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Everything posted by MST3KFan

  1. Too bad. I think it'd be awesome to see just a few more things, like the Extreme Ghostbusters... Kylie Griffin/Eduardo Rivera Roland Jackson/Garrett Miller Janine Melnitz/Egon Spengler Slimer/Achira That would cover their entire cast unless they also did older Peter, Winston, and Ray.
  2. I'm curious... After the 4-pack of the Ghost versions of the Ghostbusters, are there any more Real Ghostbusters minimates planned? Like maybe the PeopleBusters or something? Or could Extreme Ghostbusters be made maybe, or are they part of a different license?
  3. Having all four Ghostbusters now makes me really want a Minimate Ecto-1. Sad that we can never have one officially made, but has anyone maybe been planning their own un-official one maybe?
  4. Oh. Wow. Thanks everyone. Surprised and touched to see a post like this here. ^.^ Been a busy week actually. Went out for the birthday to Texas Roadhouse and had an awesome steak and some ribs. Love that place! Also got $50 from the folks. Seeing all the posts about new Marvel Minimates coming in the next week or so...I know what I'll be using it on. Thanks again for the kind words.
  5. So 4-pack Slimer is a solid green color, huh? I see potential for a translucent Slimer with happy face in the future...
  6. They need to do the PeopleBusters, and the Were-Chicken, and the ghost versions of the Ghostbusters from Citizen Ghost... There's so much potential I'm sure still here if they were interested. Also, maybe they could get around the reasons they couldn't give the movie Ghostbusters an Ecto-1 since they could make a more cartoon styled Ecto-1 for this...
  7. Got all but the Sam Hain set off a fellow Minnesotan today at the local TRU and NOW they had them all on their shelves. Oh, well. Thanks to that, got all of the sets in the end. Have yet to open them up.
  8. So much stuff I'm tempted by this year for SDCC... Mattel has Queen Marlena with Cringer for Masters of the Universe Classics, Swamp Thing for DC Universe Classics, and Hasbro has Zarana for G.I.Joe... I hope I can get them, though it'd be cool if I could go myself or knew someone whom could get them.
  9. I would like to see those MAX mech suits they showed off a few Toy Fairs ago if possible as they could be used as cool suits for AIM or Hydra in my Marvel stuff.
  10. Ooo... Are we getting a new DARK Phoenix with that hint? The original one has gotten kinda dated.
  11. This makes me wonder... Does DST have something against making a Banshee minimate in any form? They didn't make one of him for this series, or for the Giant Size X-Men set... He always seems to be the odd man out.
  12. Woo-hoo, got the wave 10 Minimates today at TRU. Also had the Halo series 2 and Pirates Minimates. No Captain America ones though. >_>
  13. My hope would be a 'roster filler' wave that completes the teams that are just one to two characters short of being completed. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? 90s Colossus/Forge New Mutants Danielle Moonstar/Magma Songbird/SHIELD Agent (variant: Screaming Mimi) I have a few other ideas for team completion, but these are the ones I really want to see myself.
  14. The only supervillain team I can think of that they've completed is the original Sinister Six. They're SO close on so many teams... 90s X-Men just needs a Colossus really, though a Forge and/or Banshee would be great. New Mutants needs Danielle Moonstar and Magma... They also did finish the Fantastic Four if we want to go on about actual completed teams. Maybe next year with the Avengers movie they'll release a ton of fan wants in both Avenger teams and villains... >_>
  15. Another is assimilated by the Ponies. Seriously there's a HUGE thread on this new show over at TFW2005 I know I've been posted on quite a bit. I have watched the show since the beginning myself. First out of simple curiousity, then out of fandom. It's very well made and not really 'girly' despite the show's obvious title/what toyline it's based on. Of course I think I attribute it mainly by whom helped develop it. Lauren Faust, wife and fellow cartoon creator/animator to Craig McCracken whom created a number of shows for Cartoon Network as well as worked on a few others. You know, back when Cartoon Network had cartoons created by their own studios? Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuf Girls, etc, etc... The characters are well written and acted, the stories are pretty good, and the show is well animated.
  16. Replace one of the Thors with a Thunderstrike and I'd be totally satified with theis line-up... Well, aside from the mentioned Falcon. Come on, we have the wings for him from Vulture and stuff... Just make a little minimate bird and he's easy!
  17. Have they revelaed wave 11 yet? Just wondering since we're all still waiting on wave 10 and can maybe drool for wave 11.
  18. Correct. One of my Shatterstar mates has white molded legs with black paint, while the other has black molded legs with white paint on them. I'd show them, but sadly have no working camera at the moment. I wonder if it has to do with different batches. My TRU got wave 9 way back when they were first spotted and here a couple weeks go another new batch...
  19. The sword that comes with the Asguadian Guard fits descent in Nightcrawler's hand if you have one.
  20. So... Anyone given Nightcrawler a sword yet? I know there isn't an accurate sword out there for him yet, though if we get the Minimate Pirate sets, or even the sword that Fandal looks like he'll come with in the movie Thor line, then he'll have one for swashbuckling adventure. XD
  21. You know, an updated Lady Deathstrike would be kinda cool, too. Though I'd like to seeing updated bulked-out Rhino and Colossus minimates before that. >_>
  22. Just the thought of a Snake Eyes Minimate would be awesome to see.
  23. Agreed. There's a boxset they could do right there. A Brotherhood of Mutants set, though an updated Mystique would be cool, too. >_>
  24. Today was like a Christmas the afternoon for me with my order from BBTS consisting of the Excalibur set, Uncanny X-Force set, and all of wave 38 aka Shadowland showing up as well as finding the TRU Thor movie minimates earlier today.
  25. Just found the TRU wave of Thor movie minimates in my neck of the woods. Bought the Loki/Odin, Thor/Destroyer, and Lady Sif/Volstagg sets. For some reason Volstagg's hair/beard piece just will not go down onto his head. The other set I saw on the shelf had the same issue.
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