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Everything posted by monkeycrumb

  1. I believe the Batmobiles get made through a loophole involving George Barris. Im not a lawyer so dont quote me but I think its a "fair use" deal. DC is deader than disco. Let it go. DC Megos' were dead too. They returned. Batman Lego was dead. It returned. But, let's listen to the internet instead because they are experts. OR You can acknowledge the fact that DST *wants* to make them, it's just one guy at DC who refused to play ball. One. Guy. Who, you know, stepped down already. So, Maybe the 2" block figure catergory license is currently tied up by Mez-Its, who knows what happens when that license expires?? Never say never when there's money to be made. Especially while DST continues to pursue it. It's more a matter of when they can come to an agreement.
  2. At this point, I'm sure you could release either and we could QC the other with our spares. But I'd prefer Reed for the extra stretchy accessories! But yes, this is the best way to go :biggrin:
  3. I believe Zach said they did do a design sheet for this! I know I'd buy *at least* one.
  4. No, we are NOT "due" for another Spidey wave!!!! We just had a great one, it's someone else's turn! (FF preferably)
  5. Didn't Zach say that going forward the TRU waves were going to be all new with no carry-over from specialty? I like your picks though but I want to see Johnny in his recent uniform to go with the Disney Store white-uniform box set, packed with Annihilus!
  6. You mean there weren't apes in every comic and Superman *wasn't* a d!ck??
  7. I hope so! More specifically, I hope there are more classic comic designs instead of flavor-of-the-month storyline variants. Less "Curse of the Mutants" and "Age of X", bring on more Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Masters of Evil, Warriors Three, Inhumans, etc, etc!!
  8. Brilliant point. Do we need the *entire* Fantastic Four *everytime* a FF themed wave comes around? I hope not! I'd love to see the updated Johnny Storm with Annihilus from the recent issues. But I'd prefer the remaining spots go to new characters as well. Sure, a white-uniform Dr Doom would be cool. But I don't need another Sue or Thing so soon. Reed, well there are many multiverse versions that I could see taking a spot to pack with Doom. There are so many cool villians and supporting characters for the FF I'd hate to see the main 4 cast refreshed every time there is an FF wave. Maybe 2 of them, with other members from time to time? She-Hulk, Wyatt Wingfoot, Sharon, etc? (those last two are bad examples but all I could think of at the moment) Maybe the alternative is to separate the team over waves? Reed & Ben in costume version x in one with supporting villains and characters over one wave, then Sue & Johnny in matching costume version x with more characters the next time there is an FF wave (never two waves in a row)? For example: Mad Thinker / Moloid Puppet Master / Moloid Johnny Storm / Annihilus Multiverse Reed / White Uniform Dr Doom with TRU wave: Medusa / Gorgon Blastaar / Watcher with two more box sets that are non-FF-related roster-fillers, i.e Daredevil villains, X-Men, Avengers, etc
  9. Still don't get this thing where she's supposedly obscure. If the general Marvel audience read comics then they've probably seen her in the last 175 issues of Thunderbolts. The general Marvel audience don't all collect minimates (sadly). They aren't necessarily up on what's out and what isn't, and might not be aware of Songbird being the only unmade Thunderbolt from that particular roster.
  10. A handful from these lists would still be a huge win for us!
  11. ...How? It has a slight likeness to Martin Sheen...but it's pretty much a comic Uncle Ben. Curt Connors looks NOTHING like Ben. More than anything I hate the chin on him the most, makes him look distractingly bloated. And it looks too much like Martin Sheen. I want generic comic-mates for my comic mate display. Uncle Ben looks too actor-y. Maybe with a head swap?
  12. I'd buy one, but I don't see it happening. I think a Lego custom is your best bet. I think this line can survive at retail based on the zombies alone. I think, based on sales (not sure about the length of the license), this should exceed several waves, and could potenially see more waves than Ghostbusters (if the license is for many years). It's not that hard to draw variations in civilian characters in an ongoing comic book
  13. SOLD! We are overdue for a FF wave. Hopefully with Blastaar and Annihilus!
  14. Not being a troll. Not everyone that posts something you disagree with is a troll. Get over yourself. But thank you for pointing out the "ignore" feature. Looking into that now...
  15. I would buy CASES of '66 Batman minimates.
  16. -1 +1.... or -2, I'm not sure. I'm confused. -3. I wish I could delete all of TM2 Dinobot's posts from what I see since he likes to post his opinions as facts. And is so frequently wrong on what he claims is fact.
