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Everything posted by mcg031

  1. The possibilities of a box set are endless. A Jimmy Hudson Minimate would be nice
  2. Has there been any confirmation on what this wave will be yet ? I saw in another topic that its AXIS but i haven't seen anything yet...
  3. I've enjoyed Dan Slott's writing he's given life to the Kaine and Superior Spiderman and Spider Gwen ( and other spider women) plus made Parker more interesting, but spider verse has too many spider people
  4. I'm sorry I have to ask why is Kal'Reegar your favorite ??
  5. As I try to collect them all....I realized there's no villains which brings me to my question what would be a good villain ?? Collectors?? Cerberus soldiers???
  6. I found some in the Cincinnati area and i was lucky 5 pulls and 5 different characters..does anyone know the odds of getting a John Sheppard and Illusive Man ? Awesome Minimates !
  7. Get this I go to my GameStop and the manager says i have to order it's an online bull
  8. Im hoping for some better stories now the they have Captain America on the team
  9. Maybe he just meant he needed the one we'd made, but I don't know that we're going to make another, regardless. In Ask DST #260, someone asked: "3. Do you guys have any plans to make figures based on Marvel Comics Spider-Verse crossover series (like Spider-Gwen)?" And Chuck said: "Spidey is never far from my thoughts." That said, I have not heard of a new box set or assortment for Spider-Verse, but they may be working on one in secret. I also know that we've made a lot of Spider-Men, and nearly any Spidey could anchor a wave or set. I don't know if we're going to make a box set of four Spider-Men. And before you point out precedent, there are no new TTA sets on the schedule that I know of, either. But you are welcome to send any messages to him yourself. I saw that...But what does that really mean ? a Blue Marvel minimate is never far from thoughts but it's not being made anytime soon I sent the question to AskDST so we will see if they answer
  10. The Big 3 all have major changes (Superior Iron Man, Captain America & Thor) there has to be a box set of that alone....
  11. With both of these events happening at the same time and no mention of a box set I'm going to ask...which set would you want, who would you want in it. I'd like both but if i had to chose i'd have to go with Spiderverse it would sale plus the chances for Spider-Gwen Scarlet Spider (Kaine) Silk Assassin Spiderman would be great.....but that inverted Deadpool would be nice addition to the collection too.
  12. I always feel that they never give Captain Marvel the role she needs for example where was she in the Major Comic Events ?? Its always the main 3 (Thor Iron Man & Cap)
  13. Okay okay okay.....wave 62 young avengers??
  14. I call it a legacy hero for example Patriot because of the super soldier serum they experimented on black Americans one happen to Elijah's grandpa. It's an interesting take on being a hero IMO
  15. Sooo no Young Avengers ?? Lol I really want young avengers Zach you like the young avengers I think everyone likes the Young Avengers #youngAvengers!
  16. Young Avengers anyone..........anyone????
  17. mcg031

    TRU 19

    It seems like my Toys R Us are no longer getting minimates (Cincinnati) any suggestions on what to do ?
  18. Wow that's a lot of foes for Spidey...where's your Scarlet Spider at lolI smell a Spider-verse story...I can set up various Spider-Men of all eras to help turn the tide! Sorry to keep quoting you but that's a great idea!!!
  19. Wow that's a lot of foes for Spidey...where's your Scarlet Spider at lol
  20. mcg031

    Wave 60

    Are we talking a new team or old team ??
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