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Everything posted by Gillbob316

  1. officially, they are all generic centurions. Unofficially... Could you explain this to me, 'cause I know didly squat about Nova, or his surrounding body of characters.
  2. I... very very vaguely recall hearing around the time of Avengers that they were done with Army Builder dumps. And one was planned for Avengers but cancelled. (Which was to contain a Mark Ruffalo Bruce Banner that we never ended up getting.) But I could be misremembering. Frankly as a someone who is a completionist but not an army builder, I could do without them. They're annoying to collect. If you don't buy a solid case, sets of 5 are scarcely available, so you end up having to pay a stupid price for the 1 per case figures. All for 5 generic nameless guys I could have done without in the first place, and one or two additional relevant characters... who are usually civilians. I buy them because I feel I need one to complete my Marvel collection, but I could pass on... the vast majority of them, if not for that fact.
  3. The post in this thread stating they were up is timestamped about 4:30 am the 24th I placed my order about 5 am (just double-checked) the 24th I got an order acknowledgement e-mail at about 5 am I got an order confirmation e-mail at about 6 am Didn't hear anything beyond that until today, when I got the e-mail today about 2 pm about Airwalker and Firelord being canceled, and then an e-mail today about 5 pm stating my order (sans those two) was being shipped. So yeah, I'm a little pissed off about it. Especially if orders placed after mine were (evidently) fulfilled. (Not that my gripe is with anyone here, just with TRU)
  4. I got an e-mail today stating one of the items in my order had been cancelled... em#: 12775202 Description: MARVEL MINIMATES WAVE 14 Quantity/Price: 1 @ $7.49 Being that I had no idea which item that was, I put the item number into, and up popped Airwalker and Firelord. I put my order in for the whole wave around 4-5 am shortly after I saw the news break that they were up in this thread. I also ordered some Tekken X Street Fighter Mates I still didn't have, and some Gremlins Mogwai figures, to get the total high enough for free shipping mostly. This thread thus far makes me wonder if they're actually sold out on specifically those two, or if these orders are just getting screwed up over 14 vs 15 confusion. So I guess I'm not getting them now... >_> *Sigh*
  5. When I do a google image search for "Sauron X-Men" (you have to add X-Men, or you just get Lord of the Rings results) there seem to be a healthy mix of loincloth results and tattered pants results. Seems entirely dependent on the artist. I also think it might depend on whether Lykos factors heavily into the story. (Because in many stories he just begins and ends as Sauron, and they leave Lykos out of the picture, I assume to avoid over-complicating stories that really aren't heavily about him.) In one he's even wearing a belted gun-holster, lol... And just for the sake of noting it, there don't seem to be many nude ones, if any. I do see a few where he -might- be nude, but they're normally from odd flying angles where his lower section isn't clearly visible. And as I said earlier in the thread, I would indeed transplant a Gollum loincloth onto my Sauron minimate, if indeed his tail weren't attached to his crotch-cap... making it impossible to have both without some hacking and gluing. (And I'm the type who isn't willing to hack and glue my toys, be they minimates or anything else.)
  6. Chalk me up as one more person not interested in larger minimates. Killer Croc, Bane and indeed the majority of the Lord of the Rings line are some of my least favorite minimates in my collection, just because they lack compatibility with the vast vast majority of the others. I should liked to have put Gandalf's head on a Magneto body, just for the fun of it, but that head is too large not to fall off. I prefer it when they use things like the bulked up parts for bigger characters. Had the hobbits and dwarves been done with the shortie feet and the big characters as normal minimates, the LotR line would have been much more to my liking. As to the question of build-a-figures... they don't necessarily NEED to be bigger. Indeed, most of the later and current Marvel build-a-figures, and I believe at least some of the DC ones were of a smaller scale. But as others have said... minimates is already so heavy a line based in additional parts and pieces, that I don't think it's necessary. In a set where there are already so many extra parts you can construct a Bruce Banner out of a Hulk, I think an extra limb or two in the pack would just serve to confuse people outside these forums. A kid who buys the set might just find himself asking, "What the heck are these two extra arms for?"
