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Captain Paco

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Everything posted by Captain Paco

  1. youbastards, Thank you for the insight. I liked Battle Beasts back from a long time ago and they were sci-fi armored so that is why I figured the Alligators were done that way. I do like the concept for the more Medevil themed gear. Looks more like I always thought they should have back in the day. I am looking forward to the next wave of beasts. I really would like Anubis as well as the bull and leopard/cheetah.
  2. I have been wondering something about Battle Beasts Minimates. How come the Alligators all look very Sci-Fi in their gear and armor while all the other Beasts look more medevil. I guess, I am thinking the Alligators look like the Borg from Star Trek got to them and assimilatated them yet they are Battle Beasts like Vorin and Merk, or Gruntos and Strictus. I have not seen anyone post this question before nor have I seen any reason the Alligators appear more technologically advanced over the other Beasts in that universe. Curiousity finally got me so I had to ask.
  3. I will be reposting my Green Knight as I have finally finished him. The one I previously posted was merely a WIP. I have also made some modifications to my Sir Lancelot and will repost him as well. Now I only have one more of Oberon's Children to make: The Cyclops but I have to wait for the right parts to come along. I know I still have to get the pictures taken and posted of the Twisted Land of Oz mates that I promised but life it just in the way right now. Also, I was inspired by Prowlar yet again, and I am working on my own custom Deadpool The Kid. Again needing a few more parts and the use of a dremel to trim some parts and then paint. Have a nice weekend.
  4. Hey, I am really liking your Deadpool the Kid. I am thinking he could possibly be made officially one day. Your Jackal Gaurd is really nice and I like the accessories you placed on him. Is the sword a lego sword or from another minimate? I like your Marvel zombie customs and think the Mandarin looks nice. I didn't realize that King Pin was not wearing pants and so that makes him the comic relief amoung the zombie, right? Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to your future customs.
  5. Okay, I have updated my Oberon, Odin and Anubis images in their posts. So please go back to see the updates. I do not think I even posted Merlin, so here is my updated Merlin: I have not written any story for Merlin as of yet, but do have King Arthur and Lance-a-lot below. I have not written the stories yet for Merlin or the next characters but I want to share them with you now anyway. Morgan le Fay Queen Mab King Arthur (have done a few minor tweaks and will repost a new image as soon as I can) Sir Lancelot (has undergone some modifications and will be reposted as soon as I can.) I will likely not be getting the backstories for many of these written but I hope they help you imagine the tales they could have been a part of. I hope you all like my work and I look forward to posting the completion of my Twisted Land of Oz mates soon. I finally have decided upon my four witches but also working on a tweaking them some. Thank you for letting me share with all of you.
  6. I am very sorry, was not near computer all weekend as we went out of town. Happy Belated Birthday, Prowl-ar!!!!!! I hope you had a great day celebrating. Live Long and Prosper.
  7. I was traveling in Middleton and Janesville, Wisconsin this weekend and went in to 2 different TRU's. The Middleton Store was huge (larger than my local TRU) and had a peg completely full of Wolverine/Reaper (at least 15 on this peg but it was full from the pegboard to the front). Then I found TWD mates and they had some of Sailer Zombie/Leg Bite Zombies and a few other of the Tyresse & Zombie sets. They also had a peg full of hte Munster's Coach (which was never available in my local TRU) and they had a peg full of Halo mates. The Janesville Store had the Riot Gear Governor and the new Rick Grimes sets (only one of each) so I snagged them. They also had one package of Iron Man & Rhino, so I snagged it, too. (it was full price but never saw it at home TRU.) As for Trek Mates: The Middleton TRU had two Kirk/Khan sets and seven Sisko/Cardassian sets. The Janesville TRU had three Kirk/Khan and five Sisko/Cardassian sets but that was it. I was hoping to find more at the TRU's in Wisconsin, so I could help out some of you on here but no luck. I am now praying my local TRU will get some more Wave 16 and then Wave 17 soon. When I go to Florida for the end of December, I will be staking out the TRU's in the area of Panama City Beach looking for minimates. I am already compiling a list of the Comic Shops and such in the area. If anyone knows the area and can give advise, please let me know.
