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Everything posted by Glantern

  1. I literally was just about to post that I had a spare Kraang to offer Tenmine
  2. That's true. I feel like JLU, with the recast Superman, to the move to fully digital music and animation, the CGI background elements, and the change in overall color scheme, just felt like a colder show in general.
  3. I feel that STAS is better than JLU. Part of that may be Tim Daly vs George Newbern. Newbern grew on me eventually, but he always felt like a poor man's substitute for Daly. He always sounded like he needed to blow his nose. All that said, once I've got my Batman and Superman lines, I would buy the crap out of JLU. I echo Tenmine's sentiment of this being a replacement for DCUC.
  4. You know, I see everyone post about how they just want them to skip to JLU, but I really don't want them to do that. I'd rather the line naturally progress to Superman and Batman Beyond and then go to JLU. Superman and BB never get proper toylines, while JLU kinda did. And, if I'm totally honest (get ready for the blasphemy) I don't think JLU's as good as the others. Sure, it's a really good show, but it lacks a lot of the heart and charm of the earlier shows, and it doesn't stand the test of time the way the others do.
  5. My Footbot had the sword sheathe/slipover. I though this was the norm
  6. I know the Kmart version had the pieces for both. I would assume that all other versions would too
  7. Tenime, I'd say don't let the reports get you down. The two I've picked up didn't have any real issues (aside from the paint on Batman's mask). Given that Freeze and Two-Face seem to be improving on Bats, I think the line will be fine. In other news, MTV showed off series 4 today. I'm not liking Penguin, but the others look good
  8. Stopped by my LCS and snagged a Mr Freeze. They didn't have Harvey, so I'll have to find him elsewhere. Freeze turned out really nice!
  9. Happy to provide a review! Yeah, I assume the first four figures were made at the same time, so they all had the same issue. I personally think it's a little less distracting on Freeze
  10. Speaking of reviews, I posted my review of Batman on my website. I ended up doing a bit of work on his face to get rid of the excess mask paint. It was just bugging me too much.
  11. I feel like this is meant to be something of a win back the crowd movie. Miss Arnold? He's back. Don't like Bale? Gone. Miss the 80s setting? It's back. Not a fan of the weird knock-off terminators from 3 and Salvation? Here's the T-1000 and proper endos. Want more Kyle? There he is. Want a kick ass Sarah again? She's there too. They seem to be taking the best of the first two and rolling them into one new movie for a new generation that also happens to appeal to the old. Sure, we've seen the T-1000 before, but if I'm totally honest, the prospect of seeing the T-1000 in action again certainly piqued my interest, even if it's just for the novelty of it.
  12. Yeah, I kinda figured. I've gone through my whole Minimate collection and put a hole in each bag, just to give them some air. Breathable bags would be phenomenal
  13. In their defense, all of the other articulation is pretty sleek, and they've said they don't plan for any of the others to have this issue.
  14. The 59 Sentinel didn't have the extra head, so this one's new.
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