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Everything posted by Mirymate

  1. Merry Christmas to all, and to all some good mates. Luv ya. Mean it.
  2. Still not dead!!! But to update: those of you who keep track of there things know I have been out of work since November. After a few more months of beating my head against unemployments door, I decided to do what a lot of employers have been figuring I'd do anyway. I am restarting my construction estimating business. As any of you who've started your won business know, that takes a lot of work to try and build things back up, add to that another round of crud passing through the house, a few spring field trips for the kids' schools, and the joyous annual American tradition we call income tax time, and I have been swamped. And it's not over. I foresee two or three more weeks or blitz to get things back on an even keel. But I've got one really good client lined up who could keep me busy for a couple months just with his stuff, and if I can land two or three like him, I can back off the brush beating. Will try not disappear quite so throughly, but when things get this busy, weeks can pass before you realise it and I'm sitting here vegged out watching "Finding Bigfoot- yeah we get paid for this edition" thinking I just need to go to bed, and I realise it's been a month since last I posted. Feelings of guilt rising.
  3. Again, I think a lot of that list confuses "important" to the 616 with "important" to the hard core fans that populate this board. I voted for the former, though my heart is with the later.
  4. If that's the real deal, I'm happier. Bad enough I'm not getting to see someone humilate themselves wearing the starfish-face mask for Electro after sitting through a Sleestak looking Lizard. (liked the movie fine, but geez, he looked like a Sleestack to me!! and once that similarity was seen, it could not be unseen) SOMETHING in the movie ought to be close to on model!
  5. There you have him ladies and gents, the Marvel equivelant to DC's Killer Moth when it comes to ugly costumes!!
  6. Toad is a prety cool second tier X-villain. Heck they let him lead the Brotherhood for a little while. But as far as minimates go... yeah it's mostly because of the poster. It feels like unfinished business somehow. Of course, my favorite version of the Toad isn't 616's Mortimer Toynbee, but 11052/X-Men: Evolution's Todd Tolensky. No chance of getting a minimate of him without it being a DIY version. >shrug<
  7. No arguement. By the given criteria he's top of the list. But he's not alone. Baron Srucker the Wizard (last member of the Acts of Vengence prime movers not minimated) Bastion (most significant villian to face the X-Worold in the last decade) Enchantress Stryfe (like him or hate him, he got a crossover centered around him and started the Legacy Virus, a plot that prety much dominated everything X for a decade) the Hood (not understanding Bendis' facination with guy, or how he kept his group together after Dormammu abandoned him, but he was a major player for about 5 years there) Count Neferia (before Bendis made him a jobber for the Sentry, was condsidered a major all hands on deck Avengers threat) Surtur (ultimate Asgardian threat, would be higher, but isn't used more) Pluto (Olympian death god, general pain in backside) Hela ((Asgardian death god, also general in the backside) Could keep going, but I'll stop at ten. And I left off guys like the Supreme Intelligence, cause really, he's more an inaction figure. As far as the Wrecking Crew, the Brotherhood, the Beetle, Tiger Shark and a lot of the other suggestions, again great hench villains, but not the kind of guys you plan a major arc or event around their plots. You wanna talk which hench villains deserve a minimate... well I don't think the site has enough bandwidth for my answer.
  8. But... but... that would mean damaging my pristinely presevered packaging... Seriously, would rather this kinda old school give away than BAF. And we've begged for articulated banks before. "In Person" to Chuck during one of the last chats I attended. (speaking of which, when is the next chat w/Chuck?) And we've been told multiple times they ask about vehicles eveytime the contract comes up. I'm just glad we finally got some Goblin-gliders, and dream of the day they find an excuse to make minimate motorcycles. Until then, we can keep on hunting down the increasingly rare 3" mates to cover in decals and citidal paint.
  9. Might as well have Foom. This is the last IM solo film RDJ is signed on for. Unless he's quietly agreed to do more, go out and go out HUGE!! And at this point, you've already established aliens, pseudo-magical tech, and outright magic as part of this universe. Yet the Mandarin's rings are too far fetched. Sorry, my friend, that ship has sailed. But no one in positions to decide these things ever asks me. So I've learned to live with disappointment.
  10. Lots of interest in larger mates... just not BAF's.
  11. tiny Tink basis for shrunken Wasp accessory. No brainer. Make it happen. Nice looking mates. How it opens very large doors for the company and the minimates in general. So you can then go make more Marvel minimates to feed my habit.
  12. Still only the one set... Water torture would be prefferable at this point. Oh and my search counted 98... 99 if you include the Wizard of Oz plush flying monkey which comes up everytime I search for minimates. No idea why. It just does.
  13. Gonna play hard on the idea of his being the modern successor to Ghengis Khan I see. No matter how cool this turns out, if the rings really turn out to be completely ornimental, I wll be disappointed. Hopefully just disappointed and not Doom in the FF films horrified, but disappointed none the less.
  14. So basically Sauron is overreacting to his Weapon X days, when they had him in full battle armor with a helmet and everything? And usually it wasn't a lion cloth, the was the tatters remnants of Lykos' pants. Gotta love pants in the 616, you can turn into the Hulk, a Werewolf, even grow a lizard tail, and the waist band and croth seam will remain intact. Even the zipper holds! Textile genius!