  8. I am liking your Firefly customs. I only wish I had thought of these. I can't wait to see a full cast of Firefly Minimates. Good job, so far and really like your Captain Reynolds mate.
  9. I finally got my Scarecrow and for that matter I actually got two on the same day. I thought one of them was the welder but I was happy to get two scarecrows. One is on display at work and the other is now in my collection at home.
  10. I also have some images of other customs I came up with so I am going to share them. Quantum Leap was on of my favorite non-Star Trek television shows. So here is a quick custom of Sam and Al. I am working on more Sams and I will be working on a different suit for Al but for my timing this was the best looking idea I had. Also here are two Battle Beasts I came up with. Grizzly the Bear Grizzly is the leader of the clan of bears that protect the Black Forest and keep out those that would attempt to seize power from the mystical caverns within. Mambo the Black Mamba Mambo is the leader of his clan and works to keep his clan free from the negative doing of the othe clans of serpent beasts. While he looks sinister, he is really a great being who looks out for the the other members of his clan. (Mambo is really a rattlesnake repainted and then I changed his wrist guards with the spiked wrist guard of another minimate.) I am also working on a Gorilla like mate as well as another Ram to help out the team.
  11. New Children of Oberon (Continued...) Anubis The life force that was to become the new power of Anubis found a down on his luck animal control officer in San Francisco. The life force took control of the young man just as he was falling asleep in his apartment that he was to be evicted from the next day. Anubis is now a responsible "death-god". In his first embodiment as in this one, he takes his powers seriously. He refuses to bring people back to life because he feels it would show favortism. He is strongly connected with death, in fact he was once magically emprisoned by a foe and nobody on Earth was able to die while he was trapped. His new embodiment will allow him to once again become the guardian and judge of the dead. (I have finished my Morgan le Fay and Queen Mab so see a recent posting for images. I just updated my Anubis so I updated the image here. I also will be posting a few works in progress namely the Green Knight and a couple of Round Table Knights.)
  12. New Children of Oberon (continued) One of the most ancient life forces that has been revived from all this activity found itself traveling to a remote town in Minnesota. This small town had 19 lakes within it as well as almost 60 lakes in the immediate area surrounding the town. There was a family in this town that was experiencing some negative effects. Laura Lake was a mother, sister, daughter and wife and lived in this town all her life. She was married to Oliver Lake and had three children with him. Oliver was not the best of husbands and he often would not be home for meals and for that matter spent little time at home if any. He worked as an developer with a large firm in the city and was constantly working late and gone on business trips. Well as things would go, he was also a very abusive man when he was home and thus constantly assulted his wife, but he never touched the children (in fact he never even held his children ever.) One day, Laura got a call from someone at Oliver's office looking for him as he said he was going home. Laura was surprised as he told her he was going out of town for work. Laura just figured it was a miscommunication and didn't think twice about it. About a month later, Oliver showed up at home and he was drunk. He told Laura that she was worthless and started hitting her. The children just happened to be at her parents' home so they were not going to witness what was to happen. Oliver started to really cause pain to Laura and she was now on the verge of death. He threw her in the back of their pick-up and drove her about a mile away to the lake known as Purple Abyss. This lake had a purple color to the water and no one knew why, no one has ever found anything lost in this lake. So Oliver took the very battered Laura to this lake and took her out on a boat to throw her overboard. Just as Oliver was about to give the final push to drop Laura in the lake, the water lit up and blinded