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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. You need to have room in your attachments folder, there's a size limit. You can delete previous attachments to make room, those pictures just cease to exist on the forum. Attachments are on your profile page. Or you can link to a pic hosted on your socials. I will see if we shot yay shots at the office -- I do not have a set yet, we actually sold out (!) in our main warehouse, and had to request the remainder of the 1,987 run from the factory.
  2. Not sure at this time. I am eagerly anticipating an update.
  3. I'll push for it! I think the TMNT sets are doing well.
  4. I was all for the wrestler Turtles as a box set until NECA went ahead and did it.
  5. I may have misspoke, it is based on a 2010s arc. Sorry. This is not the Echo set. We will slot her in ASAP.
  6. I have not heard any movement, although I occasionally ask about it. I think we are still trying to build traffic to the DST site before we launch an exclusive.
  7. Thanks, Luke! Order from Luke, guys. Ring set is coming up, solicit in September, I think.
  8. We had very few DnD Heroes sets left to sell them, but they sold out of what we gave them. I think 50+. Villains we had more and they sold more. Under 100, though. I think Joe will be a different beast. More competition, from ReAction and Super 7, but bigger fan base than 80s DnD.
  9. I won't get too into detail, but if we get started now (I've seen the designs), maybe we can show them at Toy Fair or NYCC. Series 84 goes up for pre-order late August.
  10. We'll see. Series 1 is far from sold out, but if we can sell a bunch to Pulse, maybe.
  11. The Joe Series 1 and 2 sets sold once we put them out. I kept restocking, and found some Ninja Force on Sunday, so I put them out. The Transformers exclusive sold well, despite our thinking it would not make it to the show, and I sold a lot of TF Series 3, as well. Hopefully, being at Walmart is a good sign. We talked to Hasbro about Pulse at the show, so maybe that is still a possibility.
  12. We sell to a company that stocks collector toys in Walmart, they've done exclusive VHS figures in the past, so maybe they bought some. It's entirely possible.
  13. You know who else was in recent projects? America Chavez and Kid Loki. Those were exclusives. I'm pretty sure Walgreens requested Avengers game Minimates and we were doing waves of four figures -- who would you choose if you were Walgreens or even a line planner? We'd recently released Ms Marvel in the animated line. Spidey Minimates we tried to sell, but I'm pretty sure there was no interest if you're taking about Series 80 and 81, those lines also had Constrictor, Ghost, Silver Sable, Lilandra, Corsair, etc. 84 will have Typhoid Mary and the new Bullseye, a different character. And every ML Series also has a new Cap or Iron Man. They're called anchor characters. And ML has a lot of retail outlets -- Walgreens, Target, Amazon, Pulse. We are just not as big a line or company.
  14. I doubt anyone wants to have to buy the ring just to get a popular wrestler. We already have Darby Allin/Sting 2-pack planned, and MJF is a front runner for Series 3.
  15. Build a figures are not allowed by the licensor, sorry. Two-packs were not selling, retailers were less likely to order them due to the price of a case (>$100) and the likelihood they'd be stuck with peg warmers. And it's not as if the six-pack format meant our character selection process changed. If we had released series 82 and 83 as two-packs, the characters (and price) would have been the same.
  16. We did not cut Echo because she was a female and/or indigenous. We dropped her because she was expensive, lots of tooling and lots of tampo. Lots of extra parts so she could turn into Ronin. If we're going to lower the price of Marvel packs to satisfy complaints, we need to cut costs. She will be released eventually, just not in this set. Daredevil will come with a D-Man mask, hopefully that counts for some people.
  17. Not really, she's done and will be added to an upcoming set.
  18. Just saw this. Hot Wheels track scale, but it looks like it's got a big seat for that figurine, maybe you could get a Minimate (or half a Minimate) in there?
  19. At the panel and in the booth, there will be! None right now.
  20. Shown at SDCC, I believe. Solicited late August.
  21. Haha. Nope, good old room 32AB. The AB is for "Abysmal Attendance."
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