  7. I feel like there's a certain vibe with comic book movies where... I don't know what the word I'm looking for is, but people say, "These are the ones people call bad, so I say they are bad." and "These are the ones people call good, so I say they are good." is the general... vibe. Indeed I enjoy some of the "Bad" Marvel Movies... and I dislike some of the "Good" Marvel Movies. But now, as an X-Men fan, I'm going to go on an X-Men rant... because its where most of my passion lies... My major problem with X2, and indeed all 5 X-Men movies... is they're too far removed from the source material for my liking. They're not adapting the X-Men, so much as re-making the X-Men. Some of them are decent films... but as a gigantic X-Men fan they fall flat for me, as barely recognizable as X-Men in name and basic premise only. I am NOT a huge Iron Man fan, but I LOVE the Iron Man movies (1 AND 2) because they feel, to me, like the Iron Man on the cover of my comic book is jumping off the page and onto the screen. And indeed the whole Avengers franchise feels enjoyable in that same fashion. With X-Men, the characters and basic powers are maintained. The basic message of "mutants we hate and fear fighting to protect us" is maintained. Their looks, origins and individual character motivations/backstories, for the most part, are not, especially as the sequals roll onward. None of the five X-Men movies are really faithful re-tellings of any classic X-Men stories... so much as they are a hodgepodge grab-bag of X-Men characters, thrown into a sack, shaken up and displaced in new original stories, which borrow thematic elements from the comic, but tell their own tale. I mean sure, X2 borrowed from an old new mutants story, very loosely, and X3 borrowed from the Cure/Dark Phoenix stories, very loosely, and Origins Weapon X, and reportedly the new film Days of Future Past. But the collective universe these movies have made is so chopped up beyond recognition at this point that while elements were BORROWED from classic stories... none of those stories were actually re-told faithfully or adapted well, imo. And I feel like it only gets worse with every movie. As their supply of unused mutants dwindles, they transplant X-Men characters into the newer films that have less and less business being there, and are less and less recognizable as an adaptation of their comic book counterparts. Wolverine, Cyclops and Xavier, for instance, in the first two films at least... are fairly faithful to their characters. (If clad in black leather). Deadpool, Gambit, Havok, Psylocke and dozens of other secondary mutants I could use as examples in the latter three films... are way way way further off. Hell take 1 of Emma Frost was so off that they retconned her within the franchise, and we're just supposed to now ignore that fact that two of her exist in this series of films. Not to mention three versions of Beast, none of which quite 100% jive with the other two, two of which were introduced in the X-Men movies people call "The good ones" Instead of giving us outlandish villains we clamor for like Apocalypse or Sinister or Sentinels, they give us ho-hum characters rooted in reality like William Striker in TWO movies no less, or evil Kevin Bacon (not Sebastian Shaw, because returning to the topic of unrecognizable characters, that wasn't Shaw, that was evil Kevin Bacon. And that wasn't the Hellfire Club, it was Kevin Bacon, Emma Frost, and two or three "Who the hell is that?" mutants that had no business being there. ) Or when they do give us a more outlandish villain we clamor for, like say Juggernaut, he's (as per earlier complaint) a poor representation of the character. Now I KNOW X1, X2 and First Class were better films than X3 and XO:W... and I wouldn't deny that... but frankly they're presented as a collective universe, and as a franchise... to my eye, they fail. Full of plot holes, contradictions, and dozens upon dozens of characters thrown in just for the sake of being there. And while First Class may have been a better film than its two predecessors... it was just as messy as they were in those regards, and wasn't good at all as an adaptation. What I always say to my friends of First Class is, "It's a good movie. It is NOT a good X-MEN movie." Hell, the three most important "X-Men" characters of that film are Xavier, Magneto and Mystique, and while all three have technically