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Everything posted by Kamsm8

  1. Shorten the hair like you did, and short the torso piece so it's not the same kind as used on Ultimate Hulk, and I think we'd have a very good minimate. Beast is wider than everybody else, not necessarily taller. So the extension pieces don't quite work for him, I think.
  2. Oh man, have I been jonesing for THIS particular Cyclops. We definitely need him and Jean Grey. And more X-Men Villians. Pyro, Avalanche, and Toad are the ones I'm really hoping for.
  3. So on the AA blog today there were packaged pictures of the Infinity Gauntlet boxed set. In package, I must say that the set looks very appealing. While not a big fan of that part, it'd be nice if they produced some more Cosmic Marvel characters to flesh out this set.
  4. Brobotc, I APPROVE!! That Predator is so fantastic, I'm really at a loss of words. Needless to say, I look forward to the 4 pack!
  5. So did anybody see this inexplicable bit of news on TNI? The description doesn't really seem to mention any re-release, so maybe it's just a mistake? Not sure what this means...
  6. Hey, Doc, I see you're listed as Torrance. Do you happen to visit the TRU across the street from the Del Amo?
  7. That hair REALLY works well on Mystique. Major improvement! Loving the FF She Hulk too, and nice job on Wolverine. Keep it up!
  8. I thought the spacing was only referring to actually releasing them... I don't see why they couldn't do the reveals in close tandem still...
  9. Oh man, I love the Dutch. Any plans for Billy or the rest of his group? It would be sick to see them alongside your Alien minimates vs. the combined forces of the Predators and Xenomorphs...
  10. Colour me impressed. That Vega is outstanding. And I find the Deadpools cute and humorous. Good job!
  11. If DST really finds a way to release Mohawk Storm in the near future, colour me impressed. I'm already in awe at the way they manage to systematically continue to give us what we want while also finding ways to give the line life support. It's amazing!
  12. I made a trip down to my TRU in Torrance today. Found three of the Ghostbuster second series, and PLENTY of Bucky-Cap/ AIM Agent two packs. But sadly, no BE/MS packs. I snatched up the three Ghostbuster packs, however, since we had never gotten in the first wave and I'm a little doubtful we'll get a restock of this one. As my first Ghostbuster minimates, I must say I'm extremely happy and pleased!
  13. So my order from BBTS came in today, and I finally got my hands on the Ultimates and X-Men comic book wave... I personally love all of these guys. It's always exciting to get new mates, and these were no exception. However, I do have one complaint, and it kind of touches on the whole "overtly-detailed" minimate argument that seems to be going on lately... Ultimate Iron Mans helmet just isn't minimate-esque. It literally just looks like they stuck Ultimate Iron Mans helmet on there. Yes, it looks great, lovingly detailed. But it doesn't have the minimate feel... I guess it's just kind of the luck of the draw, since that helmet seems quite blocky anyways... But it doesn't look like a minimated part... But eh, it's just personal preference. I still love all these guys! And Deadpool came packing quite a bit of extras! If he's still available, I might have to snatch up a few of him to get my hands on some more weapons..
  14. I'm not quite sure what you mean, Dio. My Wave 28 set is still in the mail, but doesn't he come with two masks, one which is symmetrical to show us a serious Deadpool, for those who want their cold-blooded assassin, and then one with the larger eye for those who want their whacky Deadpool? From what others have said, that was kind of the point... But hey, if you don't like it, they're your minimates. I've made some alterations to my own minimates at times - namely Cable and Bishop - to make them more like the ones I wanted. And as for Control Art, the point of Control Art is a plan for what they want,but sometimes that doesn't cost out or isn't feasible. Yeah, it sucks. But it happens. At least from what I understand about control art...
  15. An e-mail from BBTS just came in right now for Wave 28 - finally shipping my T2 toystore wave, Wave 27 and Wave 28!! So excited!
  16. Wow, that's wonderful! I never thought about doing Megaman customs, but they seem to translate extremely well to the style of minimates!
  17. It's from a BSG minimate. Where'd you get the Songbird shoulder pads?I have a spare Nova minimate and was thinking about using some of this parts, since they seemed appropriate.
  18. I never knew much about the Maxx, other than this one issue of Image I have where he teams up with Savage Dragon, Spawn, Witchblade and someone else, I think. Eventually he ends up combined with one of them. It was very strange. But your custom is fantastic! All of them are! Amazing. I'm speechless.
  19. My TRU has already restocked the X-Men Origins and Heroes/Villians wave, has gotten in the new BSG wave, and has gotten a single, straggling Terminator pack (Only 1! Strangest thing), but still no Ghostbusters, no BE/MS pack, and no other Terminator packs. I'm extremely disappointed. I want the BE/MS and Ghostbusters!
  20. Same here. Those are actually two of the ones I was looking forward to the most of these new boxsets, and I don't really wanna have to look everywhere for them.
  21. Yes! I'm so excited. I love me some Ultimates. I plan on making an Ultimate Hawkeye custom to go along with the main team. How come wave 28 isn't in yet, though? Don't these things usually come at the same time...?
  22. It's interesting how they list it as a "Ghostbusters 3 Video Game Set", even though the game isn't actually "Ghostbusters 3"
  23. So any confirmed sightings on the West Coast? I called my local TRU, and they said they didn't have the Moonstone/Bullseye two-pack. But I'm not sure how much I actually believe them.
  24. I think I voted, I'm new to PM systems. But I just wanted to say I am thoroughly impressed with the talent and creativity here on these boards. It's truly impressive and inspiring. I thought the deadline was later than it was, but no biggie. Hah, I don't think I Would have compared.
  25. Shamrock, you continue to be an inspiration to me with your hand-painted customs! Killer work! I'm not really a big fan of DC comics, I don't really read them, but the Sinestro Corps thing looked very interesting. And I love the designs for all the characters. You really bring them to life excellently with your customs!
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