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Everything posted by Kamsm8

  1. Thanks, Twisted! Yeah, I tried drawing the blank in Photoshop, but I lack the knowledge to do so, so I just resorted to good ol' pencil and paper! Ha, turned out well enough. Anyways, I'm not done with the regular head (I've got a spare New Goblin face sticking under this one), or a spare FA Iron Man hairpiece ready, but I still wanted to show this lil' guy. So, without further ado, my first custom Minimate: BLIZZARD
  2. Hey guys. So I decided to change this to my own customs thread, since I will hopefully start putting out more customs. This will also include my modifications to pre-existing minimates. The Bishop custom was inspired by someone's own Bishop modifications I found in this forum - I'm not sure who, but if you guys do, I just want to say thanks for the inspiration. I wanted to make Cable a little more interesting, so I decided to try and make him look more like this. I'm still trying to find a good hairpiece for him, and something to give him his huge should-pads. The Blizzard is my first and only true custom minimate. I made him from a repainted Spymaster figure I had.
  3. I find it slightly humorous that you use a Punisher face for the Fury figure in a set with aNOTHer Punisher figure. But I always do find the strangest things humorous. Anyways, great looking Punisher! Love the Daredevil too.
  4. The only reason I know that Kang exists is because I had him as a Heroclix figure, and the fact that he kicked total @$$ in that game led me to learn more about him... ... Which isn't saying much, because all I know still is that he's a Kirby creation and FF4 villain...
  5. I always thought Stryfe would look kinda cool as a Minimate. The Mask might have to be toned down a bit, but a big silver costume with a cape? Simple enough to where it translates damn well.
  6. Top 10 Wish List (In No Particular Order): - Morbius - Omega Red - Sinister - Ares (I'm starting to have a soft spot for his design that I didn't have originally) - Captain Britain 2 - Jim Lee Cyclops - Hawk-Owl (From "Ultimate Adventures") - Baron Zemo - Blizzard (I think his simplicity would work amazingly well in Minimate form) - Crimson Dynamo (We need an Iron-Man villain, for sure)
  7. God, I really wish I hadn't taken a break from collecting minimates. With all the new releases coming out, plus exclusives and box sets and upcoming series, it's becoming really hard to try and play catch up at the same time. But a Scorpion! Sweet! The updated Spider-Man rogues gallery is expanding quite well. As far as House of M Spider-Man goes, I'm not too disappointed. If anything, I think at least he's different enough to warrant a release without being TOO angry. At least compared to Wave 24 Spider-Man compared to the Heroes box set Spider-Man. At the very least, I hope his face isn't as bad as the ones on those two, and more in line with the Back-In-Black or Cosmic Spider-Man.
  8. Ha, it's pretty amazing, that point. True, it's a pain that it's a Toys 'R Us exclusive that's going to be a pain to try and get ahold of, but that still doesn't mean that DST and AA aren't trying to get us the Minimates we want one way or another. And let me tell you, those are SWEET stinkin' looking mates!
  9. Now MY question is... If we have the Gargan Venom in the Thunderbolts set, I wonder how the Spider-man in the Dark Avengers set is gonna look so as to be different from the Back in Black Spider-man...
  10. Personally, I've never found it too hard. I originally began buying minimates from brick-and-mortar stores. I think I actually got my first ones from a Target, back when they had those two packs that re-released earlier figures. Then I started finding packs at Wal-Mar, my LCS (The only one in my area) and Toys 'R Us. From there, after researching a bit online, I started finding out about Suncoast and Tower Records, and so my search expanded. However, recently, all these places have stopped stocking them (except for the TRU, which just recently started stocking them - the last time they did were the Street Fighter four packs). Thankfully, around that time my access to online shopping opened up since my mother found it a lot easier to order online than deal with traffic and driving around. I've gotten quite a few exclusives - the Giant X-Men set, the Iron Man 2-pack, Super Skrull and Clobberin' Time Thing, Sauron, Prof. X and Magneto, Elrond, Stealth Iron-Man two pack, and the Union Jack pack. I've also seen quite a few of the others in stores, and the only real reason I never bought them was a lack of funding at the time. Like I said, it's never been too hard for me. Sure, the occasional frustration pops up, such as not being able to get a Thor minimate anymore lest I pay $25 for two figures. Or missing out almost entirely on the DC minimate sets. But it's just part of collecting - you don't always get what you want. And that's the thing to keep in mind - nothing is GUARANTEED to you. No matter what anybody says. I buy things when I can, and since this is a hobby, rather than a necessity, it doesn't bug me too much when I miss out on something I probably didn't NEED anyways...
  11. I don't know if that's very likely to happen... I've been reading a lot of forums where people are almost 100% complaining about this Special Edition. It costs over twice the price of the normal game, and comes with very little in terms of what an average videogamer wants. Really, I think the people buying this pack will be the ones who WANT all the stuff included. Because otherwise, well, they could save themselves $70 that they're not gonna make back...
  12. Yeah, I'd really like to know where that face comes from. Scouring Minimate Database did me no such luck, but seeing as how lazy and unthorough I am, that's no surprise. I called my Toys 'R Us this morning, after hearing on here that others' were getting new shipments in. After 20 minutes, they told me that they had all the packs in stock, minus the Punisher/Jigsaw set. So I took two bus' out there, and nabbed myself a Union Jack/ Wonderman two pack, and left the rest, seeing as I'll probably get the Heroes and Villians boxes. Out of curiosity, though, I checked both the Wolverine movie section and Terminator 4 sections. There was no display for the new Wolverine minimates, but the Terminator section had two pegs listed for their minimate sets, currently being occupied by some Halo 12" helmet packs. So it seems another bus ride out there might have to come soon. =/
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