BEEN X-Men... two of them are far, far, FAR and away not KNOWN for being X-Men so much as X-Men villains, and they damn sure are not the characters which founded the team. Indeed an entire history of backstory between Xavier and Mystique is invented in this film that's completely non-existent in the comic books... and it really burns my ass as an X-Men fan, and I'm amazed that more people aren't upset about it. And of course if one tries to say this on the internet, especially in NON-Comic Book circles (IMDB for instance) one often gets the old, "Oh stupid fanboys complain that it's not like the comic books" excuse tossed in their face, and disregarded, but I very much hate that attitude, and very much disagree with their next counterpoint, "If the story were exactly the same, who would care? Why do we want to see a story we already know frontwards and back? Movies need to change things to work!" That... imo... is complete and utter bullcrap. "Really?" is my response... "so faithful adaptations like the three Lord of the Rings movies, or Harry Potter and its EIGHT films based on SEVEN books... and all the praise and high regard those franchises raked in, not to mention mountains of cash... certainly those mean nothing!? 11 of the highest grossing and most popular films of recent decades, all of which were mostly faithful adaptations of literature, which did NOT in fact, butcher their source material... and found HUGE success... those PROVE that adaptations NEED to change the story to WORK!? RIGHT!?" I say with heavy sarcasm... And make no mistake, had those movies strayed too far from their source material, or butchered it beyond recognition, their fans WOULD be up in arms and WOULD complain just as much as any comic book fan. But the complaints of comic book fans fall on deaf ears as "Oh just whiny geek fanboys being whiny geek fanboys." Indeed, adaptations like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor and Avengers, show us that you don't HAVE to stray too far from the source material, or ground your characters too deeply in reality, to turn a comic book into an enjoyable movie. The heroes don't need to be re-invented as a barely recognizable hollywood version of themselves. Your hero can wear bright gold and red armor, yellow spandex, a big red cape... fight magic gods on a rainbow bridge or aliens from outer-space... and you can still make a perfectly fine picture that people can RECOGNIZE as the source material. I would... LOVE... for the rights to X-Men to revert to Marvel, and for this franchise of films to die off and start over. Frankly (like many) Jackman's Wolverine has endeared himself to me, so if they carried him over to the Marvel Movieverse... I wouldn't mind. But just him. The franchise has made a few watchable, and indeed good films. But I could still totally drop it like a bad habit. The best of the X-Men movies is still just the best of a bad situation. IMO.
  8. As I open more sets with a critical eye, I notice that Blastaar's leg coverings are actually on backwards, and furthermore, the tampos are printed on the back sides, making them the front sides... Upon examining pics in this thread, and on ebay, it appears everyone's Blastaar is that way though, and it's not so much a defect with MY Blastaar, as it is a defect with ALL Blastaars, making it (arguably) not really a defect. Anyone else catch that?
  9. Yeah, I'm waiting to do that until after I open this whole case, just incase I run across any more surprises. My "best of" series Loki, actually... has like... a cut in his cape. It's like someone took a pair of hardware snips and cut right into the side of it. It's one of the more bizarre defects I've seen in my time, as it's actually a genuine defect, and not merely a mismatched, missing, or ill-fitting part. All I can figure is that maybe it got snagged in some piece of factory machinery that cut it, or perhaps the plastic didn't quite fill the mold out right, and it just -looks- like a cut, but is actually more of a... hole? Slit? Ravine? lol... It's painted over, so it's hard to say how clean the cut is or isn't. It appears to have happened BEFORE the yellow paint was applied. So that will be in the letter as well, and I'm also gonna mention that my MvC3 Hulk still has 2 right hands, although I e-mailed them about that once long ago and merely recieved 2 replacement right hands, lol. We shall see...
