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Everything posted by Mirymate

  1. My friend, they had all principles cast, a script in hand, a director signed, and the JLA movie completely fell apart over tax breaks on location shoots. And how many Wonder Woman projects have come and gone without anything being produced? How many Superman sequels? Warner Brothers does not have a good enough track record of even getting DC movies made for me to be optimisic here. And I WANT them to prove me wrong. I really do. But come on, Justin Timberlake in the final three choices for Hal? Really? And these folks are still in charage of the project? Sorry, I think that's all the evidence I need to be sceptical here. And that trailer rocked. You know it did. I really hope I'm wrong about the fake being better too. But I'm not expecting to be. And I always thought Bruce Boxleitner would have made a good Hal. Back in the day, when Flash/Barry Allen briefly had a TV show, there was a rumor that they wanted to bring Hal in for their second season opener. The kicker? They wrote the part for Lee Majors to play Hal. But that was 20 years ago, so no I can't back that up with documentation. Still being talked up as far as I can tell. It could be interesting as a Green Arrow sequel. But considering Green Arrow's relatively low recognition factor, I can't see this working as his first big screen outing.
  2. I am happier with Mr. Reynolds than the other choices presented. From other statements he's made, he seems to be another "comics geek makes good" kind of actor. So presumably he knows Hal and Wade are two different characters. On the other hand, the fact that Reynolds was far and away the BEST choice of the stated field of "actors" is much, much more cause for concern. The fact that someone asociated in a position of power with this project had Justin Timberlake in the running for Hal Jordan proves my point that by in large WB has no frelling idea what they are doing. I will believe this movie will get made when shooting starts. The WB got farther than this in that JLA movie a couple of years back, and that fell apart. Heck, Reynolds' last DC project fell apart too (he was allegedly all but signed to play Wally in a Flash movie even more years ago but the movie desintegrated before he could actually sign a contract) Fully expect this to fail to launch as well. And secretly hoping WB proves me completely wrong. still won't be as cool as that fake trailer looked though.
  3. Yeah. Clearly Mystery Man wants the ruthless conquorer bent on world domination. Clearly, he wants Kang!!
  4. HA! Actually I just used my last working Walkman yesterday to listen to the Damn Yankee's first album while cutting mowing the lawn. I own no mp3 player, no Diskman. Because I'm not so much old school, as just old. (to be fair, my wife has a little mp3 player and a couple of Diskmen, but I'm not comfortable getting anything other than that ancient walkman that filthy.) It does feel weird that to have no tape case rattleing around the floor board of the car though.
  5. Good Luck, Good Health, and hopefully a little shut eye for everyone involved. (in you and your wife's case a very little, but take what you can get)
  6. Figures look good. And K80, considering how many dead headliners are participating, I'm hoping for more than one or two becoming permanent rez'd. And my guess is Wonder Woman's greek mythic origins will play a role, you know, retrieving souls from the underworld or some such.
  7. "Yes... Yes... I see... Let me know immediately if his condition changes." hangs up phone. "He's dead."
  8. Oh... for a minute I thought you were going to talk about the upcoming WB animated movie, reteaming some of the original ADCU voices to tell the opening arc of the Batman/Superman book. But still a nice review.
  9. Forgive me if I missed something but did we come out of this recession while I wasn't paying attention? Clearly someone thinks some else has ample income they wish to dispose of.
  10. Speaking as a relative new guy, I think some of you "older" boarders are a bit harsh on this issue. I understand that you guys have talked and hashed and beat the topic to death. I have been on enough boards to know what that's like when you really don't want to talk about something anymore. So I do understand your point of view. But there are new folks joining all the time, and for us, this is the perhaps the first time we've been able to express our frustration and or hopes about DC mates. Every board has a focus, even if they don't admit it, Fwoosh is Marvel Legends/Universe obsessed, AFI worships at the feet of Mattel's DC license. But usually when you try to bring up a minimate discussion there, you generally don't get far. So we discover this place, where people not only want to talk about mates, they actually know what they're talking about. And after a little poking around we find that "DC coming back?" thread, and we need to add our two cents mostly just to get it off our chests. it usually doesn't take long before even we realize that we're going around in circles and stop. But, yes. It does need to be moved to the "Dead License" pile.
