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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. It's a conspiricy to remind you what and old fart you are Oddly doesn't appear as a new post to me, you must be special T. I don't need to be reminded of how old I am thanks & I'm glad the new dictionary I sent you is helping with most of the smaller words I know why your favourite character is Iron Man
  2. Best: 1.Captain America (W5) 2.C3 Flash (either) 3.Black Symbiote 4.Hulk (W1) 5.Firestar Worst: * 1.Venom (Classic Spiderman) 2.Unmasked Black-Suited Spider-Man .... 'the man with the fattest head you can imagine ' 3.Spider-Man 2099 4.The Beast (W13)....... the 'blue poodle' 5.The Scarlet Witch ..... 'the more-like-pink Witch' *apart from everything that was in a box with 'Lord of the Rings' printed on it.
  3. I suspect it's adding up all the entries and giving that % Where this falls down is that you could select any number of options or even just one, so yeah those %'s are screwy.. T. I totally agree TBT! This post of mine from June 16,2008 appears daily (as a new post) without ammendment,comment,discussion or reply. Why? I was tempted to delete it but I tend to swim against the tide
  4. Worst Mates: 5.Ivan The Terrible 4. ....Ivan's real name* 3.TBT 2.Tanya 1.buttheadsmate....whose real name is ...oh forget it .... *hands up those who got this wrong ! Dear Iriquois Pigskin, .....please may I do this properly later????? Edit: For those who've PM'd me ,chastising me for giving away Ivan's surname ........I can only reveal that 'The Terrible' is not his real name.
  5. Whilst I don't blame you in any way, jjwspider, for purely relating what Underground Toys told you ,it was apparently BS. Could I ask you to please enquire politely (or not) why they fed you it ? Thankyou,bhm. I think I'm just as annoyed as everyone else. I was expecting good news, or at least something, to come from their response. I sent a follow up e-mail to Underground Toys and requested clarification for the information that was relayed to me originally. I also mentioned that the newest Toyfare issue does not seem to indicate anything about the Doctor Who Minimate license. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I get a response and what they mentioned. Thanks again jjwspider . Don't let those Underground Toys people off the hook!
  6. Slightly veering away from Star Wars a little but if you're asking what would sell ? How about a Minimate-scale BSG C3 Viper & a Cylon Raider . We have umpteen Galactican pilots who fly FA so surely these would be successful?
  7. Medicom Star Wars Kubricks is probably why Star Wars Minimates aren't happening IMO.
  8. o_O Ooooookkkkkaaaaayyyyy... Wouldn't a deluxe Man-Thing / Ted Sallis two-pack work better? Maybe throw Jack Russel / WWBN in there somehow, too Of course a deluxe Man-thing/ Sad Tellis two-pack would work better .....purely because with a Tsunami Box-Set you'd only get the first Wave :tongue: To christen WWBN , 'Jack Russell' was very sad. edit: but of course this was his 'adopted' name ...Jacob Russoff being his given name........ ..... & his uncle was that doggone 'sonofabitch' Al Satian !
  9. argh dont take away my Jocasta....she is an avenger and Matt - ok make zombie deadpool Yeah, but Dan Slott said he's bringing her back to the Avengers soon, so I figure that she can be part of an current Avengers-themed box set with her and maybe Ares, Extremis Iron Man and modern Wasp. There's only going to be a few opportunities to have Man-Thing made like this one. Unless somehow Man-Thing becomes wildly popular (reveal he's the long-lost son of Wolverine, maybe?) Having championed Man-Thing in MOC's thread I now feel there might be a veritable Tsunami of interest building in him(?) I don't know what your feelings are For the record I have waited months for somebody to use the word Tsunami in a post without success . Why? Because there will only be one Tsunami Box-Set.................... Because????
  10. Whilst I don't blame you in any way, jjwspider, for purely relating what Underground Toys told you ,it was apparently BS. Could I ask you to please enquire politely (or not) why they fed you it ? Thankyou,bhm.
  11. The next issue of ToyFare hits comic stores on Oct 8, and newstands Oct 21. I wonder if my letter will be in it, that would be pretty cool. It's ToyFare Day
  12. I've resisted for hours before responding but I find an overwhelming need to respond. As we move into a period of economic uncertainty I am distressed that your Mugg is worth less now than what you paid for it Please, for your own sake, start getting used to 'real' life . In a world where people's HOMES are worth less than what they paid for them I wouldn't get too upset about your Mugg & it's depreciation.
  13. I'm more concerned about the lack of & price of Lost 'Secret Chases'.
  14. These arrived & I really like them ....a lot. I shan't be collecting any more however. :biggrin:
  15. Judging by there attire at SDCC they probably produce more T-Shirts than toys. "Y'English ? " :biggrin:
  16. The Cosbaby Iron-Man set is beautiful & I've also got the Aliens of which there are two waves (!). I shall definitely get the DC Wave & I must confess to the fact that I've picked up the 'Pirates ...' set inc. variant SDCC. There is a Disney wave which looks etc. etc.etc.etc. ......can you see where this is going? But 'Michael Jackson ? I don't know about that one ..... ......perhaps.
  17. Prof. X , ......Zombie Wasp? DST is rumoured to be developing a non-bending version of North Star
  18. I'm well aware what TDSP is & once the itching subsides & the swelling recedes ,all will be well. In the meantime don't lick the infected area . Scratch that last remark :tongue: Oh yeah....welcome :biggrin:
  19. Who first appeared in Adventure into Fear with my choice..... Man-Thing . I recently gave my 30 year old, Howard the Duck comic collection to a friend of mine who actually appreciates them. He's strange ....but then so was Howard :biggrin:
  20. yeah i tagged Hulk, platoon, a few spiderman MM, series 19 and 20, defenders and a few BSG MM onto my order as well, US shipping will kill me so WTH It's not the shipping that will 'kill' you.......but it may well be customs ......although I hope not .
  21. A Zombie Plan??? What is eating you guys? For the record who knows what country Zombies originated from? Nobody know? None of you?
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