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Everything posted by Gillbob316

  1. Quick Question: Why the hell is Wave 61 (The First Specialty Age of Ultron wave) so friggin' scarce/expensive? Apparently I missed the bus and didn't know until it was too late. I'm usually not one for preordering, every few months I just put in a big order of everything new I need that's in-stock with Luke. It's usually not a problem that way, but this wave is biting me in the ass. Luke doesn't have them any more, and no one else seems to for reasonable prices either. The Iron Man/Widow/Cap/Thor sets are readily available, and hanging around my local TRU, but the Hawkeye and Ultron sets (even the not-variant one) are getting like $25+ a piece (a little more in the variant's case). I assume movie hype just drove sales for this wave very heavily, but is there a second run of these coming? Luke gonna get any more? Or am I going to have to drop $50+ for this wave on ebay at this point? The lack of availability for this wave, less than a week after the movie's release, has caught me off-guard, lol... I just put in a damn panic order for a blind bag case w/ Luke, haha, because I'd hate to miss the boat on that too and end up getting mega-gouged for Strucker later. (Currently experiencing that remorse w/ Kraang from the Wave 1 TMNT Blind Bags)
  2. Do we know yet if there are going to be any other significant characters in it? I'll buy it either way, completionist that I am, but if it came with a quasi-comic accurate version of say... Outlaw or an UDON style Taskmaster, I'd be all over it. I kinda doubt those characters are in the movie (especially since Taskmaster likely isn't even covered by fox's X-Men license) but I can dream. If it's Deadpool, Wolverine and 2 generic soldiers... it would be very lackluster. I wouldn't mind a movie Deadpool mate (even if the costume is very similar, I'd still know! lol...) but like so many, I hate the movie waves that are like... 60-75% Civilians and Army Builders. They're such a snore-fest. So yeah, summing up, my opinions of a Deadpool movie boxset would vary greatly by who's actually going to be IN the Deadpool movie.
  3. Hey all, I recently discovered/backed this kickstarter campaign for Ghostbusters: The Board Game... I'm currently pledged for a few hundred dollars, covering two Mass Hysteria (IE. Deluxe) copies of the game and several addons. It's a cooperative tabeletop mini-figure board game that encompasses aspects of the Ghostbusters Movies, Cartoon, Toy line, Video game & Comic book. (They evidently have the rights to use all of it). 1-4 players base, but the creators have discussed expanding the rules for up to 6-8 players (several extra 'Busters from the comic book have been added as stretch goals, including Janine and Kylie, originally from the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon) As with all kickstarters, as the push for more pledges reaches its height, I began considering what I personally could do as a backer to try to bring more attention and more money to the campaign, and while considering potentially untapped places I frequent where I could spread the word, I thought, "Hey! What about the Multiverse? I post there a ton, and there are fans there of not just Ghostbusters and not just Miniatures, but in fact, Ghostbusters Miniatures!" So let me just say, I have no personal stake in this campaign, other than more pledges unlock more stretch goals, ultimately meaning I (and you, should you buy into a pledge tier) get more free stuff. BUT... beyond that, I think it's a really cool looking game, and the campaign is already funded and on pace to break 1 Million dollars. So the game is definitely getting made, but should you choose to buy in now (as I have), there are loads of kickstarter exclusive stretch goals, figures and addons you won't be able to get later. I don't know if he has the proper paperwork, but there's even a retailer-exclusive pledge to get 6 copies of the game and stretch goals and some exclusive Glow-In-The-Dark Slimer figures at a significant discount, should Luke feel his arm could be twisted. (I'm gonna have to chase that Slimer on ebay, as I sadly do not have said paperwork). ANYWAY... I know this thread could easily have gone in the "Other Toys and Collectibles" section, but I kind of wanted to make sure people saw it. Since there's only 1 week left to pledge. So I hope you won't begrudge me for posting it in general for the time being (even if it gets moved later). I think it's an awesome looking game. Expensive, but most kickstarter board games are. But hey, if I can't find fans potentially interested in throwing money at Ghostbuster Minis here, where the heck can I find them? Ya'know? lol.. So just wanted to spread the word, incase this catches anyone else's eye. Hopefully, if any of you would be interested in this, as fellow Miniature/Ghostbuster geeks, I've made you aware of it in the nick of time!
  4. I think that has more to do with... All that said, I miss when Marvel's decisions were driven by what would make the best story, and not what the lawyers suggest would be the best move to support their characters' position in Hollywood.
