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Everything posted by Shanester

  1. Wow Matt! Score my brother. Good one.
  2. I find the store locator to be a liar liar with pants on fire...
  3. I am a big horror fan. Its my favorite movie genre and I still remember cringing with terror as I watched Freddy on the big screen with my group of friends. I was stunned by savagery of the first 15 minutes of Scream. RIP.
  4. She's the exception to the rule. I will look at the Marriott and see what I think. I was not bothered by the area around the Essex, but I am at the show all day so things to do were not a huge detail for me. The shuttle picks up right outside the doors of the Essex, too. That said, I am adventurous as long as the price stays competitive. I would rather spend my cash at the show than give it all to the hotel.
  5. I need a Tuco. Incomplete is fine, but I need most of him. I rarely see realistically priced loose figures from this series.
  6. I actually don't have a lot of room for a 1/6th scale speeder bike, but have been watching the Hasbro versions sales lately.
  7. Yes, but its $300 and I can get a very similar Hasbro model for less than $50.
  8. This is a fast futz phone picture, but great figure.
  9. Happy Birthday keeper of the knowledge of plastic.
  10. Hey, just because I've gone the last four years and I'm in driving distance doesn't automatically mean I'm going. There's a chance I might not. Maybe. I mean, yes, I'm probably going to be there, but something might happen. I have problems with a long-term commitment like this. I will be emailing Mrs. Boyd to let her know your long-term commitment issues...
  11. I am in. I think we need to regroup about hotel this time. Someone brought up staying in a different area. I am not opposed, but am fond of the Essex and the Pub next door to it. I will need some convincing. I look forward to seeing everyone again. 10th Anniversary of the Multiverse! Seems like only yesterday. Also, I wonder who is bringing kids/family.
  12. I would buy multiples of that GOTG team. Ah, the classics...
  13. I came back from a lunch meeting to find my SSC Scout Trooper EX sitting on my desk. Pics later...
  14. No sweat, happy to do it, but Zach deserves the credit. He specifically set these aside for us.
  15. I mean he makes a good point, a random Hulk personality that lasted for part of a crossover that will never been seen again is definitely more essential to any collection than one of Thor's oldest villains. Watch out. Questioning any motives behind making Hulk related Minimates might get you in trouble with one of this sites managers.
  16. I have a package for you in my briefcase, BHM. I guess I need to bring it back home and change the address. Are the badgers aggressive?
  17. I have some Kubrick POTA horses. I wonder how well they work with Minimates.
  18. There should be no guilt. Period. You put in your time and spend your money just like everyone else. Can't find them? Ask for help. No whining.
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