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Zak Katz

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Everything posted by Zak Katz

  1. So can he see out of that? Are there little slits, or is it translucent on one side...?
  2. I also don't like getting two Tony's. I think Ultron Mark 1 would have been good for this set but oh well. I also think they should of left out the coat and extra arms and actually given us Mjolnir. Ultron and Fury are nice, the Legion is cool, but his head tampo isn't lined up well. I think IM at least needs boots or gauntlets.
  3. Read the first one, then you'll learn about your Marvel Zombie Minimates.
  4. Haha when I type hellpop it auto corrects to he'll poop. Random, but is it really?
  5. Did anyone else pick up Antman? I don't get the orange eyes, but other then that I'm happy with it. I love Ant-thony and don't mind the micro figures. I really enjoyed the movie and expect Scott Lang to get the Peter Quill treatment and have his MCU look take over in the comics. Assuming it hasn't already.
  6. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
  7. When was Unkown spelled wrong? Tell me more about Lee Burns?
  8. Lesbian nepotism incest. Sounds like an interesting place.
  9. Kosti you know what would be really sexy? Wearing all 7 of those badges out on a date. :0 happy birthday and nice job to Nessex for a great gift.
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