  5. This is more or less exactly what I dislike about virtually every movie wave. Seems like more often than not we get the hero, the villain, and 4 or 5 civilians. And half the time what's worse is there usually seems to be some large, digital effects heavy villain (or two) left out, who would have seemed like a no-brainer, but for the explanation there usually wasn't reference available of him early enough into development of the wave. The only movies that actually seem to have enough good characters to fill out a wave are ensemble ones like Avengers or X-Men... and the X-Men movies, which could usually USE two waves, typically only get one, leaving them feeling incomplete. Thor probably could have filled out a wave with Asgardians, but some sort of behind the scenes mumbo-jumbo always seems to muck it up, so we get more figures we didn't want than the ones we did (we all know the woes of the Warriors Three...) I feel like Diamond is aware of these gripes, and has tried to course correct them over the years though. And I recognized that. But sometimes there's only so much they can do. So we still sometimes get a less than ideal movie lineup. *Shrug* Anyway, the only two I NEED are Ant-Man and Yellowjacket. I'd take Pym and Lang, but could live without them. I'd hope Pym has a costume of his own, and if so I'd want it, but as far as I know, nothing has been revealed about one. Unless she's in a surprise Wasp costume, I really have no need at all for Hope.
  6. I would have to go dig through the database to pick five definitively, and I can't because I'm at work right now, but I will say, two which immediately stand out in my mind, which I've yet to see mentioned are... The Spider-Man 3 movie preview figures. From the two pack that was sold at summer cons, before the actual wave was released. Say what you will about the movie, or your opinions on the costumes themselves, but they were two exceptionally well made little spideys imo. With web/costume texturing that not only wrapped their arms and legs, but extended all the way around their hands and feet, which is more than most (possibly all?) other Spideys usually get. They were very nice looking. And a damn site better looking than the two figures of the same costumes that were released in the actual wave later in the year. A lot of people skipped this set because it was an early release of two figures which were to be coming later, but the two in the preview pack were far superior to the regular wave ones. (Which didn't have all the extra texturing. And which included a powerhouse chest on Black Spidey, which always looked dumb imo. Spidey is the last guy that should be bulked up, black suit or no.) It was definitely worth picking up. These two are the definitive "Tobey" Spidey minimates imo, and two very good Spideys overall as well.
  7. I thought $75 retail initially was too damn high, which is why I didn't buy either off the shelf. I eventually bought both the Sentinel and Galactus at summer cons for $40 a piece (this was when they were still fairly easy to come by, availability wise, and being liquidated at cons instead of being marked up) and I still thought that was too damn high, but knew I'd never do any better, so I bit the bullet and paid it. These days I'm obviously extremely happy to have paid $40, and would even be happy had I paid $75 in hindsight, even though I was never nuts about the high retail prices on these guys during their initial period of release. I know these aren't even terrible prices by statue standards, but as we all know, the only reason they're statues in the first place is legalities, and I (like many) was buying them more as a toy collector than a statue collector... and $75 for a single figure retail, from a toy collector perspective, is high. Especially 10 years ago. But in hindsight yeah, I made out good.
  8. Marginally related side-thought: I feel like Agents of SHIELD's plot/story beats seem largely outside the movie canon. And will probably remain so by design. So as to sort of bolster the universe for those who care to watch... but not interfere with it. Or make the movies rely on it in any way. I realize they're supposed to exist in the same planned universe... but it really feels like something tacked on to the cinematic universe. That responds to changes which come FROM the movies, but does not contribute changes TO the movies. Coulson might be re-integrated to the films at somepoint... but I don't see the whole team/cast coming along with him in anything more than a cameo at best. Nor do I think Mockingbird, Absorbing Man, or even perhaps the new SHIELD, will ever play a significant role in the films... at least not in a way that seems like a direct result of anything which happened in the show (Vaguely indirect maybe). And if a movie's director ever one day DEMANDS Mockingbird be in his movie (which likely won't happen, but for the sake of argument...) I don't imagine they'd have much problem re-casting her and largely disregarding elements of the character established within the show as they saw fit. I realize as nerds we want it all to be one cohesive thing, with lots of back and forth and give and take... but I really don't expect these guys in the blue shirts to have jack-squat to do with Coulson's SHIELD. Even if they do turn out to be a new movie-verse SHIELD in training.
