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Everything posted by Glantern

  1. Yeah, the hair is Multiple Man's. It's the same as the SM3 Sandman, which I used several years back when I made Aliens customs.
  2. So, I love my wave 1 figures, but Hicks's hair was really bugging me. I went through some older parts and found a piece that works much better: (Also added his wristband piece while I was at it) In addition, I threw together some QCs of ATAX and O'Malley from the Kenner line, just for the heck of it!
  3. Rescue Mission Ripley & Hicks
  4. Marvel Now Captain America & Scarlet Witch Here's hoping I can live up to the excellent standards of Nessex's review!
  5. So, I got my set from BBTS today (since Luke was sold out...) and everything seemed to be in order... until I took out Wolverine to swap him to Forge...
  6. I'm...confused. So, Hudson and Vasquez are in TRU 1 and Specialty Series 2? There aren't any exclusive figures in the TRU assortment?
  7. Yeah, I had a similar glue issue with my set.
  8. I feel like, going by the naming conventions of the movies, this should be Aliens Serieses
  9. In the last few months I've had one thing reinforced for me several times: some people just want to be angry. It doesn't matter what the supposed cause, what sort of improvements are made, or what you do to try and fix things, some people will deliberately look for the negative, because that is all they want. You can't reason with them. The best you can do is just move on and not let it get you down. And I think it should be noted that DST consistently offers the absolute best, most comprehensive movie tie-in assortments of anyone. That's a fact.
  10. Trailer was alright. Can't say it really wowed me or anything. Felt like it went on for too long and spent too much time on not-Supergirl characters. I intend to give the show a chance, though. I like the costume design, and it does seem to have a nice air of humor about it.
  11. Glantern


    Classic Avengers- Black Knight 90s Avengers- Justice Modern Avengers- Mockingbird NOW Avengers- Wasp Classic X-Men- Sunfire 90s X-Men- Havok Modern X-Men-?? NOW X-Men-?? Spider-Man- Boomerang Mystic Marvel- Man Thing Cosmic Marvel- Gladiator Inhumans- Medusa Marvel Knights-Uhhh... I really liked Impossible Man's appearance in Marvel Knights "4". Does he count? Miscellaneous- Machine Man
  12. Okay, small Ultron Prime was bugging me, so I did some slight tweaking. I ended up using the upper arms from the Infinity Cap and the torso extender/belt from the wave 44 Giant Man. He's still a little small, but he's better.
  13. I'm really honored to have been chosen as one of the new staff members. All of the entries posted here were really fantastic. MMC was what brought me into this community, so I'm super excited by the chance to give back, so to speak.
  14. My guess on the two flamethrower/pulse rifle combos is that they meant to include a second basic rifle for Ripley, but there was a mix up. That's pure speculation, of course. As far as the flamethrowers, there isn't actually a flamethrower sculpt available yet. There will be one in series two, but it's possible they didn't have it ready in time for this series. Motion trackers would have been cool, but seeing as these figures had a fair bit of extra parts already, it's understandable that they were excluded. Also, we haven't yet seen Vasquez or Hudson, so perhaps it will turn up with them. Apone's patch was definitely a mess up. DST just put the wrong detail there. However, these things do have to go through Fox, and they missed it too. Accidents happen. All we can hope for is that things are At least a slight bit better moving forward.
  15. They're mostly the same, but it's been noticed that the TRU Thor doesn't have all of his proper torso detailing, while the 61 version does.
  16. Two AoU reviews: Iron Man & Black Widow Captain America & Thor
  17. So, I got my case of singles yesterday. I haven't opened any of the doubles. I'm a little... underwhelmed. The Ultrons are all fine, but Stucker's a bit drab. And while the Iron Legion are perfectly fine 'mates, I have no idea what on earth to do with 10 of them. Paying for a full case and having more than half of it be these guys is a little disappointing.
  18. Finally got my set of these yesterday from Luke. Wow, I really love them. Seriously, I just love every single one of them. Hicks may well be my favorite Minimate. He's just so perfect. I can't wait for series 2! EDIT: One small nit I did have was with the Ripley/Hicks packaging, which states that Hicks takes command of the marines after Gorman dies. He takes command when Gorman is injured. Small thing, though
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