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Everything posted by bigvis497

  1. MAX stuff in general doesn't pop up often. Since its not tied into anything, I wonder if people list them as cop legos or firefighter minifigures, etc.
  2. Hmmm, that wheelchair looks interesting. Can't tell from the pic but could it pass for a normal wheelchair?
  3. My TRU has tons of these, no Ultimate Spider-Man. Plus somebody must have started spring cleaning in the warehouses a little late (early?) because nearly 20 Infinity sets were just put on the pegs. Good luck with those TRU.
  4. Second Deadpool miniseries. She's wearing the one we want.
  5. We stopped getting taped accessories in the tray a year or so back, I'm bummed to see tape is back
  6. I think advocating a character you want is fine but planning the next six months of the line is obnoxious.
  7. I can't stress enough how great Hobgoblin came out.
  8. Excalibur reviewed. Enjoy!
  9. Drug stores can sell a lot of things cheaper because the profit margin on rx is huge. I used to sell beer and Rite-Aid and Walgreens could always all my product cheaper than the grocery store.
  10. Essential Hulk volume 2! Nice job sneaking a Minimates poster in there! Seriously I could look at this for hours. What an awesome job!
  11. Control art is up on the Facebook page
  12. We don't have tray or package shots yet do we?
  13. Comic box sets are sorely missed. And I mean real comic box sets, not Zombie junk.
  14. Try placing wax paper in between. Use a test mate and take the piece off when it's not fully cured but still hard enough to where you won't warp it.
  15. My collection is all Marvel Comics releases. Five of each army builder. No movie stuff unless it 100% fits with comic (Gen Ross) No zombie or ultimate crap. That works for me. Haven't bought much this year.
  16. He was high af and wanted to go over budget and then when Fox told him no, he pouted and just showed up high af and Fox tried to re-shoot and fix it but it was too late, or so I've heard. So according to him, more special effects would have saved this movie? Sure.....
  17. You need to market FF to the same type of audience you would market Incredibles or Big Hero 6 to. The new movie just looks so dim and serious. I guarantee Marvel Studios/Disney could make it work. Use Franklin as a gateway character for the younger audience. He's got a robot babysitter? Cool! His dad accidentally let a dinosaur out of the time machine and now it's making a mess of the kitchen? Haha! Dad can turn into a slide? Awesome! You can make toys of HERBIE and whatever goofy gadgets they have. This stuff isn't hard. And that's not even getting into the unlimited possibilities you have with the core four's interactions.
  18. Fantastic Four did phenomenal numbers when Jim Lee was on so that was probably the last time they were a sales juggernaut and that was for a brief window. Iron Man comics were surviving solely on inertia for decades and look what happened there. Point is, things can change. The biggest complaint I hear from Fantastic Four detractors is that the concept is too dated. The FF concept is exploration and family, and nobody can really defend their criticism when I ask how those two concepts are archaic. I do agree that the Lee/Kirby cover band act gets old after a while and they go to that well far too often. But these are great characters. Like, seriously great characters. Among Marvel's best. If you can't tell a good story or make a good movie with them, it's on you. I've caught a glimpse of the future and the Marvel Studios Spider-Man project is going to bring Spidey back to the forefront, big time. It's going to do very, very well financially. Sony and Marvel will be happy. Fox may get a whiff of that cash and want in on some of that. Deals are altered and rewritten all the time, nothing is immune to change. So there is hope.
  19. Love insightful posts like this. Can't argue too much against your decisions either (although personally I like Best Of 1 the most as it feels like it fell right off the page). Looking forward to more!
  20. I got the Ant-Man set and the Book of Vishanti. That was not easy, server kept crashing.
  21. I really appreciate these customs. Marvel has such a rich library of characters, I love when somebody goes outside the box. And Constrictor is a great character that deserves to be made. I loved the story where he screwed over the Serpent Society. You know if you're looking for ideas for another project, Gru's Cap run wouldn't be the worst idea
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