him. As Laura was knocked out of the boat because Oliver fell against her, she was possessed by the most ancient life force. As Laura's body hit the water she became one with the water and her physical body became water. She became the Lady of the Lake. Her body took on the color of the Purple Abyss and she was given the abilities to control liquid water. She momentarily appeared to Oliver as he started to confess his sins. She used her water powers to somehow transport Oliver to the Police Station, where he was confessing to his crimes against Laura as well as several affairs he had while married to her and then finally he said she was dropped in the Purple Abyss. Because of the statement of dropping her in the Purple Abyss, the Police would not risk looking for her, so her new life as the Lady of the Lake could really become a new life. Another life force went to Paris, France and found a street girl who was always getting into trouble with the Johns she was pimped out to. Brandi was a run-away from New York who managed somehow to get to Paris, France. She started a new life for herself as a student at an American college in France. She took on a new name and arranged for financial aid and a work study program to cover her expenses. However, one day a professor offered her extra credit that was too much for her to handle and she refused his advances. She then got kicked out of school and became homeless. She was found by a gentleman who took in homeless people, but then she discovered that he made them sell their bodies to make money. This gentleman took 50% of their earnings which he claimed was to provide them with meals and a place to sleep. One day, she was sent out on a job and it turned out the client was the professor that got her kicked out of school. She refused to be with the professor and took off running to find out that the gentleman who took care of her actually had a gang of guys take her and do thing indescribable to her. However she was on the verge of death and the life force possessed her body making her over into Banshee. Now she had a voice that could kill as well as a body to attract all sorts of trouble. Banshee was once silenced by Oberon, but when the life forces all went dorment, the silencing was stopped. So in her new form she could use her voice as the weapon it is. She caused all the guys of this gang to go deaf and crazy, but she knew killing them was too much. She then did the same to the professor and the gentleman who pimped her out. She then used her abilities to find a place where she fit into the world and became a pop-star where she could hide until needed by Oberon. The life force that headed for the Northwestern United States was almost as ancient as that of the Lady of the Lake. This life force took the form of a thunderbird and soared around the skies of the Northwestern United States, looking for the one that could become its new host. The force was really watching this one woman, she was an elderly Native American woman who was sort of the hub of a tribe of Native Americans that still called the area home. She was a source for traditions, customs, as well as a spiritual leader and guide. She was very well respected by the tribe and well loved by all who knew her. Loving Mother was her name as even as a child she was so loving with everyone and everything in nature. She was now on her death bed and her aide was limiting those that could visit. Loving Mother was about to give-in to her age, she was 104 years old and yet still had a sparkle in her eye as if she was 20 years old. The force easiliy took possession of Loving Mother just as she took her last breathe. Loving Mother's aide was standing next to Loving Mother and felt her life force leave her body and a new force take over. The aide also noticed that Loving Mother appeared to become younger say that of a 40 year old woman, and then her eyes opened. The aide was shocked and then heard Loving Mother say that she was to be called Grandmother from this day foward. Grandmother would continue to live as Loving Mother did. She would remain with the tribe and keep her position in the way of things. (I am still working on Queen Mab, Morgan le Fay, The Green Knight and Anubis.)
  13. Nice Job! The WIP's you shared are nice and I wish my customs were half as good as your WIP's. I always enjoy seeing your postings.
