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Everything posted by Mattallica

  1. i am of the mind that i like the simple "spider-man" look to my minimates with accessories being the add-ons such as jackets, belts hats/hair and the very rarley used chest piece where needed,i think the Thing is a good example as hes much bulkier than other heroes but still about 6 foot tall, it shouldnt be used to make up for height. (its Marvels fault if Hulk is smaller than Killer croc, with their size limit, the chest piece shouldn't be used to try and make up for it) as for sculpted in detail or sculpted heads im not a fan of it, there are or were minifigs that were made like this (pocket heroes springs to mind) and they flopped, i say keep our minimates simple, its what makes them unique. whats the point of all this detail anyway with no nose,and dont tell me they plan on changing that next or im done. my $.02
  2. wow a big thankyou to Shane and DST good luck to all and Happy Halloween!
  3. **click on the thumbnails to open them into full size pics** Links to all pages containing my customs because we dont already have enough Wolverines- X3 civie clothes Hugh Jackman Wolvie maskless tigerstriped Astonishing with mask Gambit and Rogue with jacket the Red skull red skull vs. maskless Cap long hair Mystique transformation Ghost rider Lobo Robocop here's a few more a simple repaint on Deathstrokes mask to make him more comic accurate, and cut down the chest piece. the Taskmaster and a 3" Hulk here's my repainted "non phasing" Kitty Pryde with Lockheed her pet dragon here's my movie Iceman finally made a custom Martian manhunter and here for a size comparison with his alien buddy my first zombie! Here are some Battlestar Galactica customs Petty Officer Cally Henderson Tyrol Lt. Anastasia "Dee" Dualla Adama and some more pilots (L to R) Major Lee "Apollo" Adama without flight jacket, Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza and Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson my Justice lords Group shot Batman Wonder woman Martian manhunter Green lantern Hawkgirl She-Hulk in her FF costume my Hercules custom My entry in the Zombiemate contest Zombie Silver Surfer source the original Ghost rider Jonny Blaze Ultimate Colossus now my core Ultimate X-men team is complete with the addition of... Ultimate iceman ..and Ultimate Beast to finish up my BSG pilots Capt. Louanne "Kat" Katraine & Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo and group shots casual crew suited up 12/6/07 TOXIN honestly i don't know alot about this guy but he looked so cool i had to have one. repainted MM body with repainted venom head, scratch built claws from model parts sprues. This is the Secret Santa gift i made this year(07), Based on the cover of Cable and Deadpool #45 here's Deadpool as Captain America, i had a ball making this one with the pack stuffed full of weapons(all slightly oversize to add to the ridiculousness) My favorite being the Speargun(i just thought it was funny) and here's the source All Hail Doom! custom ghost rider hellcycle Been meaning to make these forever, finally got to them X-Files Fox Mulder and Dana Scully Cancer man (later to be know as the cigarette smoking man) Keaton Batman Batman Beyond American Dream Zero Cochrane AKA Ghost Rider 2099 Iron man Mk 1.3 armor Psylocke 2.5" Savage Hulk One of my all time favorite characters, originally from the pages of Captain America MADCAP Iron man Mk2 Loki, the Asgardian god of mischief, plotted revenge against his half-brother Thor and tricked the Hulk into doing his bidding. Loki caused a call for help to be sent to Thor, which was also answered by Ant Man, the Wasp and Iron Man. After defeating Loki, Ant-Man pointed out that the five worked well together and suggested they form a combined force. The Wasp named the group, and the Avengers were born. <b>More customs on page 4,9,12 and 15</b>
  4. just got word that i will recieve wave 6 from stuckakid next week 10/24, bumped up again from 10/31, cool!
  5. my minimate grails are like alot of folks here the javelin set and batcopter set. i actually thought i had the batcopter coming to me as i had negotiated a trade for one but the other person backed out a week later
  6. and this my final reply to you, which is all i've ever done reply to something you stated, not attack you! what you said was offensive,you said it about me, i get to be the judge, and i was offended. if you call someone something back it up, or have the spine to admit you were wrong. we were all trying to be constructive until you brought us down this tangent. thanks. -M
  7. agreed, DAN called me out and his post was displayed for all to see, but minutes after my response was posted both were deleted, now I'M SURE IT WAS JUST THE TIMING! but it doesn't seem right. if someones got something to say they should be allowed to say it. dont want to offend someone then dont say something offensive. and prefacing it by saying "no offense but..." doesn't make it not offensive.
  8. whoa, quite the adventure! two questions whats the amended version of the batcave? what did you do to your Joker? do you have a better/closer pic of him? -M
  9. let me start by stating i am in no way attacking Soylent Bean but just using his post as it has many great points. >>i concur 100% -Mattallica
  10. Cool, note the sculpted boobs/bustier on hawkgirl much better than what we ended up getting.
  11. Nice job, needs to be in the original concept group though.
  12. i'm not a Smallville viewer, but those are just fantastic minis, Bravo well done!
  13. GOD NO WRESTLER MINIMATES! walk into any toy store or section of a store and thats all you see/trip over is some wrestling figure in any number of scales. to say nothing of the other lines that wrestling has infected like Hotwheels. UGH!
  14. whoops, i was the one who posted the pic, sorry! in my excitement i guess i forgot about not being able to post DST stuff here. Very sorry
  15. The other day i got some new underwear........................well new to me. :biggrin:
  16. Ok, i never score well in these contest anyways so ill post mine even though it is early. for your consideration in the Comics section is my rendition of..... The Silver Surfer Zombie (Click on Pics for Larger View) source
  17. and here's the one i did way back for the comic cover contest. -M
  18. Great news, well sorta..that puts the Kibosh on a few customs i was working on but, new mates woohoo!
  19. i agree, even the more common sets are becoming increasingly harder to find. i have a few sets/figures on my want/have list for anyone interested ( plug,plug :biggrin: )
  20. apparently quite a few others have recieved that package as well.;#entry51130
  21. how did i miss this? 18 pages long and this is the first time i've seen it?? is there still time to donate? id love to help out. -M
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