  9. Speaking of lasting effects of that story arc... The whole Jean/Psylocke power swap thing... that was never really explained all that well, to my recollection. Whereby Jean was now supposed to have some of Psylocke's Telepathy, making hers stronger, and Psylocke now had Jean's Telekinetics... Did they ever give that a real explanation? All I ever remember was "It happened in the hidden time between this story arc and the last one. We'll explain it later." and then they never explained it. And what's the deal with Psylocke's powers these days? Does she still have Jean's Telekinesis? I can't even keep track anymore. And as far as I knew, her psychic knife (shaped like a fist weapon, from her ninja bathing suit years) was originally like, a non-tangible thing she used to scramble people's brains. Then after the swap, she started using the telekinetic katana, which was the glowing pink sword, but since that was TK it WAS supposed to be tangible, and she cut things with it. And writers seem to have like... transposed concepts from both weapons and gotten them all confused and mixed up. And she wields like... a psychic sword now, it seems, that's sometimes tangible and sometimes isn't... which is why I'm still confused about if she's telekinetic or not. I typically know loads more X-Men trivia than most, but the whole damn thing always confused me, and still does to this day. Does she fly? Anyway, if in fact Psylocke still has TK powers, that would be a lasting effect. I'd think. (Though I'm not sure she does.)
  10. I was confused about the inclusion of Cannonball and Sunfire, until I realized you meant specifically their 616 X-Men outfits. Cannonball had a LOT of different X-Men outfits. The blue one with the pouches was not his best, but not his worst. The Capullo costume would do in a pinch -- packaged samples of that one are in, I think. You left out Sage, as well, which makes me think there are more X-Men we haven't made than just these. Oh there are dozens. Definitely more than just those. The extent of which can vary wildly depending on how in-depth and nitpicky you want to get. (As per one of my earlier posts)... Start here... Section 1 is more or less your X-Men Marvel considers official X-Men (some of which i don't even think deserve to be on the list). Then all the subsections get more and more all over the place from there. Temporary Teams. Side Teams. Non-Sanctioned Teams. Etc. Even still, just limiting oneself to section 1, there are a fair few that don't have minimates (mostly in the more modern years.) Here, I took the liberty... Mimic, Changeling, Petra, Sway, Darwin, Vulcan, Revanche, Joseph, Ceclia Reyes, Marrow, Maggott, Thunderbird III (Neal), Sage, Xorn, Chamber, Stacy X, Lifeguard, Slipstream, Husk, Xorn II, Lady Mastermind, Omega Sentinel, Armor, Hepzibah, Pixie, Dr. Nemesis, Ariel (The lame one, not Kitty), Danger, EVA (Fantomex's Sentient Spaceship/Organ thing), Frenzy, Legion, X-Man, Warbird (Not Carol. I don't even know who this is, as I'm not up on current comics, but it's on the list), 616 Blink, And M... And again, that's just the main list. Nevermind all the sub-sections.
  11. I know exactly how you feel. I hate to make kitbashed quick-customs with my "official" collection... because then it feels like something is missing from my "official" collection. If/when I do this (which is rarely) I have to buy spares. Like I bought an extra new mutants set, as well as an extra cannoball and an extra warlock/magik, just to have enough spare standard new mutant uniform bodies to cobble together a Cypher, Sunspot and Wolfsbane, which remained wholly separate from my -regular- Douglock, Sunspot and Wolfsbane. That said, I know I'm buying two of this wave, to make the dual X-Men. I may buy a third and try to make a Cecilia, a Morph and a Joseph... but then I'd have to find an extra Magneto, and some long white hair... and... heads for Morph and Cecilia (I know there are some ideas out there on the forums already), but I haven't decided if I want to bother yet, because they wouldn't even be like... actual official ones anyway. Side Note: I kinda wish some comic-book writer would take it upon himself to make Morph an actual 616 character. I know Changeling existed, and he's who Morph in the cartoon was based on. But he's like a wholly different character in a lot of ways. Costumes look nothing alike. Stories differ. Code name differs. And lots of people who only ever watched the 90s cartoon have no idea about the distinction, and still think Morph is an actual X-Man to this day, and not a creation of the cartoon. Furthermore, AoA and Exiles Morph just confuse things even further, as they have the Morph codename, but look absolutely nothing like Cartoon Morph OR Changeling (and to further confuse things, while those two look almost identical, they're two wholly separate Morphs, from different realities.) I kinda wish they'd give Morph the X-23/Harley Quinn treatment... and just inject him in the mainstream comics for the sake of establishing him in the mainstream universe. He could be a resurrected Changeling w/ a name change, or a wholly new character. He can even look like AoA Morph. I honestly don't care at this point. I just want Morph to exist in the 616 Universe, lol. They recently did this for Blink and I couldn't be happier about it. Blink was like, this huge character, with tons of appearances... but who barely existed in the main canon. Now we have an established 616 Blink... who is active, and isn't dead... FINALLY. I want that for Morph.
