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Everything posted by Jad

  1. The Willem Dafoe likeness is spot-on. As to Charlie Sheen's superneck, I think it's artistic license for this photo, to put him in the pose from the movie poster. These sculpted chests that are all the rage these days don't allow for much up-down head movement.
  2. Good luck man, I'm sure everything will be fine. Let us know if anything goes wrong. ... Actually, DON'T let us know if anything goes wrong!
  3. Will we ever see the artwork for the Minimate-ized movie posters released as postcards?
  4. Check your inboxes. They even gave us a pic of: Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Uhura, and Marlena Moreau (hooray for a new character)!
  5. There's nothing to stop a Red Skull Minimate from being made. Lego makes 'Nazi' soldiers in their Indiana Jones line, and that's a way more mainstream toy than Minimates. Also, great custom!
  6. Sorry, my mistake. It's called "Alternate 1985 Biff Tannen" on the package. I'm fired. Why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here! ps. Great pics!
  7. Is this Biff called "Future Biff" on the package? This is actually 1985-A Biff, from the nightmare alternate version of 1985, which wouldn't technically be the 'future'.
  8. First reaction to this news: Woohooo! Second reaction: I love Six as much as the next guy, and Potato Sack Gina would be an essential addition. But when are we going to get other Cylons that we've been seeing since the miniseries, like Doral and Leoben? Or even Brother Cavill?
  9. Nice ones, Drgnrbrn316. My vote would be for "1985-A" Marty. But then again, I'm not very creative!
  10. Holy Frak, that is AMAZING work! These could be official, they look so good. And the cut-out head piece for the battle-damaged Arnie: BRILLIANT!
  11. Gotta say, I liked this show, and I'll keep watching, at least for awhile. If there's a chance for Terminator minimates, I say, bring em' on. They did a bang up job on the Cylons, I'd love to see AA take on a T-800.
  12. At Wal-Mart today, I saw the Apocalypse and Giant Man sets. I kind of liked them. I haven't picked up any Superhero Squad figures yet, but I just might collect the larger figures (these, Galactus, and Sentinel) to complement my Minimates.
  13. ALERT! The Suncoast in the Westfield Mall in Sacramento, CA has a good handful of these sets and they're HALF OFF! That's right, $3.49! I was just there on a visit and could only pick up one set, hopefully someone else on the board can snap up this great deal.
  14. I'm so tempted to buy Lego Indy, but all my dough goes to Minimates. Here's hoping they get around to making a Lego Shortround!
  15. Here's our thread for discussing release dates: Thanks!
  16. I never thought I'd have an interest in Classic BSG, but these pics have won me over. My mom tells me I used to love the show when it was on TV, but I have almost no memories of it. Guess I'll have to get a few Classic DVDs put on my Netflix queue!
  17. Dude, I'm with you, CRISIS Survivor. I just want more time. I'd kill for an extra hour each day just to relax. Regarding my Xmas, Santa showed up early (working through the medium of a contest) and delivered unto me my very own custom 12" action figure of myself! Check my blog ( for pics and the whole story.
  18. Is anyone going to pick up the super-deluxe briefcase version of Blade Runner? It comes with a toy Police Spinner that just might be large enough for a Minimate to fit inside: If it is, then I'll have to break down and splurge on the set!
  19. Congrats to your newly embiggened family! The next Minimate fan has arrived!
  20. Thanks to all for your encouragement re: my search for a Wii. Wouldn't you know it, I stopped by a nearby Wal-Mart around noon today, asked the lady at electronics if they had any, and about 20 minutes later, they brought out a fresh box from the back! There were three in the box, and once she opened it, the other two were snapped up within minutes by a couple guys who were in the area and said, 'hey, is that the Wii???"
  21. Ok friends, my wife and I have decided that a Wii will be our big Christmas present to each other for this year. My fear is, though, that I won't be able to find one. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to track down one of these buggers? We just want to start with the system and a controller, and maybe Guitar Hero 3. I've tried calling Wal-Marts early in the morning with no success - they never get any in. Please help!
  22. I really enjoyed reading A Conspiracy of Paper by David Liss, and I'm currently reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons - a good read, but sometimes it's annoyingly similar to DaVinci Code. My highest recommendations go to John Irving's A Prayer For Owen Meaney, Alex Haley's Roots, and Alan Moore's Watchmen (hey, it counts!).
  23. To omendreamer you listen. Once you start down the Minimate path, forever will it dominate your toy-buying destiny. Consume you, it will! Welcome aboard!
  24. Uh, okay, I'm completely lost. What's all this about then?
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