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super spider piggy

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Everything posted by super spider piggy

  1. Reading all this stuff about "Smallville", it makes me think its a Romantic Soap Opera for DC Comics.
  2. Reminded me I gotta send me in. Gotta hurry! :biggrin:
  3. Why can't superhero shows/movies be more like this? Also, the JSA? If they keep their damn dirty hands off Doc Mid-Nite, Hourman, or Spectre, i'll be fine.
  4. I had one last night. It involved a new collectible store opening. Apparently, they were rereleasing the old Space Playmobil sets, and an exclusive MiniMate boxset featuring the Secret Invasion set cast sans Jewel, who was replaced by a martian with a robotic suit. I then recall Punisher=D, with his old mushroom human avatar saying, "I'd buy it, but I already made a custom." I also recall seeing BHM's JAWS avatar floating around. The highlight of it all, however, were the awesome Project Superpowers figures in GI Joe size. After seeing them, I shoved a Playmobil Space set, the MiniMate boxset, and a Death Defying Devil figure all into my bag before i woke up. Yeah. Im weird like that. Better than the one with the Evil Buttoned Red Shirt or Metaluna Spider though. P.S. Two more notes: Wave 24 loose figures were 99 cents a pop. Also DC figures that turned to dust when touched. I tried to grab the Jay Garrick one. That enough for ya?
  5. On Monday, I got a haul. It was half 3/6 Comics Spain and 3/6 random Marvel PVCS. Here's a pic of the Comics Spain ones. Notice the bunch of bananas in the background.
  6. As much as I like the Turtles (which is to say, not so much), i'd much rather watch Rocko, Angry Beavers, or Spongebob than this. But unfortunately those first two shows are never on. :nopity:
  7. Happy Birthday Brotherbot and Aajpe! P.S. What does the "c" stand for?
  8. What about those impossible to understand manuals they give you? EDIT: Ikea has awesome chocolate, entitled "Choklad."
  9. I have Ultimate Avengers 2 on tape from the original airing on Cartoon Network.
  10. I just finished photocopying my first comic. Life is great!
  11. I thought you'd be excited for the NorthRaider MiniMate.
  12. what are you smoking???? Whatever it is he needs to share. That must be some GREAT Stuff that's just a link to the homepage. EDIT: It's page 10 on my computer.
  13. Another birthday today: The 10th anniversary of the overrated "cult" film Fight Club. Congrats to all of ya! P.S. Crossing fingers for ALOT less "the first rule off..." jokes. They're only accepted if your in a real club.
  14. Enough! This is the Minimate Multiverse, not Irregular Webcomic! Nobody ever mentions obscure as heebleman webcomics. What else do you do, fly North for the WINTER*, as in disturbing and evil, like MrDisturbo?
  15. Good luck with that! The only con I ever go to is a local one. They have awesome guests sometimes. (Bob Mcleod and Joe Staton! )
  16. Happy birthday to the King of Metal and the last of the Maximals.
  17. Even though I think he's OK, I have to say this: Deadpool is overrated. There. Fire away.
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