  12. Yeah, I was speaking purely in terms of X-Men. X-Men X-Men. Trying to (mostly) avoid obscure technicality X-Men. That said, Toad I'd call a villain (janitorial duties aside) and Maverick qualifies as one of those side-team characters that was never technically a proper X-Man, like I mentioned. I wouldn't call either of them holdouts for a complete X-Men roster. (Though I'd still love a minimate of either. Toad especially, though I can't imagine he's far behind Blob, Pyro and Avalanche). I admit, who is and isn't an X-Man has become extremely muddied over the years. Too many side teams (X-Factor, X-Force), Retcon teams (Deadly Genesis, Hidden Years), Temporary Teams (Muir Island, Genosha), Alternate Reality Teams (Age of Apocalypse, Exlies), Teams within Teams (Cyclops' X-Force, Science Club), Villainous Hostages/Infiltrators (Lady Mastermind, Dark Beast, Sabretooth, Mystique)... The X Family tree has many forking branches... and it's difficult to prune. Some characters get the "X-Man" nod who don't seem to deserve it, and some characters who feel like they should be X-Men at this point never technically were. I know Marvel has official lists for who is and isn't an X-Man, which they use in handbooks, but frankly I don't even agree with those 100%. It's a mess. So I find each person just kind of has to go with their gut.
  13. I didn't want to make a whole new thread, but... May I just say (this kind of seemed like an appropriate thread, because... X-Men)... Marvel Minimates... have an impressively expansive roster of X-Men. I just went to update the wishlist in my signature, to strike Forge, Several Brotherhood Members and Banshee (kind-of) off of it. And then I went to the "X-Men team members" wiki list to search for who I thought were the most relevant names to replace them with. And I must say... it's more of a struggle every time I do it. I PERSONALLY (and I know Nessex would also)... would love it if every obscure mutant ever got scraped from the bottom of the bucket and made... And because I'm a huge Marrow fanboy, not having her is still a giant sore spot of a hole in my X-Men collection, BUT I at least get her absence... I get that she's just big in my mind. Not the rest of the worlds. So I understand why we don't have her (though I will push for her 'til the day I die)... But Marrow aside. We have pretty much... every big-name, classic, relevant, mainstream X-Man at this point. I think Banshee and Forge were the last ones who were even close to what could be called holdouts. All remaining unmade X-Men, are pretty much either obscure characters from the past who were never that big to begin with, and have been mostly forgotten (Revanche, Mimic), modern additions who haven't yet fought the test of time (Armor, Pixie, etc.)... or characters who were more established in X-Factor/X-Force/Gen-X (or similar books) and who were arguably never proper X-Men (Strong Guy, Wolfsbane)... So while I personally, would still love to see those random obscure members filled in. And those modern members given a shot. And all of those random side-teams completed. This is still a very good collection of X-Men figures we have here. I think Heroclix is the only line that might have a more complete X-Roster, but those are nowhere near as fun to look at or play with as minimates. So well done Diamond. And well done Zach. I am impressed by how obscure and irrelevant most of the wishlist in my signature is. Now make Marrow.
  14. They really do. He looks way too top-heavy with his regular boots. With the bulky GSXM ones, he looks about perfect. RE: Warbird... Ya'know, I'm not even over-the-moon about the character. Not that I dislike her. She's kinda one of those characters I'm medium on. But that said, I still really like the idea of her being a future "through the ages" set, simply because her looks/personas have been way more diverse than a lot of heroes. Binary, Warbird, Ms. Marvel update, Current Captain Marvel. I'd dig it. A character that actually has four different code-names, to match four different costumes... most of which have never been minimates, is a good choice for these sets, imo. And what luck! She has a movie coming to promote! lol...
