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Everything posted by hellpop

  1. Improved? Yeah. Perfected? No, not yet. Some figures do still feel a bit flimsy, and I've had several arm joints that needed a lot of work to loosen (and my Sub-Mariner's arm broke clean off). Could be better, could be worse. Incidentally, I found an AIM soldier at TRU today, first time I've seen the newest waves there.
  2. I'm still into this line (for some reason) but haven't been able to find the newer sets there yet (Parallax, Trickster, Dr. Light), just extra older ones. If anyone's able to hook me up I'd appreciate the help. I'm afraid I cleaned out my local stores of all those, but I'll keep an eye out for more. I've also seen the three packs at Big Lots (though not the new ones) and Ollie's (again not the new ones, but they did have the Titans 6-pack).
  3. with marty i went through the passenger side to fanagal him in and attach him to the stearing wheel the pilot i also took his gloves off and put his arms on the back side of the seat and he fits great I just put his arms straight down, and he fit fine, though he doesn't really look like he's doing anything. Still, nice little toy, and nice reuse of parts. I'm a little bugged, though, that they show all these neat things you can do with the engines on the back... but they only give you one engine.
  4. If there's anyone out there still interested in this line (doubtful, since the last post here was almost a year ago), but I've found the newest three packs (the Parallax wave) at discount stores like TJ Maxx recently. Nice price, even if this line is just about done.
  5. I bought the IM/BP set, because I never cared much for the first Panther figure. This one's much better. These seem to have been shipped in mass quantities in at least my area; I wouldn't be surprised if we're picking them up at clearance prices in the near future. I also saw the new comics packs at one Target, the DA Wolvie/Spidey and Cyclops/Dark Phoenix sets. She's the only one I want, personally, but I couldn't bring myself to spend $13 on her.
  6. What a great custom. I've toyed with doing him for a little while, because I bought an extra Ocean Master a while ago to use the cape for GA Green Lantern, and I had the same thought about the other pieces that you did. I don't make Marvel customs that often, but I've got a feeling we might never see the "Son of Satan" on a TRU shelf. Doubt mine will top yours, though.
  7. Wow, the Wrecker looks amazing. Nice to finally get him as a toy.
  8. Solid advice. What happens to be sometimes is that I set that threshold, then someone tops it and I begin to think, well, what's a few more dollars. But you've got to stay strong. Remind yourself that whatever it is you're after, it will be listed again. The other thing I do sometimes is not go to my max right away, thinking that if I get outbid I can still go up a few bucks, but then I forget about the auction, or I'm away from the computer, and end up loosing for less then I would have paid. That's always annoying.
  9. Yes, that's the one. He's the only 13" figure I have, so I have no experience in swapping hands and things like that. Only time I tried it the little peg promptly fell into his arm. Fortunately, my buddy was able to take care of it, but it spooked me. Now he just stands quietly on his shelf. :biggrin:
  10. How about a blue to match the Captain Marvel Minimate? Then it becomes a full mask head that you can use for lots of things. I like this idea a lot!
  11. I'm fairly lucky in that I don't have too many grails out there (other then, like, Showcase #4...). For a while it was the big Rocketeer 13" figure that Sideshow or somebody like that put out, but then a friend of mine up and offered to trade me his for my DCUC Lobo (both were going for around a hundred bucks at the time, but I still threw in a DCUC Batman Beyond figure). That was nice, although I'm still afraid to touch him. Right now, the only thing that qualifies is probably the one NECA TMNT figure I need, which is of course the one that was shortpacked for some bizarre reason. I really wish I'd just bought the box set of that. BTW, they look really nice with those Hellboy figures. Minimates wise, there's really nothing that stands out, other then things I'd like for customs. I've been putting together the Challengers of the Unknown, using the chest & torso of the original Green Goblin, and the arms and legs of the Sentinel. Looks great, but I need four of them!
  12. I actually used the coat that came with Pet Shop Adrian. It worked out okay (sorry I don't have any pictures), but the arms are kind of ridiculous. It's really just a placeholder until there's a decent closed trenchcoat. I will probably give the Thing's coat a shot.
  13. The book was a huge success last year, though. It sold, literally, a MILLION copies. In one year alone. I definitely think that collectibles tied to the comic and not the movie would do well, because there's been a lack of things for so long Watchmen fans would probably buy anything. Similar to Calvin and Hobbes, I think. I'm not saying that they'd set any kind of sales records, but they'd hold their own. Agreed about Blammoids. I feel bad for the retailers that bought these things.
  14. They're close enough. As for being a hack, Alan Moore is far from that. Best comic writer, possibly ever. If he's such a great writer, then why doesn't he love his work enough for there to be merchandise? If he was such a great writer he would spread the love. Because he feels that DC has so abused him over the years on Watchmen that he no longer has any feelings for the book. He doesn't even have a copy in his house anymore. Read this: And it's not a question of "allow". DC owns the characters. Paul Levitz, the former publisher, wouldn't do anything with the characters without Moore's okay. Now that he's gone, it's open season. You can read more about this on my blog, if you really want:
  15. Hey Ivan, if it makes you feel any better, I was almost screaming "Minimate Database!" as I was watching the clip. You do a much better job cataloging Minimates then I'm sure DST would do.
  16. My personal choice goes for the Squadron Supreme: Hyperion, Spectrum, Nighthawk, and the Whizzer (or perhaps Power Princess). In my mind, it's the perfect exclusive, because they are distinctive characters but ones unlikely to show up in the regular line. I also think this would be a good idea for an e-tailer to try out as an exclusive, because if it's successful, you can release a follow up set and become the "exclusive" home for Squadron Supreme Minimates!
  17. Finally got around to posting a few more. I'm still not sure why I'm not able to link my images, but in the meantime, here are links to my blog. Commishioner Gordon & Oracle John Constantine EDIT: images added.
  18. I can't say for sure, because I didn't look that closely, but I believe that my store had 3 SA Angels and one Blue Angel, like they should. I'm on the east coast; perhaps it's a regional thing? Also, did anyone else find it odd that the Hank Pyms come with light brown hair, whereas the previous Hank (Ant-Man) came with blond? What, did he dye his hair?
  19. I'm a little disappointed that Captain Britain doesn't have quite the level of detail on his helmet that the picture on the box does (no white piping around his mouth, no blue on the back). I see from the pictures here it's not just mine.
  20. Hey guys, I've finally decided to getting around to posting my customs. I'm going to be uploading the images to <a href="" target="_blank">my blog</a>, so I hope no one minds going there to check them out. It's just easier that way. They're almost all quick customs, but I like 'em, and I hope you will too. First up: <a href="" target="_blank">The Question</a> Followed by: <a href="" target="_blank">Black Adam</a> <b>EDIT:</b> Images added
  21. Two words: Rocketeer Minimate.
  22. Those only go up to June. I have no idea what you are talking about. I linked to this week's Diamond Shipping List, i.e. the items that DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS is sending to stores on 8/12.
  23. Diamond posts their shipping lists for the week every Monday afternoon (unless it's a holiday), so you can always check that. Here's this week:;c=6&s=428 If you scroll to the bottom, you'll find a section for merch. That's where Minimates are listed when they are set to arrive. And no, there aren't any listed here, so they are not shipping this week.
  24. That was my original formula as well, but then I settled on Union Jack's head instead of Hawkman's. No pics at the moment, because my shop just finally got these bad boys in. No lie, I had my Conan parts patiently waiting for Skaar for at least three months. But, whatever final parts you use, it's so cool that we can all have a perfect Conan if we want one. It's like AA said "we can't make Conan, but you guys can. Here you go" And mine does have gold bracelets.
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