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Everything posted by Kostisfire

  1. Different sculpt. This one has Wolverine-esque boots, whereas the already existing foot is just a "shoe". Hence why they'd need a new boot sculpt. In truth, I'm not that bothered by it cause as someone else already said, she rarely uses it in the books.
  2. Normally, I'd be all "Hasbro's doing Moon Knight"-arghghg, but, considering that it looks awful, well, I'm just happy with my Black Knight & Amora... I mean, look at it: I-It looks like one of those cheap knock-offs that you'd find in a "Sense of Right Alliance" box-set at the dollar store... Though I am kinda dissapointed that Hasbro's doing the new 2099 costume before DST. At first I hated it, but it really grew on me...
  3. Yeah, I know, but like the recent Superior 2.0 costume, it's clear Ross' ones were big inspirations. Personally, Anka's one of my faves. His DeviantArt account is full of great reimaginings.
  4. I've had many such accidents. The most recent being Superior 2.0 and Best Of 3 Cap at the knee. Most of the time, my mates have the top of the arm develop cracks. That's ahppened too waaaay too many of them. And honestly, dunno why. I don't keep them out in the sun and I never "play" with them. The paint rubbing off is a whole 'nother subject.
  5. Yeah, they were something else. His Spider-Man still remains one of my fave redesigns ever. The only X-RD of him to kinda be brought to the 616, is his Wolverine one: As for 54, man, that sucks. My Red Skull's hip also broke fairly soon. I've noticed that with a lot of the most recent MM releases. Mainly the Marvel stuff. The others are always top notch, but the Marvel figs always have problems.
  6. Yeah, those Cassaday redesigns were great. But I find myself liking the Unused Alex Ross ones for the Movie X-Men a tad more. His Spider-Man one eventually became canon with Assassin Spider-Man and Superior 2.0, but his X-Men ones have not. Which is a same, since I remember really liking them. As for Wave 54, man, you missed a great wave. Winter Soldier, Falcon, Viper, Strucker, it's one of my faves.
  7. Well, Classic Falcon was at the top of lots of people's lists for a long time. I get why, it's his classic costume (the hideous green one doesn't count), but for me, it's an eh mate. I have the Wave 54 one, which is what I consider THE Falcon costume. It was sleek, modern, yet still super-hero-y. I get why some/most wanted this one, but it ain't for me. Still, there's only so many times you can say "yasss" about a fig. It's the reason most threads "die" and are resurected only when yay shots arrive.
  8. Yup, same goes for me. Dane/Amora is a must, but... I have no real interest in Tigra, Classic Falcon is at the bottom of my wants list, and I don't know why we're getting 2 Blizzards. Thing is, I loved Series 50, so to me, this is something along the lines of... Wave 44 I'd say. But, it's a "return" to the more "classic" Waves, so I like that. I long for the days of Waves 48, 42 and the like.
  9. Live till you reach 1000! PS: You're doing East of West customs?! Now that's interesting. East of West is in my Top 3 current series. And man, the designs and world overall are awesome. Really pumped to see them at some point.
  10. Terribly sorry for the thread bump, but I can't find the 2016 BE thread. I've lost some posts as well, and I was wondering maybe the thread got somehow "deleted" during the transfer? I got my present for this year, and I've got the pics and all, but I can't find the appropriate place to post them, in order to confirm its arrival.
  11. Yeah, it's true that the Big 2 and especially Marvel would rather relaunch rather than just tell a story. Thankfully indie titles don't have that problem yet, but I've already seen such tactics in Dark Horse. The new Aliens series that started what, last February or something, was advertised as an ongoing, but in reality it's a 12 issue maxi-series. Meanwhile, over at Valiant, we're at issue 16 of Ninjak, and it's still going strong. Same with East of West. My indie books have a certain spot in my shelves, and they keep pilling up. Meanwhile, my Marvel and DC books are constantly replaced. It really grinds my gears. As for Spider-Man, eh, I stopped caring a while ago. I'm not an MJ fan, so the marriage being gone didn't bother me, but I didn't like the way it was done. As for the newer stuff, they never caught my eye, and the ANAD Vol is totally bonkers. Certainly not something I'd waste 10 euros per month on. I'd rather get some B/C-List books that will most probably be cancelled within the year, but chances are they'll offer me more joy.