  15. I guess, monk, it comes down to two things- one, movies with huge casts always worry me as I've said, and two, time travel stories are inherently tricky to pull of well. This movie depends heavily on both. Even with Bryan Singer, it worries me. Wish it didn't, but it does. X-2 was, until Avengers, the pinicle of super hero team movies. It's still ranks in the top five Marvel films ever. And Dino & Ten... While I liked Kelsey Grammer as Hank, even more when they chose to use practical effects over CGI, there was just so many things done. just. wrong. in that movie to me. I don't want to go into chapter and verse detail, cause I know you like it, Dino, and nobody likes to hear something they like dumped on. Needless to say, I didn't care for it.
  16. Probably my favorite new show this year. Strongest "superhero" show so far. Oh it's way, way messed up continuity-wise. But so far all of their choices have had a consistent story logic to them, so they work in context. The flashback storytelling takes some getting used to, and he needs a better disguise quickly because it's already pushing believability that in our camera phone world he hasn't been recognized. But overall a strong first season thus far. Highly, Highly recommended.
  17. Venom was at Sony's insistence. Rami had stated, between 1 & 2 I believe, that he had no intention of doing a Venom story, since he was introduced after Sam had stopped reading comics and Rami did not personally have a good feel for the character. Sony wanted Venom for a possible spin-off franchise, and for Rami to get out of the 60's villain-wise. Similarly, Magneto and the mutant cure story were both @ Fox's insistence, Magneto was popular, and the mutant cure was, at the time, a very recent story. But they had Franke under contract for Dark Phoenix. They probably could have made this all work IF they had been willing to move their release date back. So add a round robin of writers and directors to the mix. Just given what went on behind the scenes, the movie had little chance of being great, but add in some riddiculous script choices and you have a movie that is a definite big step down from it's predecessors IMO. And I maintain Wolverine was a fair-to-good movie right up until they got to Three Mile Island, then it just all went to Hell. It falls in the same category as Aliens 4 where if you stop it at the right spot and go no further, you'd walk away happier. (assuming you could somehow earse the ends from your memory) YMMV
  18. You're going to be cross-dressing in Cosplay... with girls from church. See how messed up that sounds? Good luck, TM2. Hope it works for you. Course if you come back from all this wanting us to call you TM2 Arcee...
  19. Monk- you're not wrong. But my observations on Daredevil come from what my RL friends call the "wives club's" reaction to the movie. The "wives club" consistes of my comics nerd friends wives, and one husband, who go to these movies to humor the rest of us, but have little to no knowledge of the source material, nor really care to. So they have no idea how "wrong" these movies may be, or in the case of Daredevil how out of character Afleck was. They're just assessing things purely on the basis of what was on the screen. And rewatching it when it came out on DVD, I agree with them. I am grateful for FOX for inspiring your generation. The animated universe they crafted with X-Men and Spider-Man, combined with the syndicated and UPN series was a real prototype for what Marvel Films has done today. Some really ugly story telling in there, but good times overall. And let's face it, no collection before or since covered as many characters, or went as deep into rosters, as Toy Biz's various 5" scale Marvel related lines.
  20. Oh I know that the intent in XMOW was for the blonde girl to be Emma Frost, and then someone had a better idea. But really, time travel just to fix it? Really? Too much work for a glorified cameo. Do they by the same token need to try and retcon Hank McCoy's human appearance in X1? Too much work for throw away bits. Movies are different from comics or printed novel series, every second is expensive in both story and money. Don't waste them if you don't have to. What I'm worried about, monk, is something akin to Daredevil. Chief among that movies flaws was trying to do too much in the time alotted to the point that you really didn't give a crap about any of the characters because they had no depth or wieght to them. They were quickly introduced, then on to the next action sequence. Or Transformers as another example: tons of characters, tons of action, 0 audience connection. (so, pretty much just like all of Bay's work) X-3 suffered from this as well, too many things going on, too many plot lines, too many balls in the air and the director clearly could not handle it. Few can. I've seen Singer do some brilliant work, and some has been pretty "meh". I'd rather him try to make a good movie here rather than satisfy my fanboy wishlist.
  21. Thundra started as an FF character. The Mad Thinker and his Awsome Android. The Wingless Wizard. She-Thing. Wyatt Wingfoot. There's still plenty of gems left to mine in the FF corner of the 616. Not counting all of the various costume variations. But if we're going to mine any corners for unmade charcters, might I not-very-humbly suggest the Avengers beyond Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Hank Pym? (not that I don't love them dearly)
  22. X-3 happened, but taken as a whole, my guess is it didn't happen the way we thought it did. For instance, I will not be shocked if Cyclops and the Professor turn out to have not actually died. No body was found for Scott, and since Jean/Phoenix was an ubber telepath anything, including her own death, could be chalked up to telepathic illusion. But X-4/FC2 and "the Wolverine" are going to set after those events, and reports are that Logan is bummed out about the aftermath of X-3, that's why he wandered back to Japan. Gotta be honest, two casts from two time periods, "corrective" retcons to line just them up... this is a lot to juggle in two hours and not have every character have the depth of a cookie sheet. Hopes not high for DoFP. And the Emma thing... please. They never call her by name in the movie, she's only reffered to by first name in the credits. And they used different visuals for both. Easily written off as two different Emma's with similar powers. It's only a problem if you decide it's going to be.
  23. Well he could be Larry, not Bolivar. Larry's Sentinels were the most dangerous of the classic Sentinels anyway.
  24. Foul! You can't complain about Rampant Speculation in a thread devoted to speculation. It's like going to Waffle House and complaining the eggs are greasy. And technically this is all your fault, Zachy, for starting this mess with your cryptic non-annoucement. You chummed the water, now that the sharks are in full frenzy you want back to shore? Double Foul! Clearly, the only way to put in bullet in this beast is to either tell us what those clues were reffering to, or say it's cancled. Lie if you have to!
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