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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. Your HELLBOY is Awesome.Great job on his hair!!
  2. I found them today and I must say i like these ALOT more then i thought i would.I'm hooked Hooked on another line :tongue:.Off to Lukes toy store next week :biggrin:
  3. This set is a complete win I have always wanted A classic Blade minimate and he looks fantastic. I love the updated Dr Strange.All 4 are a must have!!:biggrin:
  4. Chuck looks great!! tomorrow is my big day to get them. Thanks for the heads up on the hat.
  5. WoW I realy like your Sandman your mask on him is fantastic.
  6. I can't wait to see and have this set I also got a order in with before they sold out on round 1,they should be here soon :biggrin: .They are back in stock now! Fwoosheyman does Booker have a hat?
  7. Tomorrow is the big day the Doctor is back!
  8. I can't wait to see the tray pics for wave 1.
  9. A little late to the party but I finally got Modok and the rest of the toys r us wave yesterday.what a awesome wave and Modok might just be my vote for minimate of the year!!
  10. your shaun of the dead are fantastic!!
  11. Happy Birthday .I hope its a excellent one!!
  12. Wanted to let everyone know wave 3 is in stock at Toys R us.
  13. A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to boath of you :biggrin:
  14. here you go :biggrin:
  15. WoW very nice Doctor and Martha and that Kid Flash is fantastic!!
  16. I just sprayed it on.Just one light coat is all it it took, its a Aerosol can.I did keep a little distance between the parts and the spray so i didn't over do it. 8 to 10 inches worked for me. I wanted to ask how you applied the Krylon Acrylic, with a paint brush ever so lightly I presume?
  17. I didnt want to post untill i had given it a chance but this stuff worked perfect and it also comes in a flat or matt finnish and it is also a quick dry .You dont have to apply alot either.I pushed and rubbed on the logo after it healed on the plastic and nothing happend :biggrin: .I sealed Lion-O's belt and swords the chest piece on Panthro and Jagas cape and helmet everything turned out is a pic of the stuff Krylon Acrylic clear gloss finnish I hope this helps some of us out
  18. im good kiddo i was actually just talking about you to a old friend who is over visiting.

  19. Glad to hear I'm not alone with the dreams :tongue: Dude, I have minimate/toy dreams all the time. As a 26 year old man I tend to keep them to myself, but lately I've been having dreams about Zemo and Mojo (before he was cut) and recently I had a dream about going to the mail and opening up Hot Toys Joker 2.0 and DK Batman..... Yeah dude, we have problems.
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