesting...
  23. This I agree with this too. It seems a waste to put two heavy hitters together so much instead of using them as a vehicle to sell new characters. Back on main topic though, that Pepper Potts looks great!!
  24. I don't honestly mind what race or gender minimates are as what I want to see first and foremost are new unmade classic characters. Hence this current mighty avengers team wouldn't hold a lot of appeal for me, much as they, especially the white tiger, would look cool I'm sure, since we seem to be getting a lot of modern stuff at the moment. I think the reason an all female wave/boxset (which clearly isn't happening any time soon) would be nice is simply that we have less females than males. Certainly if DST wants to deliberately go for more Asian females though, my number one suggestion would be mantis. She never seems to feature in anybody's wishlist and yet is one of the oldest unmade classic avengers. Packed with a swordsman or even a silver surfer (to give even more colour diversity lol) she would be very welcome.
  25. Being a bit greedy I kind of have three, though all for different reasons. As an old school thor fan I would have to put the TRU pack with First Appearance Thor and Balder at number one, that is just the sort of stuff I love! However, I also give honourable mentions to the wave 19 Ms Marvel/Ultron pack as that gave two great versions of some of my favourite characters in one fell swoop and also to the first Thing/Dr Doom pack as that was the first I ever bought and so kind of holds sentimental value for me.
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