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Posts posted by Mirymate

  1. @Freaqualizer It's not so much a matter of no costume as they are off comics model. MCU is hardly the only offender on that as only Rami's Sandman was "on model" and the less said about the  "Amazing" era designs the better. (and then there's the X-Men franchise.... oy)

    But then, 90% of comics costumes look stupid translated into live action. (don't believe me, go visit the Marvel section of universal studios theme park) Malekith looks like a bad playing card warrior from Wonderland, not really threatening. Vulture... wrinkly guy in his mid 70's in green tights with wings under his arms. shudder.

    Stuff gets changed for Movies and TV. Races get changed, costumes get mangled, origins get mutilated. The question becomes is the core of the character recognizable? MCU's Vulture, and Rami's Doc Ock? Easily despite both their origins and costumes being changed. Electro and Whiplash? Not so much.

    And Abomination was very on model... just the Ultimate Universe Abomination, but w/o the tail. Most of the MCU is more based on the 1610 rather than the 616.

  2. 13 hours ago, Nessex said:

    So - X-23 for All New X, then MockingBird (To go with Silver Centurion, Tigra, WonderMan & Hawkeye)?
    Warpath and Sunspot to finish off X-Force?
    Melter & Whirlwind to finish off one of the Masters of Evil line-ups?
    Misty Knight & Colleen Wing to give us the bulk or a Heroes for Hire line-up?

    with Rick Jones as the BAF.

  3. 1 hour ago, youbastards said:

    Why are we getting 3 different Loki 'mates?

    Hmmm... maybe because aside from Stark, Loki is the most popular character with general audiences to have emerged from phase 1 by miles and they want to cash in on that general popularity? 

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