  15. I see my diabolical Giant-Sized X-Men plot has taken shape since I last checked in on the thread yesterday. Yes. More. MORE! ALL THE MUTANTS! Anyway, I agree that not every strong-man character needs to be bulked up I think it should only be used on characters who are actually bulky, which Colossus generally isn't. He's tall-big, not wide-big. That said, I also agree, the last version just made him look clunky, not powerful. I think I still prefer the way the original Giant-Sized box set one was made. (His extra chest piece and big boots add size to him, without making him look fat. Which I think worked on him, but didn't work on G-S Nightcrawler, who did look a little too fat) I personally don't know that Venom needed it either, but we have several non-bulked up Venoms too, so no biggie. And I admit, Venom's size is largely dependent on how crazy the artist drawing him decides to get (as is the case with many comic book characters). While we're on the bulk subject, I'm not nuts about the powerhouse chest on Avalanche, if I'm being honest. I get that he wears that chest-armor plate, thing, but I feel like it adds too much size to him. More size than the character actually has. But, that's not the first time in minimates history that a big chest piece has done that to an average-sized character... I expect it's kind-of a size effect of their cubical shape that's sometimes difficult to sidestep. EDIT: I just now noticed in some of the Con pictures that Avalanche has an alternate, non-bulky chest, under his armor... well played Diamond. Well played.
  16. Yes I was. Many people seem to forget that Sunfire already has a minimate because it's not his classic costume. And even when they do remember, they don't want to count him, (I assume) because it's a costume that was initially created as an alternate reality version of Sunfire. So like Movie Blob (for instance), even though the character was made, some people act as though he wasn't, because it's a mostly unfamiliar version. HOWEVER... unlike Blob, or many other "Alt. Reality" Minimates, Sunfire's AoA costume also pulled double-duty as a 616 look after he was made a Horseman of Apocalypse... so I'd say his AoA minimate counts as a mainstream-marvel universe accurate Sunfire. Might not be in the costume everyone wants... but he did wear that look in the regular Marvel Universe. Not just as Apocalypse's Horseman, but in continued stories after that... post-horseman. So like I said... after wave 60, both Sunfire and Banshee will have been made... each in a costume they wore in the 616 universe... both of which aren't their classic Giant-Sized X-Men costumes. Which causes my eyebrow to raise suspiciously. While these will both serve reasonably as 616 minimates, I'd personally still love a classic costume for both of them, and I know many others would also.
  17. Alright, I was just scrounging through the middle of this thread reading old discussion from before the reveal, and there was a post where Luke stated the army builder for this wave would be one of like 7 or 8 choices... none of which turned out to be correct. My question is: What was the deal with that? Where was that info coming from? Could one of those still be the army builder for like... Wave 61? Or was Luke just misinformed? (Sorry if this got answered, Long thread. Didn't scrounge the whole thing.) And on the subject of things which may have been discussed already, but who knows... It occurs to me that with this wave, we'll now have a Banshee and a Sunfire, both of which will be in costumes they wore in 616. Neither of which will be their Giant-Sized X-Men costumes, which we all know are the costumes most people are demanding for them... which led me to the following pipedream conclusion... Could a new Giant Sized X-Men set be in the works? Covering these two, and perhaps re-doing some others? Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Colossus don't really need, their 90s costumes are essentially the same, and have been done. Thunderbird could REALLY use it, he's one of the most dated looking characters in the minimate-verse. Problem is there's not a huge demand for him as a character, driving a re-do for him. Cyclops and Storm could both stand an update for these costumes, and both lend some big-name power to a potential set or wave. I'm hoping something is brewing behind the scenes... because I just CANNOT imagine that Diamond would release a Sunfire AND Banshee, neither of which were Giant-Sized, without at least DISCUSSING releasing Giant-Sized in some other way...
  18. I honestly always pictured a Doop minimate as something more in line with the slimer minimates. He's actually fairly buiky. Don't think he'd need to be an accessory.
  19. I just got here, and I don't want to sift through this entire thread's worth of debates on scale and jackets, but I will say this... Big Giant Mutant fan that I am... Mystique has been at the top of my "Most in need of an update" list for ages, and I'm damned happy to be getting her. I strongly disagree with anyone who says the original was fine. It's one of the most dated looking X-Men characters left out there. She looks very blocky, which most of the modern figures don't. And her hair piece is terrible. Undetailed. Plus I was never keen on that little flat bit sculpted under her hairline on the original figure (And the original White Queen figure). I never understood it, and always thought it looked dumb.
  20. Luke, are you still going to be there? I have a set of Walking Dead minimates I was supposed to send back to you, but my dog ate the return label (really) and I've felt like a jerk about it ever since. So I'm thinking I'll just locate you at the minimate panel and ya'know like... hand it to you. lol...
