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The Geohound

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Everything posted by The Geohound

  1. Guys! Guys! General Pictures Thread! Zach just said this should be out within a few weeks. Not confirmed it, just he thought it was. Sorry. Out of breath. Ran here as fast as I could. (And by "just" i mean almost 20 minutes ago. Lay off, I hate running)
  2. Thanks, man. Posting your Vorin pic everywhere. Little Rubber Guys, Facebook, everywhere. Yeah, I just saw the facebook one. You can use my real name if you want. Doesn't matter to me. Glad you liked it so much, though. Also, next WEEK OR TWO?!? Holy Frak!
  3. That's a wicked cool shot, Zach.
  4. Ok, this is growing ever more relevant to my interests. Tomorrow should be good news time.
  5. It's a nice day out today. Vorin decided to head out, eat some grass, charge blindly at things, like me.
  6. I would just like to say, Holy Crap! You are really and truly talented. Keep up the amazing work.
  7. Thanks. But maybe no translucent promos for a while. The stress of seeing these ones pop up on ebay for $125 kind of nearly killed me. Thankfully a wonderfully generous board member helped me out. Which is good. I'm already on medication for high blood pressure, I don't need to die this year because of two amazing promos in a row. That said, if SDCC DOES have a translucent promo, and it's a Battle Beast, and it's purple, and it's Merk, well then I will die. Seriously. Merk looks to easily be the most fun character so far. Plus, you know, bird man. When he gets made, I hope his hood is some kind of seperate piece from his actual head. That would be so awesome.
  8. This sounds like so much fun. I'd compete, but I'm no good at customizing. Plus I got the Beast I wanted today. So maybe I'll just do a few drawings or something. Not officially enter, but show my support for the Armored Animals of War.
  9. Ok, don't make me out to be some kind of freak. No wait. That's about right. Nevermind. Also, I've decided I'm buying at least two of every set of this series. My nephew isn't old enough yet, but when he is, I'll share these with him and I know he'll want his own of everything so we can have fights.
  10. Meet Vorin. Man, I am in love with this thing. It's beautiful. I have a couple more pics but I'll put those over in the Battle Beasts thread. This one is my favorite, though.
  11. Dawn at Sunset Well, almost sunset. it's cloudy today. Just a little something different. You know, outside. In the daylight.
  12. Oh no! Did Marvel get pregnant? Kang impregnated Marvel! Look out continuity!
  13. Man that thing would be so cool to have hanging on a wall. The thing is beautiful.
  14. Hiya! All the intro threads. Kinda makes me realize I never made my own. Odd... Anyways, have fun. Get them time machines.
  15. To quote one of my favorite lines from The Ultimates: "HULK TOUCH NAKED GUY LIKE NAKED GUY TOUCH BETTY!" That is all.
  16. I don't know what happened, but I wish you the best. Godspeed, Myte. And thanks for all the comics.
  17. Yeah, I was messing with it in Photoshop last night and saw this too, but I didn't really feel like posting it. It does look to be perfect though. Awesome bright colors, not too much bulk, big domey head/helmet/whatever. I look forward to it.
  18. That really aren't all that secret anymore. The internet ruins everything
  19. No no, He's going to be in one of the later waves of Street Fighter X Tekken
  20. Thanks again for all your input. I'm not sure if customs are gonna be a big thing for me, but we'll see what happens.
  21. More standard lighting on Orson. I'm fairly happy with him. For my purposes I went with a bit younger version, hence blonde beardiness instead of gray.
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