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Donny B

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Everything posted by Donny B

  1. WOO HOO! All of those covers look great! It's cool seeing the Minimate community pulling together for a show like this also, I am really jealous of the artwork you got from some of the Minimate professionals.
  2. Seeing the original design sheets with the 'mates themselves must be a really fun experience! And I'm still really impressed with the book you put together!
  3. Donny B

    Tru 17

    Ditto on both points. I LOVE the flat color scheme (this is how I would have prefered the original release), and also, we need to see many more promotions in this vein. It might be a slight nuisance for collectors (though, no more than tracking down certain TRU exclusives), but it is a great doorway for enticing new collectors who may have never even heard of Minimates. It reminds me of the days of old (specifically, the Ultimate Avengers DVD & the Wizard/Toy Fare-sponsored Iron Fist/Power Man pack). Good times
  4. This is an exceptionally cool project you've put together, and I love how you're covering everything for those of us who can't be there to see it in person!
  5. As a person who uses the database to spot any potential differences in releases, my vote is to make it a separate entry. Personally, I feel like the different parts (shoulder pads) are enough to offset the seeming redundancy. If the difference was more like the original Street Fighter releases (whos 4 pack figures sported slightly thicker decal lines than their 2 pack counterparts), then I'd say no. But different shoulders and different faces is enough to warrant its own enry, imo
  6. I wonder if they're going to go with Ray Parks for Iron Fist, like he was rumored to be about 10 years ago... This seems like extremely cool news, and definitely solidifies Netflix as a serious player in the industry (not that it was hard to see it coming). Disney doesn't back stuff like this unless they're confident in it (it reminds me of the HD/bluray war that was essentially declared 'over' once Disney chose to back bluray) I like how Marvel is doing some unconventional and ambitious things like this. With the debate of how soon the Marvel movie bubble will burst, it's good knowing that Marvel is thinking outside of the box with new properties (like GOTG) and diversifying their delivery options (Theatrical releases, then standard tv, now Netflix) ... I'm very interested in seeing where they take things next. And personally, I'm thinking Jessica Jones' series might prove to be my favorite. I've been intrigued by the idea ever since I first heard about them shopping it around... Though for the moment, I'm most excited about the potential with a Daredevil series. I can't wait to see how they weave the shows together. I love the long play with this type of thing...
  7. it's near the beginning of the episode titled "Benefits" (Season 4, episode 12 - thank you Netflix), the one where Marshall drives all the way to Ted's apartment so he doesn't have to 'read a magazine' at work.
  8. I don't think that's too weird. I like how HIMYM addressed that kind of thing by pointing out if you don't do something else while you're pooping, it's essentially just time you're not getting back. Most people buy newspapers or magazines specifically for something to read in the bathroom - I'm not sure that opening toys in that setting is too much weirder than reading (or maybe I'm in the minority on that). As for me - sometimes when I get a big order, I'll set a few packs aside for a 'rainy day' so to speak. I usually open them when I'm having a tough day and need a little pick me up. I find that opening a lot of 'mates all at once has two drawbacks: First, I don't value each minimate adequately, because there's always one figure that stands out above the others and I might overlook the 'lesser' ones in favor of admiring the 'coolest' one. Whereas, if I open maybe 2 packs a week, I find a lot more value in each of those figures. (I do the same thing with music) And second, I hate the dry spells when I'm inbetween getting new 'mates. So I avoid the drought-or-drown conundrum by spacing them out. I don't know how unusual that particular habit is (anyone else out there do the same thing?), but that's my main thing.
  9. I actually did this drawing for a completely different project, but I managed to finish it in time to post here, so I thought I'd add it to the collection, even though I'm not officially entering the contest: based on Starman #30: Again, I'm not entering the contest. I just love drawing Minimates
  10. What I wouldn't give for official Firefly/Serenity 'mates. I know it's insanely unlikely that they'll ever get made, but I'm almost as fond of the series/movie as Tenime... so it's one of those "I can dream, can't I?" things for me These customs are sweet. I especially love how well you pieced Zoe together. It looks pretty close to what I think an official release might look like
  11. For me, I'm going to have to say Cosmic Silver Surfer & Swordsman. They're simply perfect in design and execution. DST has produced countless amazing mates over the years, but I keep being impressed with Silver Surfer & Swordsman every time I look at them.
  12. I could see them getting away with a not-so-deep cut for the mouth as long as the mouth is painted black. But then, I can also see it maybe not looking so great. And yes, it makes sense to keep it like that so it can share one sculpt with the drone. And speaking of light-piping, do you happen to know how that went over (production-wise)? Do you think we might ever see another mate done that way again? or did it prove to be too great of a hassle to consider revisiting? Thanks Zach!
  13. Sorry if this question has been raised already, but Zach, do you happen to know the reasoning behind how Ultron's head was designed? What I'm curious about is the fact that it's clearly a newly sculpted piece (I'm going to call them "ears". someone correct me if that's not the right term for them), but the face itself is flat and all the details are tampo'd. I'm not criticizing it in the slightest, but I'm curious why there's such a heavy amount of sculpting on the body, and considerably less in the face?
  14. Mine's decent. It really helped that I was able to order a bunch of the cases from Luke. I should get around to photographing my Hydra army at some point, too...
  15. wait what? I just sold mine last month for $30. haha, curse you, eBay! =P That being said, I think Mysterio holds up the best to this day. The rest were beautiful mates (especially at the time), with my favorite being 'death' archangel. I don't think Ultron needs an update, but I can understand people wanting a new version of him that isn't so event-specific. Still, it's a beautifully designed mate. I haven't read AoU, or any recent Marvel books for that matter - does anyone know if the shirt under Fury's vest fits with any contemporary 616 looks? As in, can I still use his shirt to make a non AoU version of Nick, or will I need to use something else?
  16. Happy 26th! it's a good age, enjoy the snot out of it
  17. I knew these guys were going to look amazing, but wow. I love this shot...
  18. I'm still getting settled in to my new place in Oregon, but I've got the cover on my list of things to get working on (and hopefully finish) within a week.
  19. Nothing in Tigard, OR. But at least they have a Cheesecake Factory to console me in my hour of depression =P
  20. this is a pretty sweet vid. DST needs to make one like this that showcases how Minimates are made
  21. *Best Eric Idle voice* Come on Brian, Cheer up! I'll admit I wouldn't be heart broken to go back to 4 waves, Released in pairs twice a year, with 1-2 Con exclusives as extras... Those were the good old days when getting everything was possible and buying cases of waves you loved was not out of the norm. T. I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this way Don't get me wrong, I love getting drowned in a sea of new mates each year, but after a while, it takes its toll. Especially on one's wallet...
  22. In the midst of my move (aka, road trip!) from NY to OR, I've been hitting every TRU I've come across. No sign of anything yet... I'm currently in Nebraska. I'll post again if I find something
  23. I applaud your decision, for exactly the reasons everyone else has listed. it's tough letting go of something you love, but when family is the reasoning, then it is a noble act. Best of luck to you! you will definitely be missed
  24. Congrats battlecat! And thanks Shanester for a fun contest with a sweet prize!
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