  14. New Children of Oberon (continued) Nought Niles Naught was the new boyfriend of Tatiana Mabe after she divorced Professor Mabe. One the lifeforce of Titania took possession of Tatiana and erased the memory of Niles, he was cast out and practially became a nobody. He had no more belongings, no more fortune, no more emotions or anything. After he was sent to the slums of life, the ancient life force of Nought took possession of his body and thus gave him new life as one of the Children of Oberon. Not much is known about this mysterious gentlemen other than he was last with his kind during the last grand gathering and then all the lifeforces of Oberon's kind went dormant until the right time to revive themselves and bring magic back to the world. Another ancient lifeform found a spider in Northern African and transformed this tiny beast into Anansi. This spider will soon be up to no good getting the beings in the city that once his anicent home to resume his bidding. The life force that was once worshiped as a King of Gods, also found a being to possess and thus Odin returned to life. Odin found a veteran soldier who was left for dead on the battlefield of the war against terror. This soldier had been injured in the face as a car bomb took his eye. Odin's life force felt this was the best body for him to possess. Odin was once the king of the Norse Gods and they were not merely gods but warriors as well. In his new body, Odin will seek out to recreate his kingdom while still serving the needs of Oberon. One of the scariest being from ancient myth was someone who was once very beautiful until she cause disgrace to the queen of the Olympic Gods. Medusa was a beautiful woman who managed to seduce Poseiden, god of the seas, in Hera's temple. When Hera discovered what happend, she caused Medusa to become a monster who was ugly and whose look could cause mortal man to become petrified into stone if that mortal looked upon her eyes. Medusa was also transformed into half snake/half woman who traditionally had serpents for hair. As this transformation happend, Medusa became a child of Oberon and thus had been given the ability to transform her hair from serpents to flowing hair that still acted like serpents. Two other life forces also took possession of human bodies. Raven was a mischeivious being who would use snide remarks and deceit to obtain his goals. (Can't find his picture at the moment as I changed my photo site.) Coyote was a trickster who outwitted his opponents but also liked to make wisecracks. He was benevolent at heart. He would work subtly, often through manipulation making occurrences seem like they happened as coincidence rather than as magical intervention. (The Green Knight is still a work in progress but look for a posting of Queen Mab and Morgan le Fay.)
  15. I am looking desperately for the Scarecrow to go with the rest of my Halloween themed Lego Minifigures. I am also looking for a Batman (not a movie Batman and not the arctic Batman) but the standard Lego Batman. Also, Green Lantern, Flash and Aquaman. Thank you.
  16. Robby, Thank you for the response. I am sure I will one day paint the red on his arms and legs but for now I am pleased with how he looks just from what I have done. I do hope to one day actually read the comics about the Phoenix Force (Avengers vs. X-men).
  17. How did you do the spiky arm? I used the spiked bracelets from a Chun-Li (Marvel vs. Capcom set). I slid one pair on the arm. (I only had the 1 pair but more than that & you could not bend the arm.) I may add one of the spiked bracelets from the Street Fighter II Chun-Li to add more spikes but that one will not go past the wrist. I am now going to see about getting a different sword and or making one/having one made for Magik.
  18. This is the link to my posting of the images of my customs for Phoenix Force Magik and Phoenix Force Namor. Namor is a very quick custom and Magik maybe touched up in the future but for now this is her.
  19. Lobsterman: I am in Central Illinois (Bloomington/Normal area), Midwest US. All: I just posted my version of the Phoenix Force 5 Namor & Magik on my Customs Thread. I hope they look okay, I even tried to give Magik spiked arms but I did not want to sculpt an arm so I figured out something. However, the spikes don't show up well in the current photo. I will see what I can do about getting a new pic posted soon.
  20. Okay, I had squeezed in two quick customs this weekend. They are Marvel Minimates. I really liked the images of the Phoenix Five. I have the three that were made: Colossus, Emma Frost and Cyclops but really wanted a complete team. So I made Phoenix Namor which there is a little more to do for him to be complete but he is a quick custom at this point. I also made Phoenix Magik: she is a painted custom with some liberties in design. Phoenix Force Namor Phoenix Force Magik I also added a few accessories to Cyclops based upon some images I have seen. Here is the whole group in no special order. I hope you like them. I will be working on my Once Upon A Time customs as well as my Children of Oberon as soon as I can but life is busy currenly and not much time for as much work as I need to do on some of my customs. Thank you for your patience. Paco
  21. I would love for a dump case of Star Trek mates. Could be army builders for Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, Vorta and several other Aliens. Could also have a few red shirts (with different heads and hair) for TOS army builder and a few gold shirts (with different heads and hair) for TNG army builder and then could have some gold dressed females from TOS, and for kicks have Troi in her TNG minidress from the first episode and also her in the lavendar outfit she wore alot in the first two seasons. Could also have a slew so different borg drones and throw in Janeway and Picard as borg for kicks as well. I would like to see this Dump Case/Counter Display show up in my area as I never have seen anything like it at any store in are.