  12. Well, when you kill off Stark just a year after you vowed to make him a flagship character, when you change Venom's host again (seriously, what was wrong with Flash, his Agent Venom tenure was better than Brock's), when you turn Doom into Iron Man, instead of just launching a proper Doom solo, when you give the OC Wasp a solo, but sideline Jan, people are gonna be pissed, and righfully so. Current Marvel's B/C-List are brilliant, period. They're right there with the indie books. But their A-List books range from average to pretty darn bad. Hmm, good choices. I'd definitely take a T-Bolts box-set. It's the only major incarnation whose mates we don't have. I mean, sure, we also don't have the Diggle-Bolts, but come on, we're never gonna get Headsman, Paladin and Mister X. Even if I don't care for the OGs individually, they make for a great team. Then you have the Raft-Bolts, probably my faves after the OzBolts, but we need lots of figs to complete that line-up, due to its nature.
  13. Yeah, yeah, I know, "yet another wishlist thread" but come on, the forum's been kinda dead after the update (lack of news and all, so I figured, what better way to pass the time than take a look at Marvel's even newer costumes! I mean, those old tights that debuted like, a year ago, are like, super-old now. Time for a change! Kidding aside, I spotted some designs that'd make for some fairly interesting mates, so yeah, here you go. Or, you can just bypass all that and just curse Marvel for having another relaunch so soon, I won't judge you (truth be told I'll join you)... For the complete look at the new titles, here's a link: Marvel NOW! 2.0 Titles | As a sidenote, it's been confirmed that certain series have just been ommited from this catalogue, and will show up in the October solicits as regularly. So, no X-Men cancellations. Anyway, I won't bomb this thread with pics, rather, I'll post just one. Mainly because it's one of the two or three titles I'm anticipating 9it's still Bendis writting, but eh, I'm either too optimistic, or too starved for a Doom solo that I'll take anything I can), and because I think it'd make for a good mate. As you can see, these are Maleev's sketches for Doom's armour. Not terribly excitting, as it's mainly the ANAD Armour with a hood & cape combo, a different paint-job, and a few minor touches. Just for the novelt of it though, I'd love a mate, because, even though it's a boring Iron Doom design, it's a darn good Modern Doctor Doom Redesign. And good as it may be, the MvC3 Doom has some serious issues. It's basically a small statue at this point. So, yeah,if I had to choose one fig from this new batch, I'd choose Vic. Maybe he can be packed with his ANAD look, the suit & tie one. Now, you might be thinking "what about the F4 ban", but dunno, I don't think Marvel would publish a Doom solo titled "Infamous Iron Man", while also putting Ben on the GotG, and Johnny in the Inhumans. Something tells me that come this year's SDCC, we're in for a surprise, considering the recent Fox & Marvel X-Men TV Show deal. Or I'm just day dreaming, who knows? But I'd surely take an Iron Doom mate... Apart from this one, there aren't many terribly new looks. There's Thor Odinson, the USAvengers, the Classic Thunderbolts with slight costume tweaks, Prowler, Mosaic, plus all the ANAD looks that haven't been made already. You could come up with a great ANAD/NOW! 2.0 Wave, truth be told. So, in the spirit of wishlisting, here's my dream wave: Iron Doom/Victor Von Doom (Or more like Vincent Cassel) Captain America (Steve Rogers)/ Black Widow Moon Knight (Mr. Knight or Super-Hero look)/ Black Panther Unworthy Thor/ Spider-Man 2099 So, yeah, there you have it' I'd also like Chulk and others, but these would be main wants. Yeah, it's A-List heavy, but I've got my reasons. ANAD Black Panther has a really cool Mass-Effect like Mask (it's from Hickman's run, but here it's used more often) and I think this plus his "weapons" would make for some great extras. ANAD Black Widow has a new look, with short hair, which I love, plus, the TRU 17 one was kinda wonky. Unworthy Thor actually looks cool, and Spider-Man 2099 could be a very fun mate. Iron Doom/Vic I already gave my thoughts on, MK doesn't need any more info, and HYDRA Cap, well, I like him, weirdly enough... Oh, and one more thing... Here's your reference DST, now get on that Moon Knight Wave! And yeah, that's Astronaught Marc Spector. It'll be debuting in MK #5, which is a collection of various "trippy" sequences from various artists.