  10. So I got my $200 shipment from Luke today, and didn't even have to open a single package before I was upset... Now I may be crazy, and granted I haven't seen every artist's interpretation of the Fantastic Four... but I'm pretty sure Reed usually has hair. Incase anyone is wondering, yes that package is sealed, and yes that's the case not even half unpacked beneath it. Frankly I'm unsure how to proceed. I wonder if his hair might be sandwiched in the bottom somewhere, but I don't see it in there, nor do I see where it could have escaped to. I hear no rattling of loose pieces. Still, the package as yet remains sealed, and as long as it remains sealed I am clearly beyond blame for the predicament. To open or not open... I have not yet decided... BUT EITHER WAY... now I suppose I begin the annoying and often slow and painful process of contacting various strangers on the internet to slowly rectify the situation. I'd love it if I could get one damn shipment of minimates these days where I DIDN'T have to do that immediately after unpacking them. I can't help but wonder how many hands this set had to pass through, between being manufactured, packed, unpacked, repacked and so on, before getting to me. Am I the first person to notice, or merely the final person to get stuck with it? I suppose such questions are not worth asking, as their answers would fall somewhere between ignorance, denial or excuse, whatever they may be. Not that I'm trying to accuse anyone of anything malicious, I don't think that's the case. I'm sure it's an innocent mistake. But even still, I think it's a little stupid that this item could ever make it this far, without anyone giving it so much as a glance and noting the fairly obvious problem. But if I, the final person to ultimately PAY for the item were to complain, I'm sure all the hands that held it before me would each have their reason as to why they weren't at fault, and surely the blame lies in the link before or after them in the chain. I suppose it's just put me in a negative mood, so my brain is drifting to negative lines of thought. Pay my musings no mind. I'm in a funk over it, and for that I apologize. That and I've been reading alot of Tolkien lately, and it's put my mind in a mood for lots of flowery talk and tracing of lineage. I swear, I don't necessarily mean to sound so bitter about this... but frankly I am. Earlier when I said I'd love to have one shipment without a problem... I wasn't being colorful. At the very least I've had more bad ones than good ones. It's getting old... and tries my patience. It's not that I'm beyond understanding the occasional hiccup. It's the persistent and repeated hiccups that annoy me.
  11. My thoughts... I have very little interest in construction kits. I don't dislike playsets that are a solid piece for minimates, and would take a big solid ring, or any number of accessories... but I don't like pairing minimates with legos for whatever reason. *Shrug* I feel like legos look too messy... for lack of a better term. All those pegs and odd bits jutting out all the time. All those brick seems. I feel like minimates have a relatively clean look. Simple, but clean. I don't like them together. Never assembled any of my C3 sets. And what would we even make? A ring? "Look I used my blocks to make a... bigger block! With 4 poles!" lol... I suppose there's also titantrons and ramps and such, as well as gimmicks like Elimination Chamber, but I feel like the ideas drop off quickly, once you've made the dozen or so obvious sets. And then we'd just get rehashes... like "Smackdown Ring" "Summerslam Ring" "Royal Rumble Ring" and so on... THAT said... I would buy up FIGURES for WWE by the dozen. And there's loads of room for accessories too. As others have said, virtually limitless potential. Assuming it would be fairly well rounded in terms of modern day superstars vs. legends, I'd love love love it. The Legends line from Jakks was always my favorite WWE line to watch. I don't have a problem with current day WWE by any means, but we all love Nostalgia.
  12. Re: Hulk Quality Control... I had to buy two MvC3 Red Hulks and 2 Bulked-Up Hulks to get them right. And I don't just mean loose parts, I mean to get the right parts period. I bought 3 MvC3 Green Hulks and got replacement parts from Diamond, and he still isn't right. He still has two right hands. Diamond sent me two right hands to replace those hands. And I had to contact and re-contact Diamond about 4 times over several months for that. I kinda reluctantly gave up on that... it got tiresome... Mismatched hands and thigh coverings seemed rampant with all these figures. The differences are so small that the parts are too damn easy to mix up for a factory worker. The thigh thing never seems to happen with bulked up figures who have marks on their thighs, but when they don't have tampos, the factory assemblers brains seem to fall out. I'd bet tons of you have Hulks with the wrong hands or thighs and never even noticed. I haven't recieved this new wave from Luke yet (it's in the mail) but as I notice this new hulk has no distinguishing marks on his thigh covers, I fear the worst. These posts do little to re-assure me. Man do I hope I don't need to buy 3 of these things... again...
