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Everything posted by Valo487

  1. An updated 2099 would be cool, and no ones saying we shouldn't have some reuse, but we can't lose sight of the fact that every retread takes a spot from a new character. Shocker has ONE costume, he doesn't need a retread. If they do another one it would probably be Ultimate Shocker, who looks nothing like the 616 version. Not every character merits a retread. They need to factor in both casual buyers AND long term fans. If you missed out on Shocker the first time keep checking eBay, it doesn't warrant a new release just because some fans haven't got one yet. Retreads are for attracting new fans and improving mates who have become dated, and no ones going to jump onboard for Shocker. And again, WE JUST GOT the Lizard after several years, and we're getting another one in a ASM wave, is a "Modern" version preferable to a new character?and if you think so, why? Cause I'm not seeing that logic.
  2. I empathize with the newer mate collectors, but I think all the talk of redoing several characters is very excessive. We just got Lizard, and are going to get another in the ASM movie wave. Let's not forget every redo takes the place of a potential new character, which we all claim to want. Don't send DST the wrong signals by asking for redos of every character. We know Zach Oat reads the board, so we are heard. Kingpin, Rhino-Definitely could use it. The Lizard, Shocker-Not so much. Oh, and I would love a Clone Saga box set: Scarlet Spider, Kaine, Jackal and whoever else.
  3. I don't know why they mentioned Shocker, we have a perfectly good one already. Some of the Spidey mates I'd like to see most are Hammerhead, Beetle, Morbius, Tombstone, Molten Man, and I've always thought Boomerang would look awesome as a mate. If they do a bulked up Rhino that's fine, he should be bigger, but I don't think we need a bulked up Venom, the powerhouse chest version seems fine to me. Plus if they redo regular Venom they'd have to redo Anti-Venom and I'd rather see them focus on new characters. As far as non-villains go, the Prowler would be cool. And if we're going to get more versions of Spidey, Noir and Negative Zone Spidey would be really good as mates I think.
  4. I'm surprised at the reaction to this, if we're going to get more Spider-Men (spoiler: we are) this is probably one of the most unique variations we could get as it represents a whole new character. And since this will also get us a new Spider-Man villain, this is an example to me of a good mix on DST's part. If we have to have major character retreads, make them unique and interesting and package them with a cool supporting character or villain. I'm happy with this, which is a nice feeling after all the movie waves and disappointing Q+A answers. (Winter Soldier)
  5. My issue with this is we have had, and still have to come, a slew of Deadpools, so if they're trying to catch casual buyers they've already caught them with other sets. They could have used this opportunity to finish the Warriors 3 they dropped the ball on, or a Captain America or Thor set to add to the wave they were forced to share. Considering the movie waves I'm sure we'll be drowning in next year, a few new comic based characters would have been nice, and while these are comic based, they don't seem like new characters to me. Deadpool with breasts seems like a joke, not a new character.
  6. Yep, the Wrecking Crew, Kang, Falcon, Baron Zemos and the Brotherhood won't sell, but this sure will. I always knew the day would come when DST made a boxset of four versions of one character, I just figured it would be Spider-Man. I'd be more excited about a Spider-Man Identity Crisis box set than I am for this.
  7. I love that DST expects people to buy this box set when they've already announced they have no plans for a matching Beast to finish it. That saves us the chance to have three versions of the same people in the same team with different outfits. Oh damn.
  8. I'm pretty sure buttheadsmate is joking, but I'm positive that's how it goes at DST.
  9. I like the new Blade, and Dracula looks good. Not as keen on the other two, but I'll pick it up. This Blade made me think though, we really need a new Luke Cage. I get tired of rehashes, but he really needs one. Also, every one of the four bios on the back mentions Xarus, but he's not getting made? That doesn't really make sense.
  10. I hope not, I can think of a lot of cool stuff they could do in a 4-pack, fingers crossed.
  11. I like these a lot more than I should, I think I just like the way the white suits look. I do wish we had a non clear Sue as well though.
  12. The X-Force boxset is pretty much the biggest example, they released a specialty boxset with not a single new character, then they put the only new character in a TRU wave because we needed yet another Wolverine in the box instead of Fantomex. And one of the few times DST makes a concerted effort to finish a team it's a team with only one new character and a team few people were asking for. But the Thunderbolts only need one character, but there's no sign of her. The Brotherhood, the second biggest Mutant team is ridiculously underrepresented, I mean Toad was on that poster six years ago I think? Chuck has made it clear from some of his comments he's not that familiar with the comics, so I don't understand why he thinks some things won't sell when he's not even familiar with the character. I mean, Baron Zemo has never been seriously discussed? He's Captain America's second biggest villain, founder of the Masters of Evil and the Thunderbolts, and he killed Bucky!! (I know he got better.) If a villain that major has never been seriously
  13. I should add that Crossbones has been on my Top 10 most wanted for a few years, so I'm thrilled we're getting him, my only complaint, and it's not even really a complaint as much as a concern, is that when a character like Thor or Captain America has a movie coming out, they don't utilize that opportunity to put out a whole comic wave to capitalize on that awareness, but we get a plethora of movie versions, and the comic line is what built the line in the first place. Comic based 'mates are the foundation of the line, and I don't like how frequently they get put on hold for movie 'mates. Both are equally valid, don't forget the comics these movies came from.
  14. I am glad about the health of the line, I'm 100% in agreement with BarRoomHero on that.
  15. Why? No ones saying the line sucks, we're just expressing our feelings on it. Almost every thread on the site is overwhelmingly positive, criticism can be valuable if it's constructive.
  16. I'm not upset about it, I still love the line, but it does get a bit tiresome when everything has to go on hold because a movie is coming out and we typically don't get many new characters in movie waves, and they fail to capitalize on awareness from a movie to get us more conic characters, we got a wave a piece for the Thor and Captain America movies, but both got crammed into one comic wave. Our best shot at getting Zemo and Winter Soldier has passed, who knows how long we'll have to wait now. My only other grievance is the constant retreads of characters, even ones who aren't that popular. We had to have another Captain Britain in the Excalibur boxset, Juggernaut and Nightcrawler weren't popular enough to carry the box themselves? And why is it that teams like the Wrecking Crew aren't popular enough to warrant a boxset, when the only places that carry boxsets are specialty stores? I thought the whole point of comic shops was they could carry characters that the average person wouldn't know.
  17. I'm glad they're still up for releasing the other two, Firelord has always been a design I've liked.
  18. Valo487

    Wave 42

    They really could have split the Thor and Captain America halves into two waves, I feel like we missed a chance to see Zemo, Winter Soldier and several others.
  19. Pictures up at
  20. Credit to, Galactus, Morg, Nova and Terrax made the cut.
  21. I still maintain that Zemo is the most important villain not to have a 'mate yet. Nothing against Kang, but he isn't the founder of several teams and the killer(for a while) of Marvel's most famous sidekick. Oh, and Taskmaster looks good. I didn't think he really needed an update, but this one definitely is superior.
  22. I forget exactly what he was called, but I'd like to submit Arno Stark Iron Man for consideration, as it's an Iron Man variant that's actually a new character.
  23. MODOK and Dormammu are my only two must haves, but the quality of what I've seen has at least intrigued me enough to consider picking up the rest despite having no fondness for the characters. DST can do really good work when motivated.
  24. I know she's popular in terms of X-characters, but I don't know if she's popular enough to warrant having four versions of her in the span of just a couple years. It's just surprising to see her name next to Hulk and Thor in terms of characters who have been 'mated several times.
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