  14. Bendis-Man, Bendis-Man, Does whatever a Bendis can, Decompresses, all the time, Doesn't care, about your dime, Look out! Here comes the Bendis-Man. Is he bad? Listen Bud, He's the one who turned Star-Lord blonde, Can he write anything good, Who knows, surely not you, Hey there, Here comes the Bendis-Man. (I can't come up with the rest, so there you go) Honestly, neither Marvel NOR DC are doing everything right at this point. DC's just reprinting old stories, technically speaking. Aquaman vs Black Manta! Batman vs Hugo Strange! Superman vs Luthor! Wonder Woman vs Cheetah! So yeah, their output is rather stale in that regard. What saves them, is that they're more... honest, I guess? If you look at their recent solicits, you'll see minis for Deadman, Hawkman/Adam Strange, Midnighter/Apollo. all of whom are characters who couldn't headline an ongoing these days. So, they're markting them as minis. Now, compare that to Marvel, who advertises stuff like Foolkiller, Solo, Slapstick, Bullseye and Kingpin as ongoings... I mean, WTF? Over at Marvel, they're taking too many risks, and are sacrificing good storytelling in the name of publicity and cash. Events = Cash, and Replacements = Publicity. Case in point, Bendis' OC (nope, I refuse to call her by name, considering she's nothing more than a Mary Sue DeviantArt OC). She's appeared for all of...what, 10 panels in a year? But now suddenly, she's fit to be Iron Man! Oh and she's like, smarter than Tony! Meanwhile, he, after being promoted as the new mascot of Marvel, is now gonna die/retire/become an AI. Do you see the problem now? They're liars, cheaters and dishonest, and that's what pisses people off more than anything. Personally, I'm pulling 6 Marvel titles as of now: Moon Knight, Doctor Strange, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimates, Deadpool and Black Panther (Darth Vader as well, but that's ending this August). From those, Moon Knight is legitimately great, but all the others... Doctor Strange stars a Stephen who smooches women in the middle of a kid's exorcism, Black Panther is just a Wakanda story where T'Challa is the Antagonist and Coates' OCs are the "real" heroes, Ultimates is nothing like what was advertised, X-Men is by the numbers, and Deadpool is good enough. From DC, I'm pulling 3 titles: Batman, Hellblazer and Deathstroke. Batman has been so far, a "classic" comic book. See, that's what people like about current DC. They're publishing straight-up comic books. You open it, and you're not hit with political propaganda, "meta-commentary" and the like, but you actually get a great story. Good guys vs bad guys in interesting and well written plots. But, I can hear you from behind "but Kostis, what's the point of reading the same things again and again, let them experiment". And yeah, I'd agree, if Marvel wasn't doing such a poor job at it. I like the fact that they're giving more villains a chance, but everything else, they're doing wrong. They've made their heroes unrecognizable, their stories are bad retreats, their events are mediocre, and they can't let a book breathe before cancelling it. Did anyone notice when Red Wolf's "ongoing" begin and end? No? Of course not, because Marvel neither promoted it, nor let it breathe. So yeah, they want their pie whole, and their stomach full as well. Like it or not, these characters are America's mythology, in a way. So, in general, they must be "protected" and preserved. Create new heroes, or just retire them. All stories end at some point. I mean, I don't recall Hercules finding a genius orphan, blessed by the Gods of Chaos who could command an army of Black-Snakes, and taking him under his care. Herc was... Herc. Same goes for Jason, Thor, Odin and all those wonderful characters. What is happening here, is that Marvel is more interested in getting the Tumblr crowd's attention, rather than putting out good books. In general, what I'm trying to say, is that, if you look for actually great comics, go to the Indies. That's your only choice. They have new and interesting characters, plots, stories, and in general you get more bang for your buck. Ifyou want great Super-Hero stuff, go to DC. A lowered Price-Point, the Classic characters back where they belong, and in general just a perfect super-hero universe. The only reason to go with Marvel, is for a few B/C-Lister books (MK, Black Widow, etc), and what I'm doing, out of loyalty. I would've dropped everything bar MK, but that darned loyalty to them has me spending more than I'd like to, on stuff I'm not enjoying. One of those days though, I'll just cancel it all and stick with books that I actually like... PS: I can't recommend Ninjak, Bloodshot and Eat of West enough though. Those books are phenomenal.
