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Everything posted by DarthBurkie

  1. Love the Secret Wars Doc Ock! Don't screw up Carnage! He has the potential to be one of the best Mates ever! VERY Happy Lizard is getting a sculpted head! I though the first Lizard really was missing something that made him pop.
  2. Got mine in the mail today!!! Awesome! Good luck with everybody finding them!
  3. Ordered mine - which means they magically appeared at my TRU after I hit place order. Yeah, IM/Hulk labeled "Minimate Assortment" worries me a little. Who knows what I'll get!
  4. And people think a Shield Agent Dump Box wouldn't sell.
  5. Man, I really want a Deathlok to go with that Spidey!!!
  6. Congrats on the find & thanks for the pics!!!
  7. I'm addicted! I want them all!!!
  8. Great casting on M! Shame about...well you know.?
  9. I grew up a fan of Roger Moore's Bond. I liked the gadgets and the more ridiculous villains & plots. I like Craig's portrayal of Bond. It's nice to see Bond be human. I thought Brosnan was a good combo of the classic Bond & Dalton's cutthroat Bond. That being said, Brosnan got some shitty scripts with Goldeneye being the best. I like Goldeneye, it was a return to form for the franchise & I'm all for more Sean Bean but give me Craig's Bond any day of the week. What I'm really trying to say is we need Bond minimates! (There's a series that would never be completed?!)
  10. That Carnage will haunt my dreams! Where did you get the gun for Bishop?
  11. So excited for the Toy Biz Spacesuit Wolvie!!! Yeah, I'd rather have a newer Weapon X (helmet & wires & such) then Venverine but whatever, I'm in!!!
  12. It's never the wrong thread for beewbs.
  13. Shouldn't Blue Steel be after Silver Centurion?
  14. Is Darcy getting the *Cough* powerhouse *Cough* chest? Seriously, Sunfire & Banshee FTW.
  15. Please let a Punisher TTA set happen!
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