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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. The impression I have is that the decision process is more like: -"What Spider-Man should go in this allocated Spider-Man slot?" -"How about Secret War Spider-Man?" ...rather than: -"Should we have Secret War Spider-Man or Kang in this completely unspecified slot?" But who knows. I'll also be less than enthused if we get all the Secret War costumes, they're a bit boring. I think battlecat is on the money -- this wave was Cap- and Thor-heavy to get out the versions of the characters fans want as well as to capitalize on all the younger fans who are just now discovering Cap and Thor through the cartoon and the movies (which are now all on DVD). Looking for Caps to do, I think they found a badass recent costume (Secret War) and a classic, timeless, outfit (leather jacket). If a Secret War Spidey or whomever turns up later (none are planned as far as I know), it's because we needed a kick-ass Spidey or whomever. Not because we were avoiding the metaphorical Kang. Also, that classic Cap could be '90s Avengers Cap, but Cap also wore a jacket in the movie, as well as in EMH: I'll look into head holes. I think it has something to do with what's in the tool, when we re-use parts. Head-top tampo might be pricey enough that it would cost out more weapons. So maybe he'd get a knife OR a gun, but not both?
  2. Take that, Butthead(smate)! Not meant to be a dis -- it sounded like his issue was with the mask and the height as well as the torso. Do you dislike the bulky vest as well, buttheadsmate? Let me know what you guys think of the Thor shot I posted. I have a whole 42/12 gallery I'll put up next week.
  3. Ultimate Hawkeye is indeed a badass. "You shouldn't have dropped me in the kitchen, you @$#%s!" And I forgot we did that all-Ultimate wave (to be honest, I was entirely removed from the industry for a year or two there). Now I need to track those down. The first two Ultimates volumes were great, but the art and writing on volume 3 made me drop it after the first issue like a hot frying pan. And Miles Morales's spot was going to be a Spidey spot no matter what. Hopefully nobody's favorite Spidey got bumped. I'm sure it'll turn up soon enough.
  4. I shot him without the vest because I knew people were hating on the vest. But I took another shot of him WITH the vest that looks even cooler (and which I'll post later), so I'm hoping people will be happy either way. ...Well, not buttheadsmate.
  5. Yeah, it's not like we're forcing Ultimates down your throats or anything. Chuck likes Spidey, the Miles costume is cool and the character was getting a lot of buzz, so we decided to give him a slot. ONE slot. The figure he's in a box with is 616. And Chuck is old-school, he goes DEEP on 616 (Stone Men, Sin-Eater, etc.), so I wouldn't worry about an all-Ultimate wave.
  6. Buy all of the leftover six-armed Spider-Man figures and we'll talk. (How have we not made the Jackal yet?) I object to the statement that if an idea was any good, it would be 616. Granted, I didn't like a few of the Ultimate books, but Ultimate Spider-Man was solid, and actually improved on some old Spidey storylines, and Ultimates Volume 1 and 2 were pretty great, even if only from a visual standpoint. (As much as I love old Nick Fury, Ultimates gave us Samuel L. Jackson as Fury, so yay.) If the existence of Miles Morales means that they'll be able to come up with new stories that aren't based on old 616 stories, so much the better. Ultimate Peter was just a young Peter Parker -- Miles is truly an alternate reality Spider-Man. The 616 is still there for Peter people.
  7. Stephen won the Minimates category of the DST costume contest. Not a lot of entries, surprisingly, but his Future Foundation Spidey was great.
  8. If you specifically ask for a replacement part, and aren't just reporting a problem, Chris does his darnedest to track it down, even if he doesn't have time to e-mail everybody and tell them he's doing so. With the number of products we offer, and the number of parts involved and the relatively small size of our company, customer service is a tough job -- and it's not Chris's only job, either. Granted, some TRU stuff we may not have a lot of extra inventory of, but we keep a lot of parts around. The Build-a-Mate bins are mostly older stuff, but if you ever have a problem with an older pack, stop by the booth at a con (or send a friend), and I'll try to locate something for you when the booth isn't so busy. (I may say come back tomorrow.) Otherwise, e-mail, and give Chris a few month or so to send something out.
  9. If your Venom was missing parts, you should let customer service know. Ditto if stickiness led to damage on the other set. They may not be able to get the exact parts you need, since it's an older TRU set, but it's worth a shot.
  10. Since Magneto actually comes with Zero, I think it was more about powers and abilities matching up. Hulk/Haggar are brawlers, Dante/Deadpool are gun-toting swordsmen, Iron Man/Arthur are armored types, and Magneto/Zero... both wield energy-based weapons/powers? That one not so much. But pairings are determined by DST with Capcom's blessing, or suggested by Capcom themselves.
  11. Zero gets a disc base because his massive ponytail overpowers even his massive boots. #animeworldproblems
  12. They're happening. Out tomorrow. Sorry I jumped the gun. Series 2 ship date says November 16 now, but I'll try to confirm before I post that anywhere. Besides here.
