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Everything posted by Mnemosis

  1. Irrelevant, really. He was a guy named Rock lol
  2. Personally, I always liked Mainframe and Dial Tone better lol! But you're right. "Guy who sits at a computer" is "boring" compared to "dude with a rocket launcher." Maybe if the focus was a bit more on humanitarian and peace keeping efforts? A more militarized version of Rescue Bots? I just don't know...
  3. I'll agree that a slightly different take could work. I think a near future (10-20 years) storyline somewhere between Deus Ex and Terminator might work well. The Joes would have to be low tech to combat the villains who control the net.
  4. Sounds like a Spongebob character
  5. The problem with GI Joe, I fear, is that military toys won't draw a young crowd. Not now. Not for some time. When I was growing up, playing with GI Joe, war was WW2. The Civil War. The Revolutionary War. There was a clear "right" side, and everything about it was compelling. Brothers fighting brothers, genocide, freedom hanging in the balance. Korea and Vietnam were too fresh to factor into anything. Now, Vietnam and the Middle East and real close-to-home terrorism are what you think of when you think war. The lines are blurred. Soldiers are still heroes, but should they be fighting those battles in the first place? It all makes for compelling drama for the more adult collector who has grown up with GI Joe, but... kids? It's not as easy for kids to latch onto anymore. Hasbro is trying to milk every cent they can out of Joe by reissuing and reprinting what they already have. But making new product? A whole new 6 inch line? The profitability just isn't there. Larger scale collector figures that are direct shipped? That can work, because of the margins involved, but for me? No thanks. Anyhow... I know we're so off topic it hurts. Back to basics...
  6. I love the build of the Lady Jaye and was excited to get her. But she's got the same plastic issues as Baroness and every figure I saw had googly eyes and/or plastic flashing around her jawline that looked like a beard. Disappointing, as I wanted to turn her into Bombstrike. As for Baroness, it's a weak base figure, a horribly outdated head sculpt, a poor paint app (everyone I saw looks like she's puckering her lips) and a boring accessory pack out. If it came down under ten, I'd get the set and try to salvage The figures. But I don't see that happening. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that Hasbro is trying to sabotage G.I. Joe. When there was a rumor of them getting a Star Wars Black style 6 inch line, everyone got excited and started talking about what they would like to see from it, until the Joe convention came and they revealed that was not going to happen. All they had to show was more of the same kind of product that no one has been buying. At this point, I think the best thing that could happen to G.I. Joe would be for Hasbro to give the license to someone else. I literally could not agree more. Instead of something new and exciting, Hasbro is giving us a mountain of reissues and repaints. And still, some fans are into it (maybe because they have nothing else to choose from?) I'll be getting Gung Ho, even if he's jacked up, and MAYBE a Rock Viper if I can customize a good enough substitute head for him. But damn. I miss GOOD GI Joe product.
  7. That Lady Jaye/Baroness two-pack is GARBAGE. I LOVE my Joes, and always appreciate GOOD custom fodder, but ugh. Make mine DST
  8. Ok, good. Nowhere near as dark as I'd feared. ... I miss having a basement
  9. Agreed! I might even make that my default display Daredevil
  10. Yeah, I found this in my image searching this evening. Thank goodness. Lol
  11. I don't buy a lot of vintage, so I haven't made the trip yet
  12. Thanks man! I've just never loved any of the DST offerings. Close, but no cigar. This is: J&SB:SB Justice body ToT Celia face X-Men First Class Jean Grey hair TRU 17 BW gauntlets (painted) Marvel Universe BW belt (cut, molded, and painted) I just feel like this combination brings more of Widow's sultry-but-deadly attitude into play. I based it loosely off of Guardian Devil
  13. I'm not passing on it. Not without an episode or two under my belt. I'm just skeptical. I think something like Supergirl not having an alter ego and then having to figure it out would be way more interesting. A take on her where she shows up on earth as a late teen and is JUST Supergirl at first. Then, eventually, let a life creep in.
  14. Zach, I hope each year fills you with more joy than the prior, and that - like Minimates - you continue to grow in prosperity
  15. Lurv it! For anyone not in the Facebook group... Finally made my idea of a perfect Black Widow
  16. God DAMN it. Now I need parts for a Shard, you beautiful bastard. Open collar white girl will def be Shadow Cat
  17. ::shrugs:: I stand by my opinion that this looks way more "Felicity" than I'd want and... to my point... comically like the BW skit. If you think that's all appropriate for a Supergirl movie, that's fine. Your call. I think they're pandering a bit and could have done something different; more unique.
  18. Jubes has a smaller chest than Storm, fyi
  19. I'm just saying this: People complained that AoU was degrading to women for it's portrayal of its lead female character. SNL made a parody of what an over-the-top stereotypical chick flick starring a superheroine would look like. DC released a totally unironic trailer for their Supergirl show, that looked STARTLINGLY like the SNL parody. Or, to put it more simply, SNL said "it would be REALLY ridiculous if there was a superheroine movie that looked like THIS" only for DC to say "Hey, that's almost exactly what our superheroine TV show looks like."
  20. Didn't see any Jubilee/Destiny sets at my LCS or I'd have grabbed some up for boardies. That said, I DID see every other set, in case I do end up needing more for customs... O.o
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