  13. Re: No Exclusives There's been alot of that going around at Chicago cons for the last ~5 years... ever since Wizard World fell under new management. And I don't mean from Diamond, I mean from... anyone. Frankly it... really really sucks. Being a native of this city, my interest in cons has been slowly dying a little bit more each year for this and many other assorted reasons. Seems to be less and less reason to attend each year. I used to be a fairly die-hard 4-day ticket buyer, but the last 2 years I've cut back to 1. Wizard World/Chicago Comicon is a sorry shadow of what it once was. C2E2 seems to have its heart in the right place, trying to fill the void and be what the other con used to be, but still falls short in many areas, as it still tries to find its footing. (Exclusives being one of a hundred small examples). But I've complained about this here before, and if I don't stop now I'm gonna go off on a rant no one cares to read anyway. lol...
  14. I'm very glad to be getting Sauron (as with all new things X-Men) though for some reason I'm slightly annoyed that he appears to be nude... Apparently, though I never knew it before now, I'm a loincloth Sauron purist. I'm just getting weird vibes from this "party" Sauron. And by the look of him, he's re-using movie Lizard parts, so I couldn't even swap in a Smeagol loincloth without removing his tail. Though speaking of his tail, that also slightly annoys me, since as a lizard repaint, it's not a forked tail, as Sauron's tail is. Still, better than no Sauron, and that's something.
  15. Now that I see Emma and Colossus are indeed being made... I said this in the original boxed set thread and I say it again, if it's not too late (and I assume it is) please, please, PLEASE let them include a non-firey cape for emma. I just hate it when characters are locked into one permanently "powered up" look, through lack of non-powered up parts (IE. Shadowcat & Vision, for instance) I don't really like the idea of an Emma minimate that is never not on fire and floating. :/
  16. I would like to see them. Is that reason enough? Speaking of reasons to show us things... It IS Christmas... just sayin'...
  17. Got the TRU sets today in Gurnee Illinois after leaving Six Flags (lol)... Opened them the car as I've become accustomed to doing to check for duplicate/defective/missing parts... Thor was missing his right foot. Went back inside and exchanged him. Second one had both feet. I thought for a moment that Okami Dog might have the wrong limbs... but upon further inspection it seems it's just a... weird sculpt... that seems to bend counter-intuitively. I've gotta say, I'm not nuts about this minimate, but I was buying them mostly for MODOK and Thor anyway, so *Shrug* I will however say, that MODOK pretty much pwns. Awesome minimate all around. I also think it's great that there's a basic minimate beneath all that heft, lol. He and Akuma are also the heaviest damn two-pack of minimates you'll ever buy, you can actually feel all of MODOK's extra plastic when you pick the pack up, before you even open it.
  18. I forgot about our Guardian figure! I think that came out much earlier than the two-packs, but I could be wrong. I think there was a reverse-colored version, as well. Not sure if it was an error or a variant or what. The 5" two-packs may have been rare (I vaguely remember them on our Top Ten list) but I had a great Kay Bee by me. Not to derail the thread, but as long as you touched on a bit of Wizard nostalgia, I had a thought I wanted to throw at you earlier today Zach... My friends and I, living in the Rosemont IL area as we do, went to Chicago-Comic-Con-Wizard-World-Not-Sure-Whatever-the-hell-they're-calling-it-this-year today... (lol?)... Only today, because frankly it's not really worth going all weekend anymore, but living 10 minutes away, it's still worth at least the day for late summer/early fall nerd shopping for us... ANYWAY... I don't completely know what kinda went on behind the scenes with these Cons, nor am I asking anyone drudge it up here... but it's been fairly clear that there's been an attempted shift in balance on the Chicago con scene from Wizard World to C2E2. the last couple years. So amongst my friends and I, we frequently have reason to discuss things we miss from the Wizard World of old, which aren't there anymore. Things which haven't yet made their way to C2E2... One of those things that comes up often is Kevin Smith panels, which while awesome, are neither here nor there... But the OTHER thing... that comes up ALL the TIME besides Kevin Smith... and more to my immediate point, is we miss spinning the wheel! Severely! We looked