  15. Thanks everyone! And yeah, I think I started coming here a bit before the Stormbreaker set was released. Honestly, I think that was the set that pushed me to collect full-time. Heck, my first user-name/"alias" here was "Beta Ray Bill" (just a shame my younger self didn't know what collecting meant, and used all 4-pack's figures bar Sif and BRB for customs...). But yeah, time sure does fly by pretty darn fast...
  16. I've been trying to settle on one for a while now. I went with my favourite villain/anti-villain this time, and I scrapped the sig cause it takes too much space. I am thinking of changing it into Right-Clops though. That Death of X woke up the Cyke fan in me again...
  17. Nah, it's me who should be, I didn't word my response good enough. Let's hope we both get what we're after!
  18. Oh jeez, sorry, I wasn't implying that, not at all. The banes of the internet really.
  19. Lucky sod. I mean, not that I'm complaining for free stuff, but I reckon most things will be taken when my turn arrives (I'm looking at you, Elder Predator & Gotham). What surprises me is that nobody picked Chef Duff yet. It's one of the rarest minimates.
  20. Hey, look who's appearing in the upcoming episode of Ultimate Spider-Man:
  21. Well, that sure is an impressive pool. Thanks for doing this!
  22. It is odd, that's true. I thought that the NOW! team at least would've gotten a 4-Pack, but no such luck. What's weird is that we have Angela, Tony, Carol and Flash (his Space look coming this fall), but not the main Guardians.
  23. I was thinking that since the days of the T-Bolts and the Dark Avengers teams are long past, there's not a big chance for us to get a complete team as big as the DnA one. Of coure, Groot is noticeably different, but if we were to get just a 4Pack, I'd be willing to sacrifice Groot for a poseable Rocket. How Howard has a full fig and Rocket a micro, I'll never figure out... Thing is, Marvel Cosmic has MASSIVE potential, but it's still untapped. I mean, where's Darkhawk and an updated Rich Rider Nova? Where are the Inhumans? Where's Cosmo, Tyrant and the Original Guardians? Now, most of them are D-Listers, but a GotG wave is such a sure hit, I'm surprised it still hasn't happened. I mean, I'm glad to get Black Knight, but it's a bit weird we're getting Blizzard and the Mandroids, in a "random" wave, while we still haven't seen a comic GotG one. In 2014 DST couldn't do that due to the fact that comic and movie products would hinder each other. But what about 2015 and 2016? With 2017 featuring GotG Vol. 2, it's a given we won't see a comic wave next year. Maybe 2018? Personally I'd like to see both the OG Team, the 2008 one, and even the Gatchaman/Mass Effect one.
  24. Yup, that as well. GotG would have made for a great SDCC 4-Pack (just skip Groot cause he's always the same, and give us a poseable Rocket), but alas, twas not meant to be...
  25. I've gotta second that. We have neither the 2008 versions, nor the NOW! & ANAD ones. Funny thing is, we have the "Cameo-Members", such as Angela, Venom and Captain Marvel, but we're missing the core team.
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