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Everything posted by monkeycrumb

  1. Thanks! Order placed! Got a "limited" warning on crossbones, tried to order 2, was downgraded to 1 by TRU before order was placed
  2. So if he's rereleased in a 2-pack with Kang, you'll pass, right? I keed, I keed :tongue: Personally, I'd buy 4 more of any repeated Thor (say that 10 times fast!) just to get comic versions of the Warriors Three, Wrecking Crew, Heimdall, Odin, Enchantress & Executioner! I'm still searching for Balder & Crossbones, but I'm hopefull it won't be too much longer.
  3. I'm a fan of the characters, not the movies. Eventually I'll get around to watching them. Sadly, even the movies themselves didn't sell too well on DVD. Here's a bit more on that, including mention of Universal Monsters on Blu Ray!! I've seen bits and pieces of the movies on TV as a kid, but I really just like the monster designs. If everyone buying these were ONLY fans of the movies themselves, sales would be even lower I think. But how cool is it to buy Dracula, Frankenstein, etc as minimates!?! It just blows my mind to see these still on the pegs at TRU, esp. at clearance! I expected these to stay sold out. Monsters always sell well. Still, I hope these did well enough for at least one more wave! Guess we'll find out in February at Toy Fair 2012!
  4. Can we get Whirlwind added to the list? I'm not a huge fan of the character, but I like the design. I think a lot of the older Marvel designs would work well for minimates even if you don't know who the character is. I think the old Toy Biz 5-inch line is a great source for characters that would translate well to MM when it comes to FF, IM, Cap & Spidey villains. As for the Wrecking Crew, I would buy them, but I don't need them all in the same set. MU had three of them in comic 2-packs then released Wrecker as a single pack. It would be wisest for sales to have Thor in any 4-pack. My choice would Thor, Heimdall (Comic), 2 Wrecking Crew Members, then 2-pack with the remaining 2 members. In that same wave would be Frog Thor, Odin, Enchantress & Executioner. Then Thor & the Warriors Three (Comic Style) in another 4-pack. I would prefer Warriors Three over Wrecking Crew in terms of who gets released first, but I want them all! Bottom line is this: I'm GLAD we still have so many desired figures - that's a sign of character depth, as opposed to "scraping the bottom of the barrel" (which will never happen with Marvel, I'm sure). Give us another strong 10 years and include all of the figures on this poll, and there will still be tons of unmade characters I'd be happy to purchase!
  5. NOOOOO!!! I liked her better in the promo shot, with the pale blue skin! She looked more undersea mermaid-like and I really liked how she stood out from the rest.
  6. What I don't understand is how everyone failed to see that Zach said box SETS (plural!!) and just assumed Kang was coming in the same set with Falcon, WS & Zemo. If I had to guess, WS & Falcon will come in a 4-pack with Cap & 4th figure (maybe Sharon in Shield uniform?) for the Death of Cap storyline. The other box sets will include other fan-requested minimates (Kang with IM and 2 other unmade classic Avengers??) Thor & Warriors Three (comic style), Zemo could be in a 2-pack for all we know. Maybe a Wrecking Crew set? Or Thor & three of the wrecking crew with the fourth member in a 2-pack. Zach has said he will be crossing several characters off this poll that are being made already in 2012 (on his own personal list, not that he's sharing with us before ToyFair), AND that we would be happy with the box sets. The box sets need to cater to the casual minimate-buying crowd, so expect a heavy-hitter in it! Finally, he didn't say we are getting everything on the list. I'd love to get them all, but what if, say, Zemo isn't coming out in 2012? Zach did not say we were getting ALL four of the top voted figures, just that we would be happy. 3 out of 4 is enough to make most of us here happy. (4 out of 4 is best, I agree :biggrin: ). But I could see Zemo in a 2-pack as well.
  7. What? No love for the Inhumans? I would love to see 99% of what's listed in this poll made within the next few years, some sooner than others. I hope there's more desire for many of these characters with barely any votes, I assume most are just voting by priority
  8. I hope you're crossing off a LOT that are getting made next year! Getting even ten off this list would be awesome, more would be spectacular!