forward to it every day of every year we attended the con. We all agreed that we didn't even really miss the free stuff (though free stuff is always nice), we just missed testing our wits for the potential of glory and prizes, lol. Because not only was it a thing to do everyday to kill a half hour, but it was tradition! And fun! We would cunningly plan our potential wheel topics as we drove to the con each day, I kid you not... Now I'm fairly sure I remember you manning the wheel a time or two. Not always, there were a few Wizard fellas in and out of there all the time... but if I'm not crazy, I think I remember seeing your face there a time or two or more. So I thought to myself today, as my friends and I mourned the wheel's memory... "If there was ever a person I had chance to randomly talk to on the internet about possibly resurrecting the wheel... well it's probably Zach, because... I think he was one of the wheel guys, lol." Now I don't know if it would even be feasibly be possible to ever see the wheel again... I don't know if Diamond has the spare manpower to run such an attraction, while still selling product in the same booth... BUT... I just want to put it out there... that if that wheel showed up at the DST booth at C2E2... and I could once again challenge it... to a battle of nerdy wits... I'd be all kinds of thrilled, and all over that thing. And lavish piles of praise upon you. I don't imagine Diamond is sitting on nearly as many 1/2 comics as Wizard was... but I'm sure there's big sacks of promo minimates, and big piles of posters, some battle beast comics, and probably a small selection of cooler, slightly more valuable things which could be hidden under the table and given to the luckiest of wheel spinners. If you could somehow make this happen... I assure you I would consider it the single-greatest contribution to making C2E2 more awesome that any booth or man has yet made since C2E2's inception. (Assuming Kevin Smith doesn't show up next year, lol.) The wheel could bring both the DST booth, and C2E2 as an up-and-coming con in general... to new heights of awesome we've not seen on the Chicago con scene in years! I'm half-joking, but also half completely and utterly serious. If you yourself have the power to resurrect the wheel... or perhaps know someone with said powers... I beg of you to pull whichever strings need pulling. >_> Forgive my off-topic longwindedness, but like I said, this was honestly on my mind as early as this morning/afternoon. Anyway, feel free to now continue your regularly scheduled Alpha Flight programming, hehe...
  19. Deadpool was never a member of X-Force... he was more akin to a villain in those days if you ask me. Might be able to call him a neutral, but I honestly didn't read early X-Force much, so I could be talking out my butt... lol. But villain was how I saw him back then. But in any event, no he wasn't a featured character/member of the book. Truth be told I don't even know if he was funny yet at that point... Deadpool developed his popularity later on, when he started gaining more and more solo titles and solo momentum. Now through years of humorous development and gaining popularity, he's pretty much just grown into one of the good guys (if an extremely chaotic and unpredictable good guy who doesn't have a pesky "no killing" rule, lol)... even though I don't think he was originally conceived as one. He's part of the X-Force boxed set anyway though, because of his current popularity I assume. He and Cable are there to sell Feral and Domino (Not that there's anything wrong with Feral and Domino, but ya'know. Secondary character. Girls. Less sales power.) And while he wasn't the focus of the book, he was still one of their early characters, created alongside them, and definitely part of their roots. I wouldn't put him in a team display though, no. Fighting them maybe.
  20. Yeah, there were three Toy Biz 5" 2-packs. Not bad figures at all. And Byrne does great costume design. Most of his stuff is very toyetic. His stories often veer off in unexpected, un-kid-friendly directions, though. I remember those, they were pretty hard to find. I think they came out when the 5" ToyBiz line was pretty much dead, and they were fluctuating bewtween 5" and 6" figures and couldn't seem to decide on which. We never got any Alpha Flight when the X-Men line was at it's peak. It's nice to get nearly the whole team all in one shot! I don't really know that I agree with that. I remember the Alpha Flight and New Mutants figures warming pegs at nearly every KB Toys in the world. Granted KB Toys may have been hard to find in one's area, but I don't think the figures ever were.