  13. I can't believe people are asking for MORE Wolverines, but do you mean besides the one in the MvC3 Series 2 2-pack? Because that's pretty up-to-date, right? Also, I just found out that Wolverine comes with his mask in the Curse of the Mutants box set (AND has the mask-off hanging cowl bit, as well), and if you don't mind the fangs he's petty much a modern Wolverine figure.
  14. Just to clarify, as the one posting for DST on Facebook, I like Ghost Rider on a visual and conceptual basis -- haven't read too many of his solo comic books, not that familiar with most of his supporting cast. But Wave 44 is in development, meaning we're already in the design and sculpting stages. So we're not going to be adding Caretaker and Zarathos to the wave, let alone theming the entire wave around Ghost Rider. Also, as much as I have faith in Neveldine/Taylor, after the last movie debacle, you'll have to understand if DST doesn't put their eggs in that particular basket. That said, I'd love to see what we could do with Ghost Rider's comic universe, even without bikes. So let DSTChuck know what you'd like to see.
  15. We may eventually revisit MODOK, but there will actually be more of him as a TRU exclusive than there will be of the LCS exclusive ladies in that wave.
  16. Sorry, guys, once we ship to TRU, we have no idea when they'll get from their warehouse to their stores, or even online. I figured end of the month was better than radio silence. If we kept bugging them every day, maybe we'd get a day or two's notice at most, but at what cost? AT WHAT COST? Assume translucent on a lot of production stuff. Possibly even that spinning hammer. When did you make your hammer, GH? I thought it made its debut for the Minimate photo contest.
  17. Sorry the hole bugs you so much. Not sure how widespread it will be. I think I saw a hole on the Kingpin's head, but that may just be what the prototype painter had on hand. Think of it as an inverted Lego peg. I guess we'll see how orders go when 43 is solicited next month, but we certainly would like to bring more comic shops back into the fold.
  18. Yes, DD is appearing in both waves, with Kingpin and with Sin-Eater. I'm fairly certain there won't be anything different about them, but I'll keep you posted. And pretty sure the Spider-sense is translucent, but haven't heard about Magma yet. She's made of molten rock, so I'm not sure that makes sense. Glad you guys like the Kingpin. I love him like crazy.
  19. I haven't asked, but I think the holes were left on the Deadpool 'Mates' heads because if there is any Marvel character who would wear a funny hat, it would be Deadpool. I think someone on the MMV even said they were going to put Headpool's propeller beanie on Kidpool. Yes, DD is the 8th figure in TRU 13. Technically, I only asked what people would THINK if I said there was no overlap. Turns out there was one overlap. Still, it's better than four. As far as TRU 13 getting a lot of sculpted parts, and specialty 43 getting a lot more basic 'Mates (not counting J. Jonah's coat/vest/newspaper and Jean's jaunty beret), there is no slight intended toward specialty. We're pretty proud of the Jean DeWolff wave, and felt that was the way to go for specialty. Plus, the higher number of figures produced for TRU makes all that new tooling more worthwhile. Pretty sure spider-sense and spinning hammer will be clear. Glad everyone liked the zombies. Working on a 2012 line plan. Thanks everyone who came to the panel and/or introduced themselves at the booth!
  20. You guys are my source on this! Sounds like there are virtually no smiley Pufts to be had. Anyone order them from online? Translucent Puft should be angry, and I've already seen one that is. Assuming they all will be.
  21. Stop sayin'. Wish I had one for you. As a consolation, consider this the playset we will never be able to give you. BUy the 1/24 scale model kit and go to town.
  22. SPIGOT ON! Take the variant rule as being more of a guideline, like the pirate's code. Otherwise, the variant theme in Wave 43 would be "senior citizens", because the actual assortment breakdown is: Spidey & Jean DeWolff Daredevil and Sin Eater SHIELD Agent and J. Jonah Jameson SHIELD Agent and Aunt May (chase) SUIT JACKETS FOR EVERYBODY! SPIGOT OFF!
  23. To prove I am not lying, here's a shot of a translucent Stay-Puft. This one has no face, but don't panic -- it's not another variant, just a prototype. And have you guys seen this?
  24. That is correct. UM box sets and Curse of the Mutants hit 10/12. Hearing now that Marvel vs. Capcom Series 1 has been pushed back significantly, to December. Hope that frees up some wallets for UM.
  25. Hopefully panel dates will be accurate. We work fast, and on multiple things at once, but that means that if there's a setback on one, multiple things get rescheduled. So the dates should be as accurate as they can be. The cards in the case are usually the most accurate, probably more accurate than my slides. And I accept any type of jerky. Must be sealed in the bag. I don't want you guys jerking your own meat at home. Also, I'm hoping that the giveaway will not have lines, since all line managing will be done by the NYCC staff at the front door, and we don't expect to be everybody's first stop. We'll see how it goes.
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