  22. My TRU had one set left of the Phoenix Five Emma Frost and Colussus and tons of Wolverine and Reeper today. I got hte last Phoenix two pack and I picked up a Scarlet Witch and Captain America today along with the AvX Phoenix Killer box set. I am looking to customize the Phoenix Five Namor and Magik, unless someone tells me we will be getting them for sure, I will hold off on making them for a while yet. I have not seen much action at my TRU with the sales in Star Trek Minimates, seam to be peg warmers which I was hoping would not be the case as I want more Star Trek minimates. The Mortal Kombat vs. Tekken sets seem to also be peg warmers at my TRU as is Halo. There are still a few Spiderman Movie mates and one set of Ironman3 mates still on the pegs as well. My TRU never got Battle Beasts minimates and only got one shipment of the Walking Dead Wave 1. I also never saw Knight Rider or Munster minimates at my TRU. These are interesting times in collecting minimates. I wish we had a LCS that sold minimates, but the one in town stopped ordering minimates when the DC minimates got cancelled.
  23. Thank you DSTZach for being our guide in the realm of Star Trek Minimates. I for one do really hope we can get more Star Trek Minimates. My thought would be to do a TNG Box set with Data, Troi, Yar and Worf, then you can include the parts for LaForge, Riker (could just be a head and hair since we could use a Picard from the first wave for the body) and Dr. Crusher. This would have everyone buying at least two sets to get the whole crew from TNG. I personally get four sets so I can open and make the other characters and still keep one package sealed. Then you could do a Box Set for DS9 with Bashir, Jadzia Dax, Quark and Garek, then include parts for Ezri Dax, then you can work in a chaser 2 pack with Kira and O'Brien in it. Then you could do a Box Set for Enterprise with Trip, Hoshi, Phlox and T'Pol, then you could include the parts to make Mayweather and Reed which would get people like me to buy at least four sets to make everyone. and finally a box set for Voyager with Chakotay, B'Elanna, Tuvok and Nelix with parts to make Harry Kim and Tom Paris. Then could make a chaser 2 pack with Kes and the Doctor in it. Then you could have a wave of Romulans (TOS & TNG), Ferengi (TNG & DS9), Founders (to include the female founder and Odo), Klingons (TMP & TNG & DS9 & VGR & ENT) and more aliens if possible. This way the second wave of two pack mates could include a large alien assortment and we could still get the crews finished. JMO and I look forward to getting news from you about hte Minimate Star Trek Universe's future. Thank you.
  24. I like your x-men customs. Beast is amazing and so is Angel. I like how Beast is looking like he jump out of your photo. I like your vision of Colossus as well. Looks more like the character than the standard minimate. Great job.
  25. I am sorry I fell short of some of my promised postings. I got busy with life and have been unable to retool my custom ideas nor add any updates on my list. I will do so as soon as I can. But this may likely not happen until winter. What I have in the works: 1) Witches from my Twist on the Wizard of Oz, 2) Oberon's Children and getting that line finished up (Anubus, Hades, Odin, Naught, Medusa, Raven, Coyote, Anansi, Banshee, Grandmother, Lady of the Lake and I think a few others), 3) Star Trek minimates-new images and touched up a little, 4) Once Upon A Time updates and maybe some Revolution updates as well. 5) I am now working on a version of the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse but having trouble deciding if I should use Conquest or Pestilence as one of the members. Famine is not coming easy for me either. Anyway they are in the works. Again, I am sorry I have not shared more lately but have been busy with yard work, tending to family members needing assistance, vacation, my job and supporting my wife as she is getting prepared to run her first 1/2 marathon in December in Florida. Thank you.
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