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Everything posted by Dio

  1. I used to have P2 versions of Ryu and Akuma, but I decided they were unnecessary and got rid of them. My favorite SF Minimate is either Chun-li or Lilith, because they're so well sculpted.
  2. Pure crack Room for improvement aka the Almost Best category Funniest Most colorful Most monochromatic Best interchangeable part/accessory Deserves a newer improved version Best Minimate that personifies a real living person
  3. I only buy the Minimates that I really want to display on my desk, and it's restricted to a small playmat (the kind for trading card games). I do this for all of my toys and it's pretty easy to manage. If I need to make some space I just get rid of something or put some of the Minimates up for trade in the Trade It Forward thread XD
  4. Oh nice, I'm working on Sagat too. But he's only half done :< I don't know if I should just give up because of one piece that I need to get a hold of.
  5. I didn't enter this contest, but it was useful learning Minimate trivia XD Congrats winners!
  6. OMFG I can't wait. I used to have a 2nd generation version of Optimus Prime but I lost some of his pieces :<
  7. I got a Mark III Iron Man and it's pretty sweet. I lmao'd the other day at Wal-Mart when I saw Galactus XD
  8. AWESOME My only minor complaint is that he doesn't have any sai, oh well.
  9. I can't wait! Curse you Daylight Savings for making me wait another hour XD
  10. Ignore the description, it's actually Daredevil Yellow and Elektra XD
  11. He's Cajun. Told you one was a stretch... That was mainly to get people thinking it was someone else, but come on... he's in the new movie. How could we do a Wolverine-themed wave right before the movie and NOT include Gambit? I won't lie, Gambit/Wolverine is my OTP XD j/k...sort of. GUMBO. I'm really excited for wave 26.
  12. Gold Spider-Man is the rarest in my book.
  13. Oh nice, same here. But I included Gambit and Sinister because I want them so badly XD I didn't have a clue with the third and fourth clues, so I just stuck with my Cable & Deadpool roster: Cable Deadpool Domino T-Ray Agent X Bob The variant could be Deadpool in an X-Men uniform XD (Not Marvel Girl's)
  14. I have no clue what to guess so I'll just stick to my Cable & Deadpool roster :<
  15. I don't have such things!!! I think he means Bob from Hydra XD
  16. EDIT: Never mind XD I thought for some reason that there would be seven clues, one for each day of the week.
  17. Dio: My nickname. Avatar: Does this really need an explanation? XD Edgeworth had the perfect pose for dick in a box.
  18. I tried clicking the banners in IE but nothing happens either.
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