  21. Actually XMOW got two TRU waves. And iron man 2 To be fair, the second TRU waves for Origins and Iron Man 2 were basically just a bunch of sets re-released, with two new exclusives. They weren't really "New" waves... Spider-Man 3 had two completely unique waves, which I don't think has been duplicated for a movie yet. Even if one takes the specialty and TRU waves into account, there's usually a lot of overlap.
  22. I noticed this in my Astonishing Emma... I want to say over a year ago. But it was a fair while back. I think I may have even made a thread about it here that I'm sure is buried by now, though I don't vividly recall. I remembered one of my local comic book shops, for whatever reason, still had one of the original two-packs lingering on the shelves in its toy section, so rather than try to fix it, I just went and bought a new one. The new one, as it happens, was also showing signs of yellowing. It was less severe than my original one, so I still hung onto it and replaced mine. But this was still a BRAND NEW, straight out of the package Astonishing Emma that showed slight yellowing, which was enough to tell me, "Okay, yeah... this isn't just how I'm storing it, or something in my house, this is something that's happening to all of these Emmas with time." because I'd literally seen this two pack at my comic book store, sitting on the shelf unopened for years... so if it could effect a brand new, untouched one, it could certainly effect them all. So *Shrug* if there's a relatively easy way to fix it, I'd be curious. But I'd also be concerned that anything that would de-yellow the plastic, might also take the paint off her. In any event, rest assured, it's nothing about the way you specifically stored your Emma. It's happening to them all.
  23. It's not bloody likely, but... Marvel vs Capcom 2... I'm doing 2 waves, just to get 8 Marvel characters out of this. Though hey! Zach... feel free to just make these marvel characters without the Capcom half in a *Wink Wink* *Nod* wave... I won't complain! Wave 1... Mega Man vs Marrow Tron Bonne w/ Servbot vs Iron Man (Obligatory Heavy Hitter. Chose him because his MvC2 look is the most different.) Dan Hibiki vs Silver Samurai BB Hood vs Blackheart Wave 2... Captain Commando vs Gambit (Serves as an update of 90s JUST for the people who never got him. Even though I did, lol.) Strider vs Psylocke (See Above) Jill Valentine (Classic) vs Shuma Gorath (MvC3 DLC, Get it!? lol...) Dhalsim vs Spiral Includes every unmade Marvel Character, plus 2 redos of hard to find/high demand looks... and an Iron Man. Plus new Capcom characters from Mega Man, Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Resident Evil & More. Only Reason a Blue & Yellow Cable update wasn't on this list was I believe he's coming in the new X-Force boxed set? I'm sorry if I left out your favorite Capcom character. I tried to keep the wave well rounded (That's how Commando and Strider got in, even though I'm meh about them)... while also playing favorites w/ a couple of my own (That's how Jill and BB got in). Honestly narrowing down the Capcoms was harder than the Marvels. I'd have loved to have put in Sakura and Charlie, just because the more rounded out my Street Fighter collection gets the better. But that's way too much Street Fighter. It also pained me to exclude Roll, because I'm a huge Mega Man fan. But giving 3 slots to Mega Man characters, 2 of which were female, just seemed... unrealistic. I'd have preferred Roll over Tron tbh, but Tron seems the more interesting and in-demand choice, since she's in MvC3. Plus who wouldn't love a Servbot? BB beat Anakaris purely because I love her and she's one of my go-to MvC2 characters. Bias ftw!
  24. I'm guessing the reason these haven't shown up on the website is the same reason they've been ringing up for $5 or less at the retail stores... They share a SKU in Toys R Us' system with TRU Wave 17... if you actually look at your receipt, they ring up as Wave 17... which is why (I assume) they ring up at clearance prices despite being brand new. And likely the reason they're not on the website... Because for all intents and purposes... as far as the TRU computer system is concerned, they ARE on the website (IE. Wave 17 is) I really don't think Toys R Us INTENDS to be selling Wave 18 for dirt cheap clearance prices, I think it's just an oversight that no one who fixes these things over at TRU headquarters has bothered to notice.
  25. For sure. Especially the villains. Playmates' four core Turtles are very nice buy they really skimped on the villains and supporting cast with their extremely limited articulation and missing paint apps. Give me a Minimate Shredder with some nice articulation and removable armor and I'm a happy camper. I agree 100% about the villains and core turtles. The villains look nice but lack any poseability, Shredder barely stands up on his own. So you're saying they accurately recreated the same feel of the Shredder toy from the 80s then?
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