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Everything posted by Chazwinski

  1. She SO looks like Michael Jackson! I keep hearing "Smooth Criminal" myself.
  2. Thanks for the pics! Cyborg phone home! Batwoman & Raven look a lot better than I thought. I see some custom material in Salaak. I really like that they included a yellow lantern w/Sinestro.
  3. It's great. You're Spidey has the arms that should have been on him in the first place! Good Job. I love the table Tony can lean back on...I don't even think the exterior of the lab looks all that boring. After this year's many Iron Man releases, I'm sure the hall will fill right up!
  4. I'll be getting Cyborg and Raven. (If only there had been a Wonder Girl and Changeling! )
  5. Definitely a summer outfit. She looks like she's gonna go out dancing. Is that the Orion Slave girl's hairpiece repainted?
  6. Fo Shizzle, if I design a Jim Lee era storm, I promise not to add the pupils.
  7. TBT, I've seen your custom before and liked it a lot. It looks great! I only wish DST would make one! Boyd's looked good too. Oh, and Mini-myte, I just simply don't have the time to do actual job keeps me away from home all the time, but the design was fairly quick and easy to do. I think I've gotten the bug! Maybe I'll just design some when I AM at home. Oh, Fo Shizzle...I disagree. In the comic books they often show her with cat-like blue eyes. I think more of the toys need to show her blue eyes...almost all of the toys made of her are pupiless.
  8. OK Guys, I thought I'd just mess around and create a minimate custom of my favorite character and would like to share it with you. Be gentle, but let me know what you think. <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
  9. Those are superb. ( so glad someone finally made a Donna. )
  10. Yeah, that looks great. Maybe, I won't have to get a C3 batmobile on e-bay now!
  11. *Slaps forehead* I can't believe I forgot Black Manta! Oh, and I remember that SNL bit... All those characters from different comic companies mingling together (kinda like minimates) :biggrin:
  12. Does it HAVE to be 80's? I want Trainspotting Boogie Nights Dazed and Confused
  13. Trust me, with the death of DC Minimates, Black Adam has moved way up on my "to-do customs" list... Can't wait to see it, Boyd. Love your customs.
  14. I have 186 on display on each of my desks ......& I've got tons of desks & loads of bigger boxes full of desks I like mine more, though.
  15. We need them! Black Canary Black Adam Black Lightning Black Panther Black Widow Black Knight Black Queen Well, at least we have Blackhawk.
  16. 59 I've only been collecting since October, though.
  17. Once again, I'm showing my age However as long as I'm just wishing, I'd like an 80's X-Men box set w/ First appearance Rogue, Colossus in the red/white uniform, Punk Storm, and Shadowcat in the blue outfit. Or a Jim Lee era X-Men box set which could finally give us Gambit.
  18. Hmmm...Alot of you guys are a lot more hardcore about minimates than I am evidently. I mean, I have a shelf covered in them, but I honestly couldn't see buying something I didn't want just out of fear that the line will be cancelled. The sad truth is that EVERYTHING gets cancelled eventually...from Megos to Star Wars to G.I. Joe to Super Powers. But, I'm not trying to make everyone feel bad...on a positive note...thank goodness for the internet and e-bay. That insures that I can keep collecting these even in a worse case scenario. Back in the old days we'd have to go to garage sales and flea markets, which were almost always fruitless endeavors. That said...I don't think this Hulk line is all that horrible...I just don't need any Hulks or civvies for my own collection. But now that I think about it, someone could make a custom LOTR Arwyn out of the Liv Tyler one.
  19. Hmmm....I didn't realize that Spidey had gotten in a fight with Venom outside Quizno's.
  20. We do seem to be going through an Iron Man overkill. That said, these are actually some of the best Iron Mans I've seen. I said I didn't want anymore...but I may actually get THIS set and pass on the movie ones.
  21. I loved Wildfire! One of the best members in my opinion!
  22. Yeah, Hank Pym went by Giantman when he grew large and Antman when he shrunk. He also went by Goliath and Yellowjacket (which was my favorite costume). I actually liked the original Wasp outfit, but I'm gonna have to agree with you, the second outfit looks much better in minimate form...and Hey! we get a new hair sculpt!
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