  21. I'd assume it's because to the best of my knowledge all the good morlocks are still alive? Didn't the mutant massacre basically just kill off inconsequential ones? I mean like... most or all the ones mentioned for a potential boxed set thus far in this thread are still alive, except Caliban, and he died years (decades?) later, in events entirely unrelated to the mutant massacre. And Selene DID resurrect Caliban! (lol)
  22. It's very hit and miss in my experience. I've had a few minimate things replaced fully without issue, but still others I never heard back about, and even a few I DID hear back about, was told could be replaced via e-mail... but then never received. Truth be told, I don't mean to be a negative fella, but I've had more letdowns than I've had happy replacements. (Sorry Zach) I think what it boils down to is this seems to be a secondary priority for whoever it is handling it at Diamond. They do their best to help out if and when they can, which is appreciated and commendable, but it seems they're easily prone to slip ups and forgetting. I assume whoever's handling it just has other things to do and easily forgets a lot. Putting a dedicated quality control/replacement program into place would be awesome. Something where replacement is standard, and given complete attention. But I don't run Diamond, so I have no idea how feasible that is. Wizkids, for instance, with Heroclix, I always felt had an awesome replacement program in place. Heroclix were very prone to defects, being so small... so they had a dedicated address setup, where you could mail your broke/bent/otherwise defective figures, and get replacements sent back to you. I used it frequently and got a vast majority of my figures replaced quickly with no fuss. The few times they weren't able to replace a figure for me, they sent back the broken figure, usually with some sort of limited edition promo figure thrown in as an apology (which I was more than fine with, as I was usually just replacing common figures anyway, so the LE was often MORE worthwhile, lol) I stopped collecting Heroclix years ago, so I have no idea if they're still good about it, but they were back when I still bought them.
  23. Wishful thinking or no... If we get a wave with 4 Morlocks and no Marrow, I'm going to rip somebody's face off with my bare hands. Just sayin. (lol) No, but I kid... in an entirely serious, but slightly less murderous way. I've mentioned it in past threads... but I once had a conversation with Matt at a con about making Marrow, and that somehow lead to the idea of her best shot being a Morlock 4-Pack. Caliban, Callisto, Masque, and Mohawk Storm's names were all tossed out (She hadn't been made yet). Storm being the Heavy Hitter, Callisto being the necessary and iconic Morlock... but that put us at 3 girls with Marrow, which seemed highly unlikely. But, one thing Matt did also say was he adamantly refused to ever make Minimates of Artie and Leech. lol... Now granted, this was just humorous conversation, and Matt is no longer with the company anyhow, so it should by no means be taken as Gospel... but still... it's at least a slight indicator of where they fall on the minimate priority list, if nothing else... lol. Personally if I had to pick a lineup for such a set, it would be Callisto, Marrow, Caliban & Leech, but with no heavy hitter, and still 2 girls (None of which are particularly top tier characters) that still seems highly unlikely.
  24. I didn't say they got no love... OVERALL... in the grand scheme of things... you're taking my statement and running away with it. I said they got shafted with these votes. My exact words. Of the half dozen X-Men characters in the poll, I don't think Onslaught was at the top of many of our lists, that's all I was trying to get across. I personally wanted Banshee a DAMN sight more... and I know others who'd rather have had Madrox or Mojo. There's at least one fella who you'll note on these boards who even wanted Gladiator more, lol...
  25. Chalk me up as another "not a single character I voted for" ... color me bummed... I think X-Men fans kinda got shafted with these votes... I must say... I'm sure it wasn't intentional or anything, and I'm not like... griping at Zach or Diamond, but yeah... Onslaught made it and Banshee, Madrox, Mojo, The Cuckoos nor even Apocalypse did... And I'm sure most of us would have rather seen at least one of those guys over him. That bites hard. Also I'm sure a great many of us are upset that Spidey is taking one of those spots, though I'm also sure none of us are surprised... lol...
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