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Everything posted by murderofcrows

  1. True story. I had to buy my wife her own iPad because of Mini Myte. I kept replacing the wallpaper from our family photos to his awesome pics. Now we are both happy.
  2. Space wolvie fighting aliens. Dats. Niiiiice.
  3. space suit space suit space suit!!!!! love it.
  4. IMOHO. the best 5 sets to date! I have to admit I am disappointed no future 80s endeavors with icon heroes.
  5. Deadpool pack - will sell like hot cakes !!! I want it for x pool alone. Bob H is somewhere passed out now I'm sure. Thundercats - beautiful. I love icon heroes for putting this out and will miss this line after 5 is gone Ironman - for me it is a pass but it looks great and for anyone just getting into mates I can see this being HUGE Overall great showing this year!!!
  6. We need to collectively STOP. otherwise we are destined for disappointment.
  7. Zach you are such a tease. For me the space wolvy is THE reason for this set.!!
  8. I will own these. Brodie. suzane and blunt man and chronic please
  9. I am holding out hope.
  10. we as always have set the bar too high.
  11. we got him in that outfit. .
  12. Please don't even joke about there being a Black Knight minimate. my heart can't take anymore disappointment
  13. If one is baron Von strucker i will break dance.
  14. Luke cage & Vision. Got to be
  15. flock of Saurons. I love that band.
  16. you are great for this line this community and fandom in general. happy birthday.
  17. my list begins and ends with the black knight and falcon. everything else is gravy.
  18. I can say this...peg warmer today Missed opportunity tomorrow! that is the beauty of minimates no matter what minimate that comes out. love it or hate it. I always find something I can use for a part swap or quick custom. I have been guilty of saying "pass" before. but it is generally because I was hoping for someone different but I ALWAYS am impressed after I see them on the pegs. now having said all this. I promise to not just say pass anymore.
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