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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. I reviewed a couple of the figures from the Ninja Turtles Blind Bags
  2. Figured I'd just stick to Minimate customs, I have a ton of GI Joe/3 3/4" customs I've done over the years too. First one is my latest one, Tur-fly-tle The rest of my list are the best of the customs I have displayed Batman Beyond Blight Kolari (an original Battle Beast character) Shaun & Ed
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about the normal turtles myself since they will be at all stores eventually and when you see them at TRU, you'll be able to compare paint apps and get the best one.
  4. It happens, I've tried to tell people the price but sometimes it just doesn't work that way (I once told the clerk a Transformer I was buying was $9.99, she still rung it up for $6.99)
  5. Congrats guys! Lots of cool artwork!
  6. I never woulda thought to use Trash Pack figures with the RGB minimates, but those work well
  7. Don't mind at all Thanks for all the kind words guys!
  8. I found an image of the wings online and just shrunk it down then printed it out
  9. I knew there was a reason to buy all the Mikeys (other than to get Muta Mikey) Twist ties, cutting, epoxy, paint and some glue
  10. Had a spare Mikey so I had to make Tur-fly-tle! Headpiece - New X-Men Cyclops with a LOT of cutting and some epoxy Body - Mikey Spare Arms - Twist Ties and BTTF Radiation Gloves Wings - Found an image of just the wings online, shrink it down and glued it to the front and back of a thin piece of plastic, then in keeping with the idea of a homemade costume, I tied the wings to Mikey's belt loops using another twist tie.
  11. Thought this was interesting, I was working on a custom today and tried to take Mikey's mask off....His head is 3 pieces! There was some glue by the bandana knot. I just heated it up and pried it apart. The upside down mask is a little odd looking
  12. It's funny, whenever me and my wife see Peter Krause on tv or something, my wife says "It's Adam Braverman" and I have to reply, "NO! That's Casey McCall!"
  13. Speaking for myself, the disappointment I felt about Kmart carrying minimates is that the original tease was that they would be at another large retailer in addition to TRU and LCS. My expectations turned to stores like Walmart and Target and while Kmart is just like those stores and is a large retailer itself, due to most of the stores being closed around me, it's was disappointing that that was the store that would have some exclusive figures to this line. It just makes the hunt a little harder than I had originally thought it would be. All that said, I am excited about this line and can't wait for TRU to get it's packs in
  14. I too don't know what a Wegman's is, but Walgreens isn't a bad idea. Based on wikipedia, these are the number of store locations for these 3 stores: K-Mart - 1,077 Wegmans - 85 Walgreens - 8,217 Walgreens has been expanding their toy sections with exclusive figures in Marvel Legends and Walking Dead, they also now have Game of Thrones figures. But all of these are larger figures. They have blind bagged toys and I have seen Transformers Kreos there, but I've also seen a lot of those same blind bag toys getting clearanced out so it's possible Walgreens wouldn't be up for having Minimates, but it would make it easier to get them
  15. Pretty cool "feel guide" For the Footbot I just felt for the mace, there's no other spiky balls in the series. Also, there's a 1 in 3 chance of getting Muta Mikey, not 50/50. There's 3 Mikeys in the full case
  16. Yep, you are missing a forearm and a saw-blade attachment. On the bright side, you do have the pair of hands and therefore a complete Foot Soldier. Boy, customer service is going to be busy this year! Thanks for the info! I'm enjoying these way more than I thought I would
  17. OK, stopped by a Kmart while out of town today and was able to pick up 3 Mikeys (YAY Muta Mikey!) and a Foot Bot....Unfortunately it appears my Foot Bot is missing at least a lower left arm, is he missing anything else? The artwork looks like he comes with a saw blade as well. Here's everything that came in the bag (sans clear stand)
  18. Apparently Hastings is selling them by name instead of like blind bags
  19. I ran up to my local kmart to see if they had any before they closed their doors....apparently I was too late It would be nice if Sears carries these in their tiny x-mas toys shelf they sometimes do, but I figure I'm going to have to wait for TRU to actually get any of these
  20. A few of the shops around me are doing it on Friday (Halloween) while shops a little closer to me had it this past Saturday. One of those shops made up some goodie bags that included single loose Minimates (I got a Songbird)
  21. My ice sled came out looking dingy as well, but the ice blast looks fine, It's probably just a different mix of plastic at the factory so you may have some sleds that look dingy and some blasts that do too
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