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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. I think I just found a use for my Kreo/Lego parts
  2. I've noticed between the different licenses that some of the pegs/balls are slightly bigger or smaller As for quality control, I've seen it fluctuate. A lot of the older figures seem to have hands that just fall off (especially Wolverine hands) I assumed it was because the hands were rotated inside the arms and wore down the hand peg just enough to lose what friction it had holding it on. I've noticed a lot of the more recent hands have added rings on the hand pegs (I figure that's to help keep them attached) I've also seen that certain figures always have a certain problem. Like the Nathan Hale Playstation figure always has a foot fall off (I think it's the right one) but it happens to every one I get.
  3. Here's my entry: and the original Ghost Rider 2099 #6
  4. Even my largest Minimate is still smaller than a Mask figure with his helmet off
  5. Just to add one more voice to this, I'd love a 2099 Spidey and Ghost Rider! The rest of the characters though........
  6. Eek! I completely forgot about this. I need to jump on it!
  7. There's also Control art for the Deputy and Pole zombie from series 3 here:
  8. Every Secret Santa I've been in, the organizer also got presents (you just use a random number generator or put names in a hat) Sure you'll know who is gifting you, but that's it. Put me down too!
  9. I really hope Doc's arms are 1 separate piece that attaches at the neck or waist, if so I'm putting a white suit body aside right now
  10. But...but...I just got Carnage...Like two weeks ago! Still this sounds like a great set and I still don't have most of the characters in it so I'm definitely on board for it!
  11. I figured both of the newest SDCC zombies were from Hershel's barn (since the whole set seemed to be from there) I think the Brown Shirted Zombie is the one that bites Arnold. The head really looks like him (although he does have long sleeves in the comic) The overalls one is clearly the one that gets shot coming up to Maggie and Hershel when he asks for her gun EDIT: I guess I woulda known all this sooner had I 1) bought this set and 2) looked a little harder online. I didn't realize the brown shirt zombie was named Zombie Shaun and that there's control art for both figures out there that shows the very comic panels I just mentioned
  12. Looked through the first 11 TPB's I think this is the only half-torso crawling zombie with no shirt on (Although this one has no hair like the figure) There were a few others who had hair, but they all had shirts on I also saw a few large zombies with wife beaters on but no shots through the chest
  13. This might be the first series I buy a full case of instead of just a set
  14. So I keep seeing everyone talk about the two TRU exclusives, but wouldn't all four be considered TRU exclusives since NONE of the zombies in all 4 packs are in the LCS wave?
  15. I would say for my part I was only rating figures I have. Being a newer collector, that took out all DC/Westerns/LOTR/ and a few other full licenses. I'm more a fan of the sculpted parts and sometimes the sculpt of a figure will make me like it over another, more ordinary block figure. That said I find it funny that two of my choices were for their basic, stripped down block versions without all the sculpted parts It's interesting seeing other's choices (a few of them like JJ Jameson) are just slightly off my list (Like number 11-15) while there are some that are nowhere near my list. That's something that makes Minimates great. The vast supply of characters in the whole line can please almost everyone
  16. In no particular order 1. Shadow Merk - Great sculpt, I love the way the wings were designed and it's translucent purple 2. Brood - Another great sculpt, cool design considering that the base is a humanoid block figure (or at least half of one) There's also a lot of nostalgia working for it since I had the Toy Biz version as a kid 3. Imhotep - Like Lobsterman said, the Sarcophagus sold this figure. 4. Max Zombie Civilian - Brightly colored zombies shouldn't look so good, but I can't help it, this figure hits my zombie nerve and looks fun while doing it. 5. Werewolf By Night - This one is pure nostalgia. My dad shared his love of Werewolf by Night with me as a child, so no other minimates will be able to stand up to any Werewolf by Night figure. 6. Venom Best of 2 - This Venom beats them all for me only when all the sculpted parts are taken off. The Black Symbiote Spidey with an evil grin is my favorite look and this figure pulls that off perfectly. The blue highlights make it look like it's straight from the comics 7. Hulk Best of 2 - You mean I can have a bulked up Hulk minimate that looks just like the 70's artwork I saw as a kid AND it can change into Bruce Banner!?! 8. Wave 43 Black Spider-Man - Always liked the Black Spider-Man costume, the fact that this one also had the blue highlights just like I saw in the comics made me love the figure 9. 90's Professor X - This is another case where I have to take the sculpted parts off of the figure to really like him more. Wasn't crazy about the suit, but the "Action Jacket" tampo is one of my favorite "looks" of Professor X from the 90's. There's some cartoon nostalgia at play here as well, but if that wasn't enough, there's his hoverchair! It looks just like the comic/cartoon and it has the same features as the old Toy Biz toy I loved as a child. 10. M.A.X. Law Enforcement Officer - I know I said in no order, but seriously, this one deserves top honors for me. The uniformed "Beat Cop" look hits all the points for me already but then we get all of the swat gear and massive amount of weapons. It's like you get two different figures with each minimate. I think this is the figure I've bought the most of out of all minimates.
  17. I have to agree with Shakespeare, The Crawling Zombie is my favorite. The guts part really makes it. I realise however, that it seems every great figure I think of comes down to just one part that makes them great (Amy's "victim head", Glen's Backpack, etc...) But yeah Crawling Zombie for favorite As for which character I want to see in the future, I do think we need to get a Carl by now. (Although I'd love to get a tainted meat Dale, but you asked for character, not figure)
  18. Like emperor said, I'd try finding grey parts. I typically try to not paint joints when I can. Otherwise, this is a great custom! The chest looks awesome!
  19. You're right, Mash figures had some kind of rubber band thing in their waists
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