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Zak Katz

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Everything posted by Zak Katz

  1. Kyle Reese? Please put Hugo's hairpiece from SF v T on it if you have it.
  2. Thanks Ace Head: T-1000 Hair: Kazuya Body: Armored Cap Gloves: Shield Agents Boots: Taskmaster I used T-1000 because it was next to me, I'm sure there are way better options out there. Also if you have Paine from Expendables you can use his arms to have short sleeves.
  3. I saw that they'll be rereleasing Vegeta but I didn't see that they'll also be rereleasing Trunks!!!! That's cool. Also the new battle damaged Goku looks great.
  4. Everyone has their "Moon Knight" I guess.
  5. Random and sad. Miss your presence. I hope the Squirrel Girl MM will bring you back.
  6. Do you think that if they made more of Thundercats set 1, it would've helped sell the others?
  7. Yeah you should play them, it's worth your time.
  8. Now I need Cheetah and some paint!
  9. I've also heard the white in his eyes is Ghost's reflection... The wolf in the blood is there, maybe 3 seconds before the credits, I think it's a coincidence, maybe.
  10. Haha and so forth everyone referred to tray shots as yay shots
  11. Someone will definitely post when they find it. Unless it's menagerie, then he'll just post them on eBay.
  12. Hey, I thought of a cool idea that involves me cutting a slip cover mask. What is the best way to cut without leaving ridges or ruining the piece? Thanks!
  13. Is anybody buying that Jon Snow's eyes change colors at the end? Or that his blood formed a wolf? I've read some articles with some interesting speculation, but don't know what to believe. Jon a White Walker? Warg? I thought I heard Kit signed on for season 6, so he has to be just mostly dead, right? Shame
  14. The better you are, the higher you can rank in challenges. That's how you get better characters.
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