  9. In the latest Q&A, someone asked about a Zombie Santa & Zombie Elf 2-pack. I don't want to get all Lee Burns up in here, but I want this SO BAD! Preferably with variant (Regular Santa for sure, maybe as a separate release? Or else Mrs Claus Zombie) so I can army-build Zombie Elfs! No Zombie minimate display would be complete without a terrifying Zombie Mall-Santa and an army of Zombie Mall-Elfs! I'd even love to see a Zombie Mall-Easter Bunny!
  10. YES! Thanks Zach! I like your pics. I think I need to order a third set for custom parts! Is Little Red's bag a separate piece or is it attached to the shoulder costume?
  11. Sadly, by eavesdropping, you missed a great opportunity to tell them about the upcoming LCBS wave 44 with Wolverine, and encouraging them to try different minimates in the meantime until Wave 44's release :biggrin: Sometimes, minimates cool factor isn't as strong in the package as they are in hand. I showed my father some at TRU yesterday, he just shrugged his shoulders. He was more impressed when he saw them in hand at home (Dracula & Frankenstein). Maybe minimates need action-poses in the packaging to show off their articulation better?
  12. I would eat brains to get a zombie Santa minimate!!! That is a spectacularly awesome idea! Also, it really sounded like that Star Trek Shuttlecraft is a strong possibility. Bring it on!! I'd buy a whole fleet! Of course, if DST wants to rerelease it with different figures and paint jobs (names on the shuttle) like they do the pirate ships, I'd be down for that! And STTNG mates make great sense with the 25th anniversary AND multi-year bluray release schedule pending.
  13. I'm happy to be wrong then! If only the orders are high enough to get these! The insert for wave one had set 2 listed as set 1 and vice versa! I'm sad they rearranged them, I could have lived without set 1
  14. I'm not too worried about series 2, none of the characters are licensed (they are all public domain) so costs to produce should be relatively lower for them. I'm guessing we'll see packaged pix in the next month or two with a release date of March/April. But yes, it would be nice if we got something official. Youbastards, I disagree, but I'm willing to be wrong. My understanding is that these are licensed based on the interpretations of these characters. These are indie-comic characters, right? Otherwise, DST could use the names only for these characters but would have to redesign their appearances. Still: Wave 2 = WANT!
  15. Sorry, I really disagree with dr baghead's view that we ARE the same as the JLU collectors on the AFI boards. DST is waaaay nicer and more respectful to their fanbase than Mattel! I'm a JLU collector. I've been buying them since the beginning. Mattel's business practices have always been shady. Frequently, to get ONE new character, you had to buy a 3-pack with two rereleases that were almost always the same deco! But if you wanted a different deco on that character (Batman, Superman, etc) it was only available as a single pack! As I said, I bought one of every new character from the beginning, and I have multiple tubs of multple Batman, Superman, etc, etc that are EXACTLY the same! I've been buying Minimates since the beginning too, and it's a FAR different story - very few duplicates to get new characters, and now DST's policy is to put variants with army builders! And most of my Spideys, Thors, Caps, IM's are noticably different from each other, with rare exceptions! Lets take the upcoming TRU 13 wave for example. Boom Boom & Rictor and Moonstar & Magma. To get those, you only need to buy 2 packs and you get everything new! You are not forced to buy a Cap or Spidey at all! And they are lesser-known characters, fan requested to complete some teams! Every other company would force a "heavy-hitter" character in there, but NOT DST! And when Star Trek ended, did DST force you to pay $50 to buy him in a 3-pack with 2 figures you already owned? NO they gave him away for FREE at SDCC, only you had to *gasp* customize a minimate on the spot with parts *they* provided!!! (Here, play with our toys for a minute and we'll give you a free one!!!). Plus, how many promos have DST given out? Compared to *NONE* from Mattel (employee-only Christmas figure doesn't count!) As for DST jacking up the price to scalp us when the line ends? I just don't see that happening at all. Of course, how hard would it be for the uber-talented customizers here to just make their own and have the artwork available to all to print their own decals? :biggrin: If you really look at the character selection over the past ten years, you should have faith that DST will eventually get to every character on our most wanted lists. They have to keep putting out the main characters to keep the line going at retail - that's pure economics. As Stan Lee once said, every comic book was *somebody's* first comic book! But just look at all DST has done for us! Granted, you can't give everyone everything they want all up front, or else what would keep them coming back? I *KNOW* in my heart that when the line finally ends (which I hope is NEVER!!) that there will be officially-released version of Kang, Falcon, Winter Soldier, etc, etc. If DST treated it's fanbase the way Mattel treats theirs, I'd be singing a different tune. But I really feel DST goes the extra mile for us, and for that I'll follow them until the end! Again, look at how many free minimates they've handed out at SDCC alone in the past ten years! I've NEVER seen Mattel give out free toys, especially ones available at retail! Finally, at least minimates can stand up on their own! Most JLU can't stand up at all without a special stand! And for all the rereleases in 2012? The Avengers is going to be HUGE, and they need to keep the main characters available at retail for all the new blood coming in! We will still see fan-focused characters (Thanks DST!), but DST needs to focus on all the new collectors and kids coming in too. Once they're hooked, they are more willing to buy the secondary and tertiary characters, either because they like the characters or because the minimates just look "cool" (or both!). This will only serve to strengthen the line! And THAT is what's most important!!! Let's keep this line going another THIRTY years! Why can't Minimates become like Hot Wheels, Pez, Lego, etc - strong, proven sellers that every retailer wants to carry? (without the shady business practices of Hot Wheels, of course!) But the hope is for Avengers to be the catalyst to get Minimates into the mainstream, and into the national consciousness as a mainstay on every retailers shelves. So, DST is doing everything right in that regard! 2012 is going to be exciting for sure :biggrin:
  16. I said at *least* two. Which really means 5 or more. Minimates = crack
  17. So, when are these going to be available to order??? I just bought my 5th Surgeon/Biker 2-pack. I need more Zombies!!
  18. That would suck if set #2 doesn't come out! I want it the most, and I've ordered 2! Anne Bonny AND Medusa both fit in with Calico Jack, Alice looks good and her and the last figure would fit in well with civilian mates. As for Lady Death, is there supposed to be a peg on the hairpiece to attach it to the head? Mine doesn't have one, not sure if it's a molding defect.
  19. Frog Thor should be included as an accessory, similar to the hairless cat with GB's World Of The Psychic Venkman! I'd buy at least two :biggrin:
  20. No worries, Zach! I never said that you said anything about a new license, I'm just verbalizing (or typing) my desires! I'm just hoping to see more movie/TV properties because I'm a little tired of video game properties No pressure intended Zach, I really appreciate your presence here! I don't demand or expect anything, I'm just offering my 2 cents :biggrin:
  21. WooHoo!! I can wait if it means more NEW minimates announcements!! Any chance of a new movie series to replace Ghostbusters once it's done? You do NOT have to tell us which property it us (unless you are able to :biggrin: ) but after all the video game & indie-comic love lately, I'd love to see more movie/TV licensed properties, especially as expansive (multi-waved) as Ghostbusters was! New Minimates announcements make excellent Christmas gifts! :biggrin:
  22. I'm ready for almost ANYTHING new Movie or TV-wise!! I'm tired of just video game and Indie-comic mates. I need something epic and far-reaching to fill the hole now that Ghostbusters is gone. I'm happy to see smaller releases too, don't get me wrong - some properties only need one release or a couple (Knight Rider) I'd say that Aliens & Predator would be perfect for this. (I'd take Star Wars & Indiana Jones, but I don't see it happening this decade). Lots of other great candidates too (Army Of Darkness!), but just *something* similar to Ghostbusters - with a multiple-wave far-reaching character selection, with lots of new-sculpted pieces based on a licensed property! (I love the new Calico Jack and Zombies, but there's no guessing what's next) (I would, of course, forgo this entire post in favor of the return of DC minimates though!)
  23. How're those photos coming, Zach?? :biggrin:
  24. You hit the nail on the head! How many LCS's have dropped or near-dropped minimates alltogether? Or the ones that have *gasp* never carried them? This is DST's way of courting / appeasing them. As for TRU, having the heavy-hitters in the wave allows them to sneak in things like Balder or Boom Boom & Rictor. This is per TRU's request.
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