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Everything posted by murderofcrows

  1. best joker to date! that is a fact. you obviously wanted it. I have paid more than that for a minimate, because i wanted it. enjoy it and for god sakes, take some pictures of the lil bugger in action and post em here!
  2. Pretty Well Indeed Is it cool if I pm you with some more questions regarding decals?
  3. Hey thanks for the kind words, I thought about the axe too, but since it is blue, it just doesn't look as good as I had hoped.
  4. While it is not my is my latest LBC. Last Update 4/3/08 Snake Eyes Commando Conan I know we are not likely to get one through normal means, and since it is a regular in the Mego days and Twisted Toyfare I couldn't resist.
  5. holy hell that ROCKS!!! from one lazy bastard customizer to another GREAT JOB!!! I will totally be stealing that idea, the only change i MIGHT make is the upper legs and crotch i might use a BSG olive green. still excellent LBC!!!!!
  6. "Brewer: Creatively Minimates has been a fun line to work on, and the mix of character choices has had some nice surprises. It would have been good had they performed at bit better, but their holding their own" See I see that as a negative. would have been good had they performed better....never a good sign maybe I am still in denial over marvel minimates...
  7. HA!!!!!! Loved your closing ceremonies! great job!!!!!!!!!!
  8. This is my modification to survivor Black Panther. After Forge made him some replacement limbs. I used the right arm from cyborg superman, the lower leg from steel, and the foot from cyborg superman... I think it looks better than the bloody stumps..and shows his appearance at the end of the first Marvel Zombie Series
  9. my way of dealing with waiting for a real answer I of course realize that a web armor spiderman would have made a better Destro...but I don't have one.
  10. You can put me down at stage 2.... I mean I knew it couldn't last forever, but.... shit now I bypassed 3 and went straight to 4.
  11. NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is true, I will be devastated. and to be honest i will pick up the rest of the dc then i will more than likely be done collecting minimates. this sucks! im not sure what secret project they are working on, but unless it is gi joe or star wars minimates mgm movie minimates are not going to cut it for me.... so much for my dream of a winter soldier, deadpool, gambit, black knight, and shatterstar minimates in short this SUCKS
  12. your customs Rock! and love the spoiler sarcasm Classic! and for other members, the ghost rider bike that rocks the house, yea my good friend Matt here hooked me up with a copy and thus ended my eternal hunt for the perfect hell cycle!!! Thanks and keep up the good work D
  13. Ahhh! Nice Play on words...and I too feel like until i hear official trepedacious
  14. I can see me buying a few of these. One for the set and 3 more for the prison jumpsuits. now the buffalo bill just freaks me the hell out.... but on a side note, you can take a "marvel party girl" minimate and recreate the "tucked weiner dance" scene from the movie.... Oh come on, you know you were thinking about it too! don't judge me monkey
  15. Wow that makes me sad, that someone could still not have the x men box set. It is such a good boxset.
  16. Nono, you have nothing to live for. Go ahead and jump. Now THAT hurts !
  17. Captain America from wave five hands down. The only modification I did was add the boots from the silver age flash....perfection in a minimate. Runner Up: Dr. Strange. Just a great translation and a good looking mate to boot. Miss Congeniality: Dr Doom. I know there could be some improvements to this figure (the hood and cape. But damn this a good simple figure!
  18. I don't know about anyone else, but I find myself constantly searching for confirmation that marvel minimates are still going to be made. I just need some sort of reassurance that this line will continue. Hint at future releases, solid word from DST something. To me a tag line "no longer doing marvel resin" isn't the same thng as, don't worry minimates are going to continue as long as there are sales. Does anyone else remember the mass exodus of product from Toy Biz on the Legends figures? They shoved as many out as they could in a small window...doesn't that sound familiar...lots of exclusives, 2 really kick ass waves for 19 and 20....kind of like a, "hey we got nothing left to lose, release a havok..." I think about all the great potential figures out there (Deadpool, Gambit, Red Skull...etc) and I want to know at least the possibility still exists for them to be made. I look at The SHS Figures from Hasbro, and see, that they are surpassing minimates on different characters made. Now I know we will never see a Marvel Zombies wave in SHS, but Deadpool, and the "Cap" Version of the Punisher are being released this year. Is anyone else feeling this anxious? worried? I mean I love all minimates, but Marvel is what drug me in...and without it I will be pretty damn sad. Someone talk me down... moc847
  19. No offense WW4M but that was funny! It's cool. I think TBT hit it on the head. I will contact DST about it for the knowledge. The cash is not the issue, I have been saving my pennies for a long time. The liscence may have expired with SF2, very possible. I still put it out there because if I can make this happen, I want to make sure I have support from my fellow collectors. So, if you have support, wether or not there is an answer to a seemingly impossible question, show it on the thread. If not, save it. That's all. P.S. I hope I entertained someone with my antics. WW4M seriously i do appreciate your passion. If you have enough pennies saved up to get a "retail exclusive" then i think you will find we will all support you by buying from you. I think the only thing some people *like me were thrown off by was the petition angle. Now if you wrote the petion on the back of a check...that might be a different story. You may want to talk to BTTF i know his site hosted an exclusive, he might be able to tell you his experience anyway no offense
  20. Couldn't the prostetics be added by using say Ultron, Doctor Doom, or maybe cyborg Superman to give them the replacement limbs?
  21. *SON OF A BITCH!!! this was the main reason I wanted him! I wonder if we could contact DST Chuck or Matt and get some??? *Can you use the hair from the 24 character to make it look better?
  22. I have to agree with Dragon, the big factor is cash. Saying I would buy a set, hell 10 not the same thing as writing a check to DST and saying make this many and I will sell them on my own. Soooo unless someone has an open check book...a petition is about as good as a popcorn fart in the wind. So let's just say "ahhh what could have been" and focus on stuff we know is getting made. nuff said moc847
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