  17. I would also like to take a moment to address Zach, as well as Chuck who I'm sure is being kept up to date. This is wave 50. Wave FIFTY. After ten years of Minimates. No toy line has ever been here before. I never thought we'd be here. And I'd just like to offer a HUGE THANK YOU for the years of hard work. Y'all at DST truly love this line. it shows. If you didn't, this forum wouldn't exist. We are sitting here, arguing over a children's toy line that is 10 years old. That alone shows you our dedication, and reflects upon your work. So I can't speak for anyone else. But for me, even through the endless Caps, QC issues and nitpicks, I can not offer a more heartfelt appreciation than to say "Thank You". Star Wars. Modern versions have been ongoing for SEVENTEEN years now. Well past wave 50. "No toy line has been here before" indeed.
  18. What evidence is there that this line might be "circling the bowl"?? NONE! This line is going STRONG! We will continue to get mates for AT LEAST the next 2 years! Supporting characters have a better than average chance of being made when the main characters movie is being released. The next 2 years will bring us a Thor and Captain America sequel. I'm confident we'll see more of their supporting cast, along with more X-Men, Spiderman and Avengers cast in the meantime. Voting for Winter Soldier, Wrecker, etc is like voting for KANG: DST KNOWS we want them, it WILL happen eventually! No. You weren't here in 2006, Monkey Crumb. You didn't live through the dark times like some of us did. I will never assume Minimates are doing so good that they "Can't die." I've watched beloved toy lines be canceled, I've seen my all time favorite shows cut down in their prime. And I've watched my #1 collection be pushed right to the brink, and somehow, perhaps only by divine grace, come back to be what it is today. Marvel could literally pull the plug at any moment and that would be the end. Remember how ToyBiz lost their rights to Hasbro? And no one saw it coming? You assume whatever you want. But for me, Minimates is always 1 wave away from being finished forever. Yes, I WAS here during 2006. I was just a lurker. I've been collecting since wave 1. I was there for the "dark times". This AINT IT. But then, you're the expert on everything including me, aren't you? You're such a genius that you pull the words "cant die" from the statement I made that minimates will be around for at least the next 2 years. I never said they "can't die". You can assume whatever you want, but don't attribute quotes to me that I never said. Try comprehending what you read before you post next time. Oh, and Marvel can't just "literally pull the plug at any moment", that's not how contracts work. Toy biz was *bought out* by Hasbro, they didn't lose anything to them. Your post is so full of inaccuracies it boggles the mind! Thank you for demonstrating so clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about!
  19. I voted for Songbird. She's nowhere near as popular or requested as Winter Soldier. I feel this poll MAY be her only chance. I'm not wasting a vote on Winter Soldier - he's coming eventually - count on it!
  20. Definitely NOT Uncle Ben! That movie version looks like ass! Might swap heads on movie Curt Conners to make a comic version.
  21. Inhumans (finish them, please!) Dark Avengers / Thunderbolts (finish them too! Ghost & Songbird!) Guardians of the Galaxy including Groot & Rocket Racoon Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and Freedom Force (Blob without the FF on his shirt, please) Warriors Three from Thor Masters of Evil Wrecking Crew I'm far more interested in finishing teams we've started and doing the ones that DST IS likely to do before ever asking for the absolute scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel teams!
  22. What evidence is there that this line might be "circling the bowl"?? NONE! This line is going STRONG! We will continue to get mates for AT LEAST the next 2 years! Supporting characters have a better than average chance of being made when the main characters movie is being released. The next 2 years will bring us a Thor and Captain America sequel. I'm confident we'll see more of their supporting cast, along with more X-Men, Spiderman and Avengers cast in the meantime. I don't care what anyone else's "strategy" is: I'm sticking to mine: When I want more than 2 in a poll, I vote for the ones hardest to customize with the most unique parts. These have the hardest chances of getting made due to the tooling involved. I want Mojo, I voted for Mojo, and he fits the criteria I listed. I also vote for what I want, and use *my* strategy for when I can't decide. Voting for Winter Soldier, Wrecker, etc is like voting for KANG: DST KNOWS we want them, it WILL happen eventually! That said, I want *everything* from these polls (except that crappy Wolverine, but I would take him if I got everything else). Modern Falcon? No thanks - I want Classic Falcon. And for everyone else who wants to whine about DST not knowing that we still want characters like Wrecker *just because* we vote for someone else? GET REAL! They have just as much ability to read these boards as we do! (and they DO).
  23. I thought it was from the yet-unannounced 80's property?
  24. I would sacrifice Battle Beasts if it would revive this line!
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