  11. Ah, the Witchblade folks have so much to answer for. I must be officially geting old, but I have been wondering since the relaunch why the Zamoran's now feel the need to steal Carol's shirt in addition to controlling her mind. Excellent translation into minimate form though.
  12. Gratzi. Yeah him. I think he's pretty competent too. Which is probably why he got left behind. Soundwave was too perfect for an earth mission, Megatron wanted to go himself, and Starscream can't be trusted. Shockwave is just right for the role. Shockwave... shall we say, bluffs well. He maintains the illusion of compentence, while pretty much everyone and anyone sneaks in and out of 'Con HQ under his watch. And some times they don't even bother sneaking. And of course all Decepticons, and their Cobra allies, went to the Imperial Stormtrooper school of marksmanship.
  13. Maybe because he was the only 'Con who seemed remotely compotent and useful? And the unique voice and speaking style. Yeah. Soundwave is awesome.
  14. Very good to hear you got Franklin back at least. I have had a few escape artist dogs over the years so I know what you're going through. If she turns up again, you might want to bring Franklin with you when you try to get her. We had a skittish beagle growing up who was the sidekick of one of those escape artists. Always helped calm her down to see her partner in crime. Nothing trying to catch a skittish dog in the Georgia heat, and it aint a dry heat. (grew up in Disgusta)
  15. Maybe, but I wouldn't really want 24 different characters. I'd be happy if, somewhere down the road, the army builder was a variant of a previous version. Like an AIM Soldier with battle damage or a weapon variant or a different facial expression. That kind of thing. There is/was a blue faction of AIM, Hydra tried switching it's colors from Green/Yellow to Brown/Red. So there are variations on existing army builders that could be done. A long time ago, the color of a Shield agents gear actually meant something. They all wore the basic dark blue body suit, but the color of the straps/holsters denoted their ranks. Somewhere along the way they all started wearing white like Nick. (lazy research, building momentum on itself until it became norm) In theory, you could do several different colors of agent, and several different races and faces to go with. Similarly, there are several different colors and ranks of Kree uniform. And two colors of Kree. But then, now we're getting into a level of minutia that even a lot of the die-hards would care about. They'll probably just do the blue skinned Kree, white uniform, green accents and helmet. (Technically a captain's uniform, if you're curious.)
  16. Gratz, man. It's not as hard as you think.
  17. Here's what worries me- A team action movie is like a triangle. You've got characterization, action, and story. You can only get two done well. And the more chracters you add, the harder that gets. The last two X-films seemed more concerned with adding a ton of characters and cameos than telling a tight story. And this writer wanted to add more, even an FF cameo. This worries me, I don't want them to get lost in the idea of playing with this new crossover toy.
  18. Add another to the list of Black Lantern's then. Salakk is not going to like that.
  19. Saw this and thought I'd share with the class. I'm more concerned that the guy who let X-3 get into such an overcrowded mess is writing the Avengers. And that he wanted more folks in in the X-mess. Hopes go from good down to watchable.
  20. Well I can tell you Brave and Bold speaks well to it's target audience: my kids love it. And the G'Nort episode is one of their favorites. As was the Booster episode. I'm not sure how much I'm enjoying it, but it's certainly more watchable than say Dinosaur King, or whatever other card-game-turned-cartoon that's being hustled this week. (Although I will admit I laughed my tail off at the Bat-Mite episode) I think the B&B style would better fit the feel of the JLI than Timm / Dini / JLU style, but YMMV. The JLI was hit and miss with me. It was fun at first, but the joke wore thin with time.
  21. Ah!!! You're talking about Final Crisis again!!! MAKE IT STOP Nestlé, Make it STOP! And regaurdless of where his mind went, the corpse is jioning the corps. (and probably meaning a real quick full resurrection, makeing all that cowl swapping in the bat-titles even more meaningless.)
  22. Whether Marvel Toys is totally dead I am not sure, but the Toy Biz design team has worked on ML throughout, even for Hasbro. This seems to be true of the MU line as well. And while I wold have liked more paint apps, (okay, in a lot of cases, some paint apps) I am not a fan of the black washes Toy Biz was so in love with, and the joint lock/destruction they caused.
  23. I thought Grundy was going to be key to stopping this, being already undead and all, not getting a black ring. Ah well. Shame of it is, there are a LOT of charaters on that list I like, and seeing it all compiled is ticking me off all over again that they're dead in the first place. Not that that'll